Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

flipper for gap teeth

hey this is ife of ife360tv and i am backwith another video. but this time i am going to talk to you aboutgetting my braces. i did not plan ... thumbnail 1 summary
flipper for gap teeth

hey this is ife of ife360tv and i am backwith another video. but this time i am going to talk to you aboutgetting my braces. i did not plan to do this video until my teethwere all... out of the braces. someone recently posted that they were excitedto see there is a youtuber with a gap in their teeth and they are ok with it. it is part of me, that's why i didn't talkabout it. i realized i couldn't leave that comment aloneand i had to say something because i am getting the gap and frenum in my teeth closed fora few different reasons which i will explain a little late.

i wanted to come and address it, not likei needed to but i figured that i would talk about it. as long as i could remember i have alwayshad a large diastema in my teeth. it never bothered me. i never looked in the mirror and oh my god,i wish i could fix this gap. i have never felt that way until a short whileago. i have never been ridiculed about it, to myface, maybe behind my back. until a few years ago i went to the dentistand she said, hmmm... do you want to close your gap?

i'm like why , why would i and she was likewell... because... and that little thing that someone sometimes puts into your head andthey ask you about it. and then you start thinking, why don't i closemy gap? it just never crossed my mind. i never looked in the mirror the gap first,i saw everything else, because it just a part of me. let me rewind a lil bit as to why i am closingthis gap. my teeth have started to shift a lot, i haverealized that the shifting was happening with my jaw at first, then my teeth were shifting.

i can't believe that i am telling this storyright now. then at some point i realized, i would lookat old pictures, maybe my gap doesn't look so good. i never thought that it looked bad and nowi am starting to see that. because you know when someone points out thatone flaw and you would forever see that flaw no matter what, so for example, if i was totell you. oh my gosh, there is a pimple right here. don't look at it, there is a pimple. you just pointed out the fact that you havea pimple so now everyone is going to look

at it. and that kinda happened with the dentist andmy gap and i never really thought about it like that. it put thoughts in my head but i never changedit, that was a few years ago. it lingered in the back of my mind. i start youtube i never brought it up becausethe same thing with that pimple thing, i am not going to bring up something in me thatis different because i am not trying to draw attention to that. i am trying to draw attention to other things.

i want you to focus on other things. so i never brought it up on my channel, butthe more i watched my videos i keeping thinking, why does my gap look so big? it looks huge!! in my head i am thinking that i am missinga tooth. now i moved to china and guess what someonetold me? different people would say it to me, theywould say it in chinese and i would get it translated, yea she is asking if you are missinga tooth. i am like what?!?! hold up!

you think i am missing a tooth? now, if there is anybody missing a tooth outthere please don't come for me. if you love your missing tooth look. good for you. knock yourself out, do you boo, as shamelessmaya would say. do your thing. i am not going for the missing tooth look. i think i was ok with the gap, but when yousay i am missing a tooth. even my aunt, who has a gap too, and her gaplooks beautiful on her, she and all mentioned

ife you look like you're missing a tooth!! i said, oh my goodness!i cannot do this anymore. but i still didn't close it. the thing that you have to remember too isthat you look bigger on camera. so my gap, even though when i look in themirror it doesn't look that big. when i look on videos it looks larger thanit actually is. my aunt said yea i was looking at your youtubevideos yea, your gap looks huge, so my aunt, i have it in my head, people in china thinkingi am missing a tooth. i am not with this.

i still didn't get braces or think to or planthen my teeth started to hurt a lot. it would shift quite a bit. my bottom row teeth were shifting. they were palancing, if you are from trinidadand tobago and you know the soca song palance, you would know. i will put a link as well to the video andsong. my teeth were going to, left and they wereshifting and leaning to the left. and i am feeling the shifting and i was inpain. then i started to look for an orthodontistin the new city in china and eventually i

decided that i would do it. i had 2 or 3 options and i was trying to decideon one and one day i just woke up on sunday i went to get them on september 4th 2016. i really didn't plan to do this video becausei am not trying to draw attention to anything here and it isn't that i am afraid of it. or that i feel badly about it. i am going to be in front of the camera somemore i have done videos as well where you can see the gap which i am not ashamed ofeither. someone's going to ask me, at some point ifigured that i would just come out and talk

i don't know why really. not that i need to talk about it. i don't even have a message. is there a message? love you, do you, wherever you are at, beyour own kind of beautiful, pretty, comfortable. maybe that's the message i want to share,be your own kind of comfortable, whatever it might be. i am not trying to tell anybody, to do ordon't do what you need to do. at least i am trying not to.

let's go back to talking about natural hair. so maybe you want to see my whole braces journey. do you want to see a video of me getting mybraces? this is when i got my braces installed, theyput on the brackets and then put on the arch wire. don't mind that i am smiling now, in a couplehours i was in a lot of pain which lasted for quite a while. they told me that i would have to wear thebraces for 1 and a half years. hey, good morning i am waiting to the busto get here so that i can go to get my braces

tightened, so you can come with me. see you at the orthodontists office next? so that was my 4th tightening, it went ok,i feel the pressure i'm probably not going to be able to eat later but i'm ok with it. my gaps are getting closed. i have more than one gap actually, life isgood, life is sweet, now i am going for a bike ride. i hope you enjoyed this video. be your own kind of comfortable.

if there is anything that you want to sayin the comments below knock yourself out. i love you all for watching. catch me on instagram at ife360 tv. see you in the next one. ciao

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