Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

fake teeth covers flippers

- there's somethingon buzzfeed that says that twins hate certain thingsthat people say to you. there--'cause people must saythe same... thumbnail 1 summary
fake teeth covers flippers

- there's somethingon buzzfeed that says that twins hate certain thingsthat people say to you. there--'cause people must saythe same thing all the time. which is what? - well, for us,i think it's more like, "are you mary or kate?" [laughter] or, "are you mary kateand ashley?" - oh, wait--"are you the ashley twins?"

- they'll say thatto one of you? - yeah, so, you know,"i'm one of 'em." - yes, exactly. wow.- yeah. - that's a shame. so is the--the reason you didtwo fragrances-- is it because you eachhad a different thing in mind? - it kind of startedwith the packaging. someone, a part of sephora,they said, you know,

"why don't we just doanother fragrance?" and it made sense becauseour brand is about duality, and we wanted to be ableto offer options. - so anybody could wear it,really. - yes.- one's more of an oriental-- - one's more of a sandalwood--- sandalwood. - one's a-- - i can't-- [audience screaming]

oh, yeah, that's very--- it's delicious. - very feminine. - that scared me.- were you scared? - haven't been on tvfor a long time. - i was hoping when i lifted itthat it was-- i really didn't know. all right,so we're gonna play a game, and i'm gonna give youthe paddles and you're gonna sayif it's "me" or "her."

- okay. - and i don't knowthe questions either, so we'll see if this is funor not--we'll decide. all right, who is the messiest? well, someone has to be messier. - i asked for a "both" paddle.- i know. - oh, you're both--all right. who was the firstto get kissed? you must have discussed this.- me?

you've never discussed that? - i don't remember. - no. - do you rememberyour first kiss? - um--- no? - somebody asked me thatthe other day. i was so embarrassed not to,like, have some fabulous story. - yeah, it probablywasn't a good kiss. i mean, i would think.who is the funniest?

who could survivein "naked and afraid"? do you know that show,"naked and afraid"? they drop people off naked,and then they get afraid. - is that real?- in the middle of nowhere. and they have to make itfor 25 days and-- - what channel is this on?- who would sign up for that? - people do sign up,and people watch it too. - what's the reward?- i want to see images of that. - there is no reward.there's no prize.

there's no money.there's no nothing. they're just on tvnaked and afraid. - oh, my god.- you win this one. - i would never be on that. who can talk their wayout of a parking ticket? who is a better dancer? who is a better singer? - i don't think we're very good.- we're both bad. - neither of you are good?

i admire people who knowthey can't sing. i would--some people don't know,and they sing. all right, elizabeth and jamesnirvana black and nirvana white are availableexclusively at sephora, and today you're all gonnago home with a bottle of each, i believe. we'll be back. [cheers and applause]

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