Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

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have you ever wondered what the smallest countryin the world is? although you may think you know, you'll be surprised to see what's ... thumbnail 1 summary
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have you ever wondered what the smallest countryin the world is? although you may think you know, you'll be surprised to see what's numberone on the list! 10) the maldives – although the republicof maldives has a territory of 35,000 sq miles(90,000 km2), 99% of it is ocean. the actual landmass is composed of only 115 sq miles (300 km2) and consists of approximately 200 islandsand a population of 345,000. known for its unstable government and religious intolerance,the natives also believe in white and black magic. in september of 2013, a coconut (aningredient commonly used in spells) was detained by authorities during an election for “actingsuspiciously” outside of a polling station. 9) saint kitts and nevis – two separateislands in the caribbean make up this sovereign

nation and have a combined area of 104 sqmiles (269 km2). the population of 48,000 is significantly smaller than the maldives,and this small nation only gained its independence from britain as recently as 1983. both ofthe islands are part of a volcanic chain, with nevis being almost all mountain. saintkitts and nevis have the honor of being the first colonized islands in the caribbean.christopher columbus discovered and named them in 1493, and the country's full titleis the federation of saint christopher and nevis. 8) the marshall islands – with an averageisland height of only seven feet, the marshall islands are one of the world's flattest countries.this island chain in the pacific takes up

70 sq miles (181 km2) and has a populationof 68,000. although evidence of settled islands originates from as far back as 2000 bc, themarshall islands gained their independence from the united states in 1986, making itone of the world's youngest nations. although it's comprised of five islands and severalatolls , the island count used to be six. unfortunately, the us blew up the sixth island,elugelab , when testing a hydrogen bomb in 1952. all that remains is a hole over a milewide and 15 stories deep. 7) liechtenstein – tucked in between austriaand sweden is the small but notable country of liechtenstein . covering only 62 sq miles(160 km2) and with a primarily german population of 36,000, this beautiful and culture-richcountry solidifies its spot as #7 on our list.

liechtenstein is the world's largest producerof sausage casings, false teeth and potassium storage units. liechtenstein is one of threecountries in the world without an army, and the one time they did have one was duringthe austro-prussian war in 1866. their army consisted of 80 soldiers and saw no fighting. 6) san marino – san marino is a mere thirdof the size of liechtenstein with a population of over 31,000 and an area of 23 sq miles(60 km2). this small european country has walls similar to the great wall of china andis crowned with three towers on mount titano , which most of the main city rests on. sanmarino is said to be the oldest surviving republic, founded in 301 ad, and presidentabraham lincoln had the honor of being made

an honorary citizen there because of his loveof republican principles. 5) tuvalu – tuvalu is a group of nine islands.it was known as the ellice islands before gaining independence from britain in 1978and is located in the south pacific. though tuvalu spans five hundred thousand squaremiles (1.3m km2) of ocean, the actual area of land is only 10 sq miles (26 km2) and isever-shrinking due to rising sea levels. the population is shrinking as well, with 2012citing over 11,000 residents and 2013 dwindling to just under 10,000. having already experiencesignificant coastal erosion, climate scientists expect tuvalu could be completely underwaterby the year 2100. 4) nauru – also found in the south pacificis the slightly smaller nation of nauru at

only 8 sq miles (21 km2). nauru was once named“pleasant island” and achieved its independence in 1968. the country is the world's smallestisland nation and is the only independent republic without a capital city. nauru's mostnotable feature is its phosphate deposits, which made it a valuable commodity in theearly 20th century. it is widely believed that the island's phosphate deposits originatedfrom droppings by seabirds, and since the island is made up of mostly phosphate rock,it's surprising that more people aren't squeamish about walking barefoot there. 3) monaco – monaco is the world's secondsmallest country, but it's got a lot of character. racing fans will recognize it as the nationalcapital of the grand prix, formula one racing's

most prestigious race. with only ⾠of a sqmile (2 km2) of land and a population of 37,000 (as of 2013), most of monaco is taken up byrace tracks and narrow streets. it's also home to james bond's favorite casino, themonte-carlo. ironically, citizens of monaco are forbidden to gamble in the casinos oreven step foot in the doors of one, although they do enjoy a tax-free lifestyle. 2) vatican city – vatican city is both acity and the smallest recognized country in the world. it's most famous for being thecapital of catholicism and the seat of the pope in the vatican. with a population of842 people as of 2014, and a land space of only 0.17 sq miles (0.44 km2), it's an incrediblysignificant country that's barely there. this

city-state is completely surrounded by rome,italy. vatican city stamps its own coins, issues its own passports, and even has itsown post office which is used by many italians, as it's quicker than italian post offices. 1) sealand – have you ever heard of sealand?probably not. that's because this principality is not only extremely tiny, it’s only 0.001sq miles (0.025 km2), but it's never been recognized as an independent nation. sealandwas originally created as a british naval sea fort to keep an eye on the germans, butit soon became the world's most interesting and least known unofficial country. duringthe pirate radio revolution, dj roy bates claimed the abandoned fort after being caughtillegally playing rock and roll on the airwaves.

he never used it for a radio station, buthe did declare it a sovereign state. though legally free from british rule, the “country”faced an intense battle led by bates and his son, michael, that involved rebel armies,a hostage situation, and several shots fired. sealand is currently unable to gain officialstatus as a sovereign nation due to an interpretation of british law that says artificial islandscan't have legal status as such. you can, however, buy the title of “lord” or “lady”of sealand for a mere $45 (â£30).

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