Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

emerald tree boa teeth

what i've got here now is a red-tail boa.they are called red-tail boas because of their red tail. they are a large species of terrestria... thumbnail 1 summary
emerald tree boa teeth

what i've got here now is a red-tail boa.they are called red-tail boas because of their red tail. they are a large species of terrestrialboa, meaning they are not treed well, and they live on the ground. they get roughlyeight to nine feet long, depending on sex and genetics. they are a, as of that, theyare a large snake. they're relatively well-mannered. as you can see, this one is totally tame,very nice. this is definitely a female, in fact, she's been sexed. and how they do thatwith most snakes, is, snakes are not sexually dimorphic for the most part, is, there's thevent right here. and they take a small probe, a thin little piece of metal, and they slowlyinsert it into the vent. and judging by how far, how many scales up that goes, will determinewhether it's a male or a female. you never

want to probe a snake on your own. you alwayswant to have an expert do it, as you can injure the snake and cause damage to it's sexualorgans, and other organs as well. so you always want to make sure that, you know, you're havingsomebody who knows what they're doing do that. this is not an average coloration for a red-tailboa. usually she would be a much darker brown instead of this more of a salmon color. andthe reason that is, is because she's got a certain percentage of hypo in her, which isa type of color form. it's very much like a albino. it's basically the lacking of certainpigmentation. that's why she's not as brown as she would normally be, and it's also whyher tail is not as deep of a red as it would normally be. usually it would be a much darker,darker brownish-red than the kind of orange

we're almost getting on her down around here.they're typically, if they're captive born, really well-mannered snakes, though they doget big. so, you know, always be aware of that. you don't ever want to get into somethingmore than you can handle. and you can also see, see her flicking her little tongue around,smelling, checking everything out. they're very, very beautiful snakes, one of my personalfavorites. they're just, they're just wonderful to hold and handle. they're just so well-behavedand well-mannered, and they're so beautiful.

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