Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

elliott yamin teeth

a medical helicopter landed transport patients. we'll keep you posted. tive? a classroom aid fired after attacking a student with awe si... thumbnail 1 summary
elliott yamin teeth

a medical helicopter landed transport patients. we'll keep you posted. tive? a classroom aid fired after attacking a student with awe simple is telling his story. the update on a story we told you about yesterday.

that aid said he was doing his job. he did not want to show his face because he was promised another position within the district. no form have i ever used excessive force on any, any student. they are my family.

yesterday father of this high school student with autism said his son was roughed up by an aid jean thomas on campus and all caught on camera. he was trying to restrain the student the way he knew how. they want to put the blame on me the blame should be really

on anybody that is in that classroom with 5 aggressive clients should be trained, first before they are put in there. thomas says he never received training from the school district. that short for professional crisis manage am.

on the website it is described as an veterans system of crisis manage am. focuses on prevention before crisis occurs. now we made attempts to contact the district and have not heard back. coming up at 11 we are learning

about thomas and his history.

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