talking about a littlemiscommunication, i want to go over some realbasic cat body language that you probablysaid, oh he means this. and it is completelyin left field. the first one,halloween cat, right? you've seen it before. cat with arched back, tail up inthe air, and making themselves totally puffed up. and we interpretthat as aggression.
in reality what it is, ispretty much the opposite. it's fear. the cat will blowup, sort of tough, in order to make themselvesappear bigger, because they're afraid of somethingthat just happened. the second one, the old, catlaying on his or her back, right? now, when you see your doglay on his or her back, you go in for the tummy rub.
those of you who have reachedin to rub your cat's belly, you get bit or scratched. i call this the cat hug,because what they're doing is exposing the mostvulnerable part of themselves, their midline. if you are facing apotential predator, this is that place that youdo not want exposed, right? when a human hugsanother human, we are exposing our midlineto that other person.
it is a mutual show ofrisk-taking and emotional trust. cats do the same thingby showing you that. that does not mean, comeon in for a belly rub. now let's talk about thebig one, the wagging tail. folks are looking at their catthrough dog-colored glasses and are saying, thismeans my cat is happy. as a matter of fact, they areusually saying the opposite. now, cats will startto get worked up,
start to get a little agitatedto static in the environment by absorbing that energy. it's almost like itcomes in this way, and then it getsstuck in the tail. and then, how am i suppose toget this energy out of my body, you know? and then, it startsgetting worse, right? and then by the timethey are ready to pounce on you or anybody, orexplode with their staticky
frustration, it is like this. we talked in the pastabout the miscommunication that is inherent with catoverstimulation aggression. so that is, you're sittingthere petting the cat-- pet, pet, pet, pet, pet. suddenly, chomp. you get bit. the other one we talked about alittle bit was play aggression. your ankles getattacked, but why?
because your cat wants toplay and is not getting that play attention. we've even talked about howyour cat can pee on the couch, for instance. you're like, why do you hate me? an insecure cat willpee on something to mingle their scentwith yours, as if to say, you and me, buddy,we're compadres, right? so whether it is halloweencat, whether it is the cat hug
--the belly rub thatwe go in for, which we shouldn't-- whether it isthe play aggression attack, the overstimulationaggression attack, whether it is the wagging tail,these are all ways that we can take off thedog-colored glasses, take off thehuman-colored glasses. look at your cat throughcat-colored glasses, their motivations, whattheir reality is, and you'll spend a lot less timemisconstruing, getting
angry, projecting, doingall those dangerous things that we tend to do morewith cats than dogs for sure, but prettymuch anybody else. so that's it for today, folks. you can find me where youfind anybody these days, whether it's on twitter,facebook, youtube. the animalist networkhas me in spades these days, so watch animalist. and also, don't forget, makesome comments down below,
subscribe to my feed. you'll find out what's going on,like for instance, the google hangout that is comingup very soon now. we're going to be talking,more specifically than not, about litter box issues. but you know me, we're goingto go all over the map. all right folks,until the next time we speak, all light, alllove, all mojo to you. love you.
theme song: you're a bad cat. i'm not a bad cat. you're a bad cat. i'm just misunderstood. meow.
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