sorry, scott cawthon, i'm tired of waiting for you. this time you'll have to keep up with me! ...oh... nevermind. (intro music begins to play) (intro music continues playing) (intro music ends) hello, internet! welcome to game theory where instead of waiting for fnaf 4 to be released this time we're getting out ahead of the game
or at least that was the plan. scott, i swear, you are the biggest internet troll out there. oh, it's being released october 31st. okay. let me plan my entire schedule around that. nevermind, it's now in august. okay. fine. let me rework everything lols here's the full version
now! [sighs] you, scott cawthon, are the reason i have an emotional dependence on diet coke but today, i'll be sipping that sweet, sweet diet coke in sweet sweet victory because guess what? i win! scott, in your rush to get the game out, to get out in front of my theories and completely flim-flam the internet and shock everyone by releasing the game three months early,
you missed a huge detail. maybe before releasing the game, you should've spent a bit more time researching because this game, as you've presented it, is impossible let me explain: basically, it's all but confirmed at this point that in fnaf 4 you play as the victim of the bite of 87' and that this game is either his nightmare or what he's seeing in acoma as he recovers from his injuries let me run you through the evidence realquick so that we're all on the same page
first in the months leading up to therelease of the game there were clues hidden in the source code for some ofthe teasers on scott's website with the numbers 87 87 repeated over and overagain two numbers that anyone who hasn't beenliving under a rock will recognize as a key date in the franchise's lore thebite of 87' this is further supported by the text onthe teaser images all of the pictures released on the site basically asked thesame question "was it me?" which seems to refer to the actualattacker of the bite itself but there is one more word we solve repeatedthroughout the teasers nightmare hidden
over top of multiple teaser images wasthat exact word that combined with the freddy kruegerish design of theanimatronics with the teeth and claws everywhere something fardifferent from how we've seen these things designed in the past seem toindicate that this would be the way a child would imagine these creatures if he had had a traumatic experiencewith them, making it seem like what we would be playing would be a dream couple that with some evidence from thetrailer the first words are what is it you think you see making us question thereality of the images in the game but
there was also something that everyoneseemed to overlook about this trailer the appearance of the number four (4) scottdoesn't do things randomly as i'm sure we're all aware by now and notice the movement of the four itstarts off in a horizontal plane like it was laying down on something say a bedbut then wakes up to stand vertically before the trailer ends even thatremnant red rectangle is meant to symbolize the bed everything seems to be letting us knowthat what we're seeing isn`t really real it's a dream or better yet a nightmare
now fast forward to the game's releaseor i suppose casually meander to the game's release it wasn't too longafterwards and we see that this theory still holds flowers and iv and pillswill occasionally show up next to your bed classical medical supplies that show usthat this is a child in recovery foxy who's hiding in a closet willtransform back to a plush toy if you hold the door closed on him longenough making it seem like this was all a dreamor hallucination and of course the biggest piece ofevidence of all the cut scene that ends
night 5 which if you don't want aspoiler click here to skip all of you skip now good actually shows the bite of 87' takeplace in the mouth of the golden fredbear this is further supported bythe quote on quote boss of the game being that same golden fredbear we're in thefinal night he's the one who ends up stalking youall the other animatronics disappear you're being haunted by the suit thatbit you so yeah that fits all the evidencepoints to the victim of 87' being our protagonist the character were playingas in fnaf 4 good job scott
you finally put together a game with acoherent plot line except you didn't scott cawthon if all of usare writing our theory then you sir are wrong just when it looked like you were makinga game that actually adhere to its own lure you also made a game that iscompletely impossible from a scientific perspective loyaltheorists it's time we give scott's latest bag of tricks a little lesson inreal life science while frontal lobe injuries aren't as uncommon as peoplethink actually they happen all the time in caraccidents playing football
falling down etc having your wholefrontal lobe it off as a much more profound impact on mental and physicalfunctions it would come with a whole slew of symptoms from motor skill impairmenttoo nervous system issues but the side effects where most concerned with todaywould all these psychological removal of the frontal lobe significantly impactsthe victims ability to process certain types of stimuli specifically fearstimuli let me give you some back story in thegood old nineteen forties and fifties psychiatrists often thought the best wayto cure problems with the brain where to cut pieces out. feeling depressed?
well let's slice that out. overlyaggressive? that chunk probably wasn't important as such there are extremelywell documented studies of patients without frontal lobes and what'sfascinating about them was what happened to their fear response patients withouta frontal lobe become uninhibited because they no longer have a fearresponse way back in my fallout episode we looked in depth at the most famousaccidental lobotomy in history phineas gage who literally had an ironrod shot straight through his head completely destroying his left frontallobe one of the most striking differences between pre-poll phineas andpost poll phineas with his sense of
inhibition and by that i mean post-pollphineas had none he had no sense of caution no sense offear or self-consciousness he was described to be impulsive to thepoint of being rude and vulgar in public no fear no anxiety no social pressureanywhere going back to the one of the things scott does a great jobof throughout the fnaf franchise is putting you in the eyes of mike orjeremy or whoever we feel invested in our protagonist because we are thatcharacter but in this case that's scientifically impossible
specifically because of the bite of 87'if the main character this game truly is little timmy lost-a-lobe he wouldn't wander around the houseclicking a flashlight on and off why would he he doesn't care becausetragically he no longer has the capacity to care his brain structure no longer allows itas if this weren't enough a frontal lobe injury also tampers withconcentration and attention span the main character in the game is stillsupposed to be concentrated over a long period of multiple hours but the thingis patients without frontal lobes don't
have this ability in fact they can onlystay focused on what they see immediately happening in front of them achild missing a frontal lobe who repeatedly turned a flashlight on andoff in a hallway without seeing anything would lose interest they wouldn't have the mental wiringnecessary to concentrate on self-preservation they would literally just go back to bed the game is impossible the way it'sbeing presented because it would literally be over before it began
but the final and biggest nail in thecoffin for this one is how frontal lobe injuries affect the imagination the frontal lobe controls a ton ofmental processing abilities including dreams you might think that anuncontrollable imagination would lead to exactly the kind of nightmares orhallucinations you see in this game but in fact it's the exact opposite rigorousstudies have been done on the imaginations and dream states oflobotomize patients while patients without a frontal lobe can have dreams one thing they can't have his nightmares
patients missing a frontal lobe carrytheir lack of fear and inhibition straight into their dreams and why not it makes sense if the mind isn'tregistering fear consciously there's no reason to process it subconsciously in adream studies show that lobotomize patientscan dream about idyllic scenarios money fame, praise but they can't dream aboutthe monsters under the bed or in this case the foxy in the closet making the nightmare state of fnaf four(4)impossible for the victim of the bite of 87' in fact going back to the dark daysof psychiatry
some patients who experience the kind ofrecurring nightmare we see in fnaf four (4) actually have their frontal lobesintentionally removed to stop these dreams from happening one famous case describes a patient whois experiencing a recurring dream of being chased by ferocious animals afterthe patient received the lobotomy in 1953 yes he still had the dream butwould instead described it as being a nice dream with some nice animals hisvisions in the dream were no longer threatening the animals were happy he was happy and he was no longer ableto perceive any of the fear he once had
prior to the surgery so scientificallyspeaking there is no single way the main character of nap for can be the fight of87' victim like scott seems to have indicated sure the game could be aboutanother kid i guess that would be lame no this gameis meant to be about the victim of the bite of 87' the poor kid who wasn't just attacked atthe restaurant but continues to be tortured through nightmarish visionsdreams coma induced hallucinations whatever i have zero doubt that that'swhat scott intended but the fact of the matter is he just didn't do enoughhomework a kid with those sorts of
injuries wouldn't care about thosethings in the first place he would have no fear and there would beno animatronics real or imaginary that would be able to keep him up atnight biologically speaking nothing he would be experiencing wouldbe any scarier than the fan sorry scott better luck in themovie but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching so that's the science of fnaf 4 buti'm working on picking apart the lore now it will take a few weeks so makesure you subscribe to get notified of
when that comes out and to help you waitclick here to check out my all new theory on how the characters and dragonball z pull off their famous kamehameha waves the science behind it all isactually incredibly cool i mean who hasn't wanted the ability toshoot energy beams out of their hands right so anyway click there to check it out orif you're in the mood for more fnaf goodness binge-watched more creepytheories on the franchise by jump scaring this box right here now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go geta lobotomy so i don't have a fear
response to that fan anymore ugh, the fan, it's purple now forgetpurple man purple fan uuuuuggghhh my arch-nemesis lives on oh and by theway get comfortable the steam page for this says at the endof the original story which means they're going to be plenty more on theway we have yet to leave freddy fazbear's
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