Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

dream moods false teeth

so we're off the train and this marks thestart of the inca trail. so i guess we should explain that we aren'tdoing the traditional i... thumbnail 1 summary
dream moods false teeth

so we're off the train and this marks thestart of the inca trail. so i guess we should explain that we aren'tdoing the traditional inca trail. normally you can do a four day walk or a 10day walk. we're actually only doing a two day walk. we're not really lazy it is just kind of howit happened. come on we are. maybe, maybe just a little bit. we crave our comfort. so basically we're going to be hiking fora full day and then we're going to get to

our aguas calientes and stay in a hotel. we're not staying in tents. and then the following day we'll be touringmachu picchu with a guide and like learning the history of the place. so i guess really it is only one day walkingthe inca trail but we're going to say two to feel a little better about ourselves. so within five minutes of walking we've alreadyreached our first inca site. this is amazing. more than five hundred years ago there wereso many people hiking on the inca trails to

get to machu picchu. this is because machu picchu was a holy cityfor them. pachacuti is the famous person here. we consider to him as alexander the greatof the andes. so i think at this point we've probably beenhiking for an hour and a half or two. how are you feeling? i'm hot, i'm sweaty and we've been going uphillalmost the entire way. so i'm looking forward to hitting the lunchpoint and then going downhill all the way to machu picchu.

same here! sam is really getting into his photographyover there. coming? how is the walk? i'm still tired. still tired? still sweaty? oh, yeah. but we're still walking.

still going at it. still walking in desperate need of a showerat the end of this. and maybe ice cream? maybe ice cream. more like a hot springs. so we are half way done the hike. what is something that has really surprisedyou so far? i guess maybe how the vegetation keeps changing. like when we first started out the trek itwas green.

sure. but like now as we're getting deeper intothe mountains and like closer to waterfalls and rivers it is really lush and there islots of moss. and the temperatures is actually a bit cooler. like before i was sweating and it was reallyhumid but now the temperature is starting to drop which is really really nice. we've almost made it to the archaeologicalsite that we can see off in the distance. wiã±ay wayna. straight ahead!

360! this place is divided into three parts. okay. so it is similar to machu picchu. the only difference is that machu picchu ismuch much bigger than this. in this area where the terraces are thosepeople find the remains of the coca plants. you know coca was one important plant forthe quechua for the inca people. oh yeah. they used coca as the currency.

they used coca for medicine purposes. they used coca for religious purposes. it looks like beans to me. but it is llama poop. so what we've encountered the monkey steps. i think this is going to require climbingon all fours. let's go. do the monkey. that's not very monkey like.

well, it is not very monkey like. so what! so we've reached intipunku and this is wherewe're going to get our first view of machu picchu. and considering how long we've walked i thinkwe've earned it. intipunku. this way. triumphant! where did we make it to?

we it to the sun gate. barely. machu picchu! we made it. i know. after that long hike. it is amazing. and we're so lucky to have views like thisbecause apparently it was raining for three days before we did this hike.

and we have sunshine and blue skies and thelost city is waiting for us. just over there. going for the llama selfie. going for the llama selfie. hi llama. let's be friends. or ignore me. so that is a wrap from machu picchu. we finished the hike and tomorrow we'll beback to actually explore the lost city.

yeah, we have two days to do that so thatis awesome. we can't wait. so do you think people will be able to guesswhere we are based on the landscape? i'm not too sure. it's quite foggy right now. where could we be? what could be off in the distance? good question. should we tell?

yes. it is machu picchu. machu picchu. that is machu picchu guys. breathtaking is it not? this is a baby llama having breakfast. breakfast time. can you give us an update on the current situation? so the current situation is that it has stoppedraining.

and it is starting to clear a bit. we're hopeful. right now it is eight thirty six, and we'rehopeful that maybe around ten or eleven, if it doesn't rain again, that we'll have somesunshine. clear visibility of machu picchu. get those iconic views. yeah. we know that the quechua people were ableto mummify people. but they used to mummify some important peoplefrom their culture.

so they used to mummify to the royal family,they used to mummify to some people who were part of the high class people. so then they'd take the bodies. the mummies into the cave and they'd put themyou know in the fetal position because they used to believe that they could enter intoa different life after this life. rocking the new hats. the chuyos. so the soldiers possibly used this to placethe torch. the fire.

but also they could maybe place here a petwhich was maybe a llama or this was maybe an alpaca that they would use to sacrificein one of the temples. so here we're checking out an inca toilet. is it an en-suite? i'd say so. what are we doing audrey? getting our machu picchu stamp. so this one is yours. ready.

ta da. welcome to my home. this is the living area. it still needs to be furnished. and this over here is going to be a littlereading nook and i'm put my books there, there and there. alright, so we found a nice quiet spot hereand i want to know your impressions of coming back to machu picchu for a second time? coming back a second time.

honestly, it is still amazing. it is still impressed me. it still has that 'wow factor' like six orseven years later. i think it is just one of those sites thatis i don't know, so special, and also it always looks different because the weather here changesso dramatically and it changes so quickly. so like when we first got here in the morningit was super cold and foggy and we couldn't even see machu picchu but now it is like thesun is starting to come out and the sky is starting to clear so it is really cool justhanging out here for a few hours and seeing how it all changes.

so yeah, i'm glad i came back. okay, so sam, you visited machu picchu aboutsix years ago, how has does this trip compare to that one? this is like night and day. six years ago i was the ultimate cheapskatebackpacker. i came to machu picchu using the cheapesttransportation route possible. basically i took this van on this really twistyserpentine off-road area and then i went across on this cable car using this wooden trolley. it was really dangerous.

and then eventually we did a bit of walkingand took a train to get here. and i was so cheap at the time that they havethese little buses that ply up and down to get up to machu picchu. and i was so cheap that i ended up walkingup and down that big hill and it was like exhausting. by the time we actually got to machu picchui was already tired. yeah, because that is a 25 minute bus ride. so you were walking that would be a coupleof hours. and it is like up like that so yeah a completelydifferent experience this time around.

it was nice to do it using the actual incatrail, staying at a little bit of a nicer accommodation and coming to see machu picchuwith a guide this time around. okay, so now next question. i know people always see machu picchu in documentaries,postcards, magazines. do you think it is important for people tosee it in person? yeah, absolutely. it's actually one of these wonders of theworld that actually lives up to its reputation. and what i really think, what i really getout of coming to machu picchu is just a sense of the sheer scale of the place.

like it is massive. when you come here and walk around you geta really good sense of just how big this lost city of the inca's is. woo hoo! go machu picchu! if you're planning to walk the inca trailor visit machu picchu, you'll likely end up spending at least a few days in cuzco. with it's lively square, quirky museums, artisansmarkets and traditional performances, this is exactly the type of destination you'llwant to linger in...plus let's not forget,

it's also a good place to adjust to the altitude! the following video will showcase 15 thingsto do in cuzco: cuzco cathedral is a place you shouldn't miss. the cathedral sits on the site of viracochainca’s palace, and it was also built using blocks from the nearby inca site of sacsaywamã¡n. inside you'll find impressive works of artdone in the cuzqueã±a style. so we've been walking around town and we cameacross this fine example of inca architecture. if you take a look at this wall right nextto me and you can see how they've like placed the stones so that there isn't even a crackin between each of them.

and apparently we haven't tried this but youcan try and like stuff a sheet of paper and won't even fit because the stones just siton top of each perfectly. so, that's pretty cool. so there is a joke that my tour guide me lasttime i visited cusco. and basically he said there is a section ofwall that was built by the inka. and that is what you can see behind me. but there is also a section of wall that wasbuilt by the incapables or the spaniards. and you can see that over here. and it is quite obvious that the stones don'treally interlock quite the way the inca were

able to make them. in the evenings, you can go watch a traditionaldance performance at centro qosqo. (traditional peruvian folk music) san blas is one of the oldest neighborhoodsin cuzco and it is a great area to explore on foot. the neighborhood is known for its bright bluedoors and window shutters, and it has a nice little square with a church and a water fountain. the neighbourhood has some really cool lookoutpoints with great panoramic views of cuzco, so you'll want to bring your camera.

so this afternoon is a bit of a shopping afternoon. and we're at the qorikancha market. they have lots of really cool crafts and clothesand really great souvenirs. so i did a bit of shopping and i'm going toshow you. you sure did. my purchase. i'm pretty happy with it. look at this. a nice little alpaca sweater.

and show us the hat too. it's going to be really warm for when we walkthe inca trail. show us the hat. and we got some cool hats as well. and you've got to try it on of course. ah, no. try it on. but it is going to look silly. you are silly though.

but i have a big bun right now. we'll zoom in for that. come on, smile. we're going to be trying some traditionalfood from cusco. so we've placed our order and we're waitingfor our food to arrive. i'm not entirely sure what to expect becausei've never really tried food from this region. we've been eating light meals since we gotto cuzco just because we're trying to deal with the altitude sickness, so yeah, thisis our first day that we're ready for our big hearty meal.

so until the meal arrives you've got somenice bread rolls in your hand. yeah, these were freshly baked in the ovenand can't wait to try them. we have two different kinds of spicy sauces. they're both called 'aji' sauces, so let'stake a look down here and we're going to dunk it in. actually there is spoons so i can do it alittle more civilized i suppose. and i will put a little bit of red and a bitof green. why not. let's try that.

mmmm. is that burning your mouth? is your mouth on fire at the moment? yeah, i'm tasting more of the sauce than thebread. but the bread is good. it is melting in my mouth. and it was made in the oven right behind you. right over there. fancy.

so my meal has arrived. i ordered a soup and i'm having somethingcalled chayro cusqueã±o and if you have a look down over here it is basically a soupwith lamb and andean greens. i'm not sure what kind of greens those wouldbe. it kind of looks like barley. um, there might be some quinoa in there. i don't really know but it is really heartyand you can see it has potatoes and carrots and celery and it looks really really good. so let's try it.

oh. wow! that's like a nice thick flavorful soup. um, i can't really tell what these littlegreen leaves are. i wonder if it is parsley or cilantro. but it is really nice. i like that is has a really thick texturebecause of the potato that breaks apart and you obviously have the grains and the meat. i still haven't tried the meat.

here is my lamb. so yeah, that is really nice. it's the kind of dish you want to order ona really cold day to warm you up. and i like that it is served in a nice cutelittle bowl that you can warm up your hands. i'm a little bit chilly in case you can'ttell. so yeah, good soup. and you ordered something called pachapapaand we're not entirely sure if that is a name that the restaurant gave to the meal or ifthat is really what the meal is called in this part of peru.

yeah, we have no idea we just came to thisrestaurant, ordered it on a whim and so what i'm thrilled about is that if we take a lookat our my plate is that i've got a lot of different stuff going on. i've got a salad, i've got the meat, i'vegot the tamale, i've got potatoes covered in cheese and i have some kind of stuffedpepper. but being the carnivore that i am i thinki will try the meat first. and can you tell us what kind of meat thisis? because it is not beef. yeah, it is alpaca meat.

alpaca? indeed! so pretty special. dig in. i've never tried alpaca before. does it taste like beef? chicken or fish? it tastes something like of in between chickenand beef. this particular cut is really tender and ithas a lot of seasonings on it so it is quite

good. it's not as game-y as i thought it would be. alright, time to try my tamale. and the tamale is made with corn. yellow corn. that's one of the best tamales i've ever had. i think it's got cheese. yeah, it's got cheese in there. oh, my.

i have food envy all of a sudden. that is so good. you better hope i share with you. okay, so my kind husband is willing to sharethis stuffed pepper which i was told has beef and vegetables and melted cheese on top. so let's take a good chunk since he's in themood to share. it's not so much i'm in the mood to share. i'm just not sure i can eat it all myself. mmmmm.

that's like ground beef and man that is actuallyspicy. my tongue is on fire right now. but it is tasty obviously because i'm stillchewing. but yeah, nice. i like that you have a very full plate andyou get to sample a little bit of everything. so we tried to make this as authentic of ameal in cusco as we possibly could, so i got my cusqueã±a beer. and tomorrow we're going to try and find cuy. we are now visiting the pisco museum whichis a bit unusual.

it is not exactly a museum in the sense thatyou walk around and look at pisco bottles or anything like that. it is more like a bar and you come here todrink pisco. so we've just placed our order and we're waitingfor our drinks to arrive. so they had a special happening at the barso we've ordered four glasses of chicanos which are made with pisco, ginger ale anda few drops of bitter. and we were able to choose different flavors. we have strawberry, cinnamon, this is a classicand this one is the one you like. what is that?

licorice. anise. alright. let's start drinking. okay, so first up the classic. that is good. i can taste the alcohol but it is not so strongthat it is like burning my throat. it is like a nice summery drink. very good.

bottoms up for samuel jeffery. yeah, i'm trying one of my favorite ones. so, i have high expectations. high expectations he says. and unlike your strawberry the anise is stronglystrongly flavorful here. oh, that means i would not like it. that means i won't be sharing this one atall. and now for a sip of the strawberry. it doesn't have a strong strawberry flavor.

i don't know if they've added a syrup or ifit is natural fruit. i mean there is one little piece of strawberryin there but i don't think that is flavoring the whole glass. yeah, a nice girly drink. and the last one for me to try is the cinnamonflavor. okay, that one is not nearly as strongly asflavored. so, anise for the win. plaza de armas is the beating heart of cuzco. the square is flanked by a jesuit church andcathedral, and there are also plenty of bars,

restaurants, and tour agencies around theperimeter. during the day you'll find locals and touristshanging out in the square, and if you get lucky, you might just encounter a performancefollowed by a demonstration like we did. the inca museum is one of the main museumsin town and it has rooms dedicated to different periods of inca and spanish history. you can also see women weaving rugs and tapestriesby hand in the central courtyard. so we somehow ended up at the chocolate museumin cuzco. it is very small but you can learn the historyof how chocolate is made and the whole process. and they also have like these little beans.

apparently, that is what cocoa beans looklike. who knew. i'm kind of hoping that they have chocolatethat we can sample somewhere but i haven't come across that yet. fingers crossed. so did you get to try any chocolate? no, free samples but they have a cool placein the store where we can purchase chocolate and they also have a cafe as well. and they have lots of interesting flavorslike there is spicy chocolate, cinnamon chocolate,

cocoa leaf chocolate. a bit of everything. if you have any chocolate lovers in your family,or as among friends, definitely a good gift to pick up here. great souvenir. qurikancha was an inca temple built to thesun god, inti, and it is believed that the walls of this temple were once covered insheets of gold. if the temple looks like it has various layersof construction, that's because when the spaniards arrived, they demolished the original templeand used the foundations to build the church

of santo domingo on the site. the church of the society of jesus is a historicjesuit church. it's worth a quick visit if you're in thearea. okay, so time to spew off a few facts aboutguinea pig. yeah, so the cuy is something we've been wantingto try for a while now. it is one of the most traditional peruvianfoods you can possibly get. it originates from the andes. it is a rodent. and apparently the meat is very high in proteinand low in cholesterol.

so it is healthy for you! yeah, exactly. who would have known. this is a perfect meal to have just beforeour hike to machu picchu. so another fun fact, because i know you guysreally like those is that if you visit cusco cathedral, once you go inside you'll see thatthere is a painting of jesus and the 12 disciples enjoying their last supper and guess whatthey're eating? it's a guinea pig and it is lying on its backwith its little paws up in the air. so if guinea pig is good enough for jesusand his disciples we can certainly eat it

while we're in cusco. and they were kind enough to let us go takea look at how it is being cooked and prepared. so let's go walk over and check out the woodfire burning oven. that is where our cuy is being made. so our dinner has arrived and i'm trying notto look at the guinea pig in the face because it kind of reminds me of my sister's two petchinchillas but there it is on the plate. and it comes with a few sides so if you lookdown here you can see that we have some golden potatoes, some fried yellow potato actuallyand we have a little salad and we also have a stuffed pepper with cheese melted over top.

so yes, i guess the next step is to dig into our cuy. so our server has kindly chopped up the cuybecause we didn't really know where to begin and apparently you have to eat this with yourhands. yes, so i'm going to grab just a chunk here. it is time for the first bite. is that like the back? oh, the skin. wow, the meat is quite tender. you know what it tastes a lot like chicken.

if i didn't know what i was eating i wouldhave guessed it was chicken. that's good to know. it makes me a feel a little better about takingmy first bite. i think i have the back and the hind leg. i'm just taking little nibbles. how does it taste? it's like stringy chicken. it is like stringy chewy chicken. yeah, like it even looks like chicken.

like the dark meat on a chicken. so you could fool me but i've seen the wholeguinea pig on the plate. so now i know what i'm having and you justkind of have to get over that because it does make a bit of an impression on you. especially if you have chinchillas for petsbecause they just look so similar. so moving on we're kind of taking a bite ofits mid-section here. so what you really notice about when you haveguinea pig is that the skin is really crispy but the meat inside is quite tender. i actually like it.

we're also noticing that there are some organsand bones. yeah, yeah and strange things inside our cuy. it is very much cooked as it is and you eatit as it is presented. yes, that is how you have cuy in peru. except you are using cutlery instead of yourhands. you have it all wrong. oh, right. that's right. so now the verdict.

if you saw cuy on a menu would you order itagain? i'm not necessarily sure i would just becauseit is a bit expensive and i think that if you were to have something like chicken orsomething else you might get a little bit more meat. but i'm really glad i tried it. it tasted honestly better than i expectedand uh yeah if you're peru definitely try it though at a least once. and your final verdict? well, it didn't taste bad but that being saidi'm not sure i would eat it again.

i just don't like seeing the whole animalon my plate. and i know that is kind of silly to say becausei do eat meat. i do eat fish. so it doesn't make sense to just eliminateguinea pig but yeah not for me. not for me. templo de la merced is another church locatedone block from plaza de armas, and it contains the tomb of two famous conquistadors. so nighttime here in qusqu and it is timefor a drink. what are you sipping on?

just sipping on my pisco sour enjoying thenightlife here in qosqo. looks like a good drink. and that's a wrap for cuzco! we hope you enjoyed this video and that itshowed you a few of the places you can visit while you're in the city. we recommend spending at least 3 days here,or perhaps a few more if you also want to tour the sacred valley. as always, if you have any other suggestionsof things to do in cuzco, feel free to share those in the comments below.

we are on lake titicaca. say hello sam! hey! woo! saraqui! so we are taking a really fun overnight tripfrom puno today to visit lake titicaca. yeah, we're going to visit several islandsand do a homestay overnight. yeah, and we'll get to meet the differentcommunities that live here because we have aymara people and quechua people.

so we've just arrived at our first island. and this one is called corazon de lago whichmeans the heart of the lake. and this is an aymara community that liveson a floating reed island so let's go have a look around. let's check it out. so it is a bit of a strange sensation walkingon the reed islands because it is not solid ground and your feet do sink in a little bitbut not to the point where you feel like you're going to fall through and you know go in thewater. but still kind of interesting.

okay, so what have we learned so far on thisfloating reed island? so we've visiting the uros floating reed islandsand there is approximately 80 to 90 of them. and the people who originally came here wereescaping hostile neighbors. so this is quite a secluded environment forthem. and also we learned that they don't reallyknow like exactly how many islands they have here because they are constantly cutting themup if they have any problems with their neighbors. yeah, if there is a divorce or if there isproblems with neighbors they slash the island up. yup.

sam, time to take the taxi to the neighboringisland. got a pretty sweet ride. so is this the coolest taxi you've ever beenon? or what? pretty much. i can't think of any taxi that is quite likethis. i don't think i've been on too many watertaxis before either. and it is moving. so you have a nice new addition in your passportright next to your machu picchu stamp.

i sure do. so one of the cool things you can do on thefloating islands is get a stamp on lake titicaca right there. another one for the collection. i've got machu picchu on top. i got that one a few days ago. so i'm filling up my passport quite nicely. we've made it to our third island of the day. this one is called amantani and this islandis actually home to quechua people whereas

the first two that we visited were home tothe aymara people. so, we will be doing a homestay here and spendingthe night. and right now we are walking towards our home. so, let's keep going. so aside fr om meeting our host families,what i'm most excited for is food. because it is already lunchtime. it's a little bit past our lunch time actually. and we forgot to pack snacks. yep.

so i'm starving. so before we settle in we're going to getsome local food. yeah, and apparently they are vegetarian onthis island, so we're going to be having a quinoa soup and then just like potatoes androots and different vegetables. cheese and stuff like that. cheese, yes. so it should be good. so are you doing okay? a little bit out of breathe?

yeah, a little bit out of breath. we're still feeling the altitude. actually lake titicaca is higher than cuzcoif you can believe that. and we are walking uphill so keep going. and this is going to be our home-stay forthe night. we have a very colorful room. a little sofa and we have beautiful viewsof lake titicaca. come show us those views. tada.

look at how blue that water is. wowzers. so what kind of tea are we having audrey? we are having muã±a tea which is a local herbthat should help us with the high altitude. so we're just breaking some leaves into thecup and adding hot water. sopa de quinoa. ah, sopa de quinoa. quinoa soup. ah, que rico.

okay, so it is mealtime at our local homestay. what are you having today? i'm having quinoa soup for lunch. so let's take a look at this. and you can see there is a lot of quinoa,there is also carrots and potatoes and it is piping hot. it just came straight from the pot. so let's try that. mmm, it's so good.

i'm so hungry and this just really hits thespot. well, now that we're done our soup what isnext? so this is our main. we are having rice, potatoes, fried cheeseand a little salad on the side. so it looks good. nice vegetarian meal. so if you're going to stay on this islandyour best bet is to do a homestay. and what is awesome is that they have thissharing system so that each family has an opportunity to host different internationalguests.

alright, so we had our lunch, we had our siestaand now we're climbing to the top of the island to watch the sunset. i've also got a bit of muã±a in my hand tohelp me get to the top because it is so steep. feeling that oxygen? are you feeling that oxygen? that lack of oxygen that is what i'm feeling. but anyways, our group is way ahead so webetter start climbing. something bit you. your famous last words.

what bit you today? a plant bit me. no. i was stung by something called the stingingplant and it stung my middle finger. let's see the wound. that's the thing. you can't see a wound but they told me itis going to burn for the next ten minutes. my middle finger is on fire. it almost looks like rice patties.

so there is two lookout points you can choosefrom. to the right there is pachamama and that isthe one we're choosing. pachamama. through the gate. so we reached the top of pachamama. how are the views? oh, we sure did. the views are insane here. it is almost like you're touching the clouds.

it is like you can reach up and touch them. yeah, and the weather has changed quite drastically. we went from t-shirts. i'm not kidding like five minutes ago i waswearing a t-shirt and now i'm bundled up in a sweater and i have a jacket on and a warmhat. alright, so i think we're going to be headingdown soon. time for dinner and perhaps a little celebrationin town. dance moves. he's bringing them.

so we're all dressed up, we've had our dinnerand now it is time to go to the party. and we are dressed up in traditional outfits. party! twirl. so are you getting altered over here? yes, you've got to wear it right. it is probably up higher, right? hike it up higher. hahaha.

[music playing] well good morning. we are feeling well rested from last night'sparty. i don't know about you sam but i slept reallywell. like a log with that fresh country air. so yeah, we're well rested. we're going to have breakfast now. i hear pancakes are on the menu. and then after that we'll be saying goodbyeto our home stay family and leaving the island

and going to visit yet another island. so yeah, we've got a full day ahead and let'sgo eat. because i'm hungry for pancakes. alright, so it is a new day and we are visitinga new island. yes, this is our last stop on lake titicaca. this is taquile island and we're just goingto take a wander around and see what we find. yes, maybe we'll find our guide and she cantell us a bit of the history of the place. let's go find her. just when you think the island couldn't possiblyget any steeper it does.

i'm still out of breathe because of the highaltitude here. and we need to climb a bit further, so let'sgo. so the interesting thing about this islandis that the men are responsible for the knitting instead of the women. so we're just going to head in to the littlestudio and see them at work. chugga, chugga, chugga, chug. you can hear the boat's engine. you sure can. so, we have spent the last two days travelingaround lake titicaca and visiting some of

the different islands and the communitiesthat live there. and yeah, we hope you enjoyed this video andyou got a little taste of the region. we really had a great time here and i thinkthat wraps up our video. it does and one more thing to add is thatif you do have the time make sure you do a several day tour. if you were to try and do it all in one daythat would be super rushed. yeah, tah tah! many travelers to peru tend to skip over limaas they rush off to more scenic destinations, but we’re of the opinion that the capitalhas a lot to offer.

as one of the largest cities in south america,lima can be a little chaotic and crowded, but it is also full of surprises, especiallyin terms of culinary experiences and historic attractions. in this travel video guide, we’re goingto take you on a tour of the city and show you 30 things to do in lima, peru. now let’s get started! so we are currently at the love park. and are you feeling the love? i'm feeling the love.

plant one on here then. let's show you around. there we go. mmmhhhmmm. the love park is a beautiful park locatedin the neighborhood of miraflores that looks out onto the pacific ocean. due to its name, it’s a popular spot withcouples out on a date, especially around sunset when you get spectacular views. if you’re up for a little bit of adventure,you can also go paragliding.

you don’t need to have any experience sincethey offer tandem flights. and even if this doesn’t seem like yourtype of activity, it’s still pretty cool to go as a spectator to watch people takeoff the cliff. we come to this restaurant pretty often wheneverwe're in lima. this place is called punto azul and they makea delicious ceviche and some pretty tasty dishes that we're going to be sampling today. we're actually ordering all of our favoritedishes at this restaurant, so it should be a tasty meal. so i ordered the exact same thing every timei come to punto azul.

cebiche. and that has just arrived over here. this is just the classic ceviche. it is only fish, no other seafood in thereand we've got our red onions. i also asked for it spicy so you can see thered peppers here. it has kind of been crushed. you still get some big chunks. um, you have your sweet potato, fresh cornand of course the tiger's milk. which is basically like a lemon base thathelps cure the fish.

so yeah, this is my absolute favorite. i never get sick of ceviche. my mouth just waters thinking about it. oh my gosh. so let's dig in. let's try it. let's grab some onions in there as well. it is just so good. wow.

i just love all of the flavors in your mouth. like it is so sour and tart but then you'vegot your sweet potato to kind of help balance that. it is just perfection. the perfect meal in lima. hands down my favorite peruvian dish. love it. and now it is time for your favorite.

yes, and you can't come punto azul and notindulge in the seafood but i'm trying something that is kind of unique to here and that isthe shrimp cheese risotto. guys, this is to die for. look at that. look at how cheesy that is. i'm grabbing a nice big shrimp here. it is so creamy. this rivals the risottos you find in italy. i kid you not.

watch out italy. mmmmmm. it is just so so so cheesy and then you havethe shrimp and then you have all of the different seasonings. like to me this is my favorite dish in limaright now. i don't think you got a shrimp. let's grab one. yes, i did but i'm going to get a bigger onethis time. awesome.

for a little bit of magic, another fun activityto try at night is to go to parque de la reserva for their water circuit and light show. it’s a popular activity with families, butit can be enjoyed by all ages. so dinner time here in lima and tonight weare going out for anticuchos, which are cow hearts. i know this sounds a little bit unusual butit is actually really tasty so we've come to a popular place. it is called la grimanesa, we've already placedour order. let's go get our cow heart.

so this place that we're visiting it actuallystarted as a little street stand, so the women who opened the restaurant used to have a littlecart and she used to sell her anticuchos on the street and she had a super long line becauseher food was delicious. she was really popular. and eventually she was able to save up enoughmoney to open a little restaurant here in the neighborhood. so yeah, humble beginnings, but you know therecipe was great so here we are today. so here we have it. the star of the meal.

this is my anticuchos. it doesn't really look like a cow's heartin my opinion. i mean, you could food me and tell me thisis steak but i'm going to have my first bite. i'm not sure how to do this. honestly, it's a fairly tender meat. it doesn't have a lot of fat. it could pass off as steak. if no one told you this is a cow's heart youwould never know. your turn.

time for my first bite. i'm going to try some of the sauces here. i think we have a red spicy one and a greenone. oh, that is so so good. and that is really spicy sauce. you know the meat is really well seasonedso it takes on the flavor of whatever they've used. like the heart it doesn't taste like an organ. i know exactly, normally when i have organsthey're really tough and chewy but this is

as nice of a tender cut of meat as you canfind. we're checking out barranco which is a veryartsy neighborhood. apparently, this used to be like a bohemianhangout back in the 60s. so we're just going to go explore on foot. we don't really know what to expect but sofar we are seeing lots of street art and looks pretty cool. so we have now been walking around barrancofor a while and we have finally come across the main attraction in this neighborhood. we are standing in front of the bridge ofsighs.

a really romantic spot for young couples. apparently, this bridge has made lots of appearancesin peruvian songs and poetry. so yeah, lots of romance happening over here. let's take a walk. so that was a fun little introduction to barranco. what did you think of the place? yeah, this neighborhood is a fun, artsy kindof area. we only spent a couple of hours here in theafternoon. it would be really cool to come at night andsee what the nightlife is all about.

yeah, they have lots of bars and restaurantsworth checking out. yeah, it definitely seems that way. huaca pucllana is a giant adobe and clay pyramidlocated in the middle of miraflores. since this site is still under excavation,you can only visit accompanied by a guide, but this is a good thing since you end uplearning a lot of the history and culture behind this place. so for today's meal we are going for moreof an upscale dining experience. we are having lunch at a place called la rosanã¡utica, which means the nautical rose. and it is a really cool restaurant out onthe water.

there is this pier built over the ocean andit just leads you all the way to this little restaurant. so you're like surrounded by waves, thereis surfers, birds. perfect setting and the food here is reallygood. i've been here once before many many yearsago. so i'm excited to come back with more maturetaste buds. being the foodies that we are, we made sureto order 2 different sampler plates so that we could try a little bit of everything. we ended up having 3 different types of ceviche,as well as causa, lomo saltado, tacu tacu

and more. if you’re looking for a fancy meal out,this place is it! larcomar is a shopping centre with the bestviews in all of lima. the place was built into the cliff overlookingthe ocean, and it has cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating areas. in terms of shopping, most of the brands hereare on the higher end and the prices reflect so. so it is a super hot summer day here in lima. so sam and i have stopped off for cremoladaswhich is kind of like a shaved ice drink.

and i've gotten one that is flavored likepassion fruit. so it is nice and sour. and what is that called locally? mmm. this is maracuyã¡. and it is so good. like, we are dripping sweat right now so thisnice frozen drink is exactly what we need. and for yours? and i'm having my favorite cremolada.

it is called lãºcuma. it is a local fruit to peru and i haven'thad it anywhere else in the world. it is absolutely delicious. that is good stuff isn't it? there is no better way to cool off. another activity you can try in lima is surfing. there are lots of surf shops along the water,so it’s just a matter of inquiring about rates for surf lessons and board rentals. okay, so for today's lunch we are eating ata place called taiken and they specialize

in nikkei food. now this is something that i hadn't heardof until i came to peru but apparently peru has the second largest japanese populationin all of south america. and that has really influenced the cuisine. so nikkei is the combination of peruvian andjapanese culinary inspiration. so yeah, we're going to be trying some japaneseperuvian food today. okay, so this right here is pejerrey tempura. tempura time. and this is basically the local catch.

which makes it. and this sauce is really unique because normallywhen i've had a dipping sauce, like when i'm having japanese food, it is typically cold. and this is piping hot. you can actually see the steam coming offof it. whoops! butter fingers over here. alright, we're going to attempt to save thishere. you know whenever i've had tempura at a japaneserestaurant it has always been vegetables.

like this is almost reminds me a little bitsort of like fish and chips except it is a lot thinner. oh, it is just so tasty. the tempura batter is really really good. and then the fish is really fresh. so yeah, typically when i've had tempura tooit tends to be something like sweet potato or other kinds of vegetables but wow doesit ever taste delicious in fish form. in fish form. so it is basically deep-fried fish in a batter.

basically, that is what i'm saying. let's get a close-up. interesting. are you going to eat it? there you go. okay, so next up we're going to dig in tothe maki rolls. and this one right here has breaded shrimpand avocado and a little bit of fish on top. and i'm not entirely sure what the sauce orthe powder is. so maybe dip it in a bit of soy.

oh wow. tasty? that is really nice. okay, one second to chew this. so, when we ordered this one off of the menuwe saw that it said acevichado which kind of sounds like ceviche and if you try thisfish you'll be able to tell that it has been cured in lime and it just has a very zestyfresh flavor. you actually don't even need the soy saucebecause it is so flavorful on its own. and i'm still not entirely sure about thegreen powder but i do like it.

so yeah, that is like a really interestingtwist on sushi because you have the ceviche influence coming through. so pretty cool. plaza mayor, also known as plaza de armas,is located in the city centre. the square is flanked by many historic buildingsand if you’re looking for colonial architecture, this is the place to find it. the san francisco monastery is located justa few blocks away from the main plaza, and it’s another site you won’t want to miss. you can only visit as part of a guided tour,but inside you’ll find a library with antique

texts, paintings from the days of the earlycolony, and catacombs which contain thousands of skulls and bones. so it is time for another lunch video herein lima. today we're filming downtown. so we popped into one of the few restaurantsthat was willing to serve us lunch at eleven am because we're already starved and you knowwhen we're hungry we get hangry. so here we are, we're going to be filminga video about ocopa a la arequipeã±a and papa a la huancaã­na. both are potato dishes served with sauceswhich are kind of similar but from different

regions. so we'll be sampling those. so the dish sam is trying, papa a la huancaã­na, originated in the province of huancayo andthat is how it gets its name. yeah, so let's talk about the ingredientshere. so the main thing here is the sauce. i mean of course this is a potato dish butthis is a sauce that is made out of cheese, milk and rocoto. and rocoto that is the yellow aji pepper.

and this is something we're very familiarwith because it is often served at your aunt's and grandma's house. so we love this dish. good stuff? this is easily one of my favorite peruviandishes. like i just love this sauce and then peruvianpotatoes are some of the best in the world, so it is like you're combining this amazingsauce on top of really well prepared potatoes. that is amazing. and the cool thing about this dish is thatyou can find it just about everywhere in peru.

you can find this along the coast, in thesierras and even in the jungle. so yeah, and speaking of presentation thisis usually served with black olives and hard boiled eggs. and these are small eggs. i think these are quail eggs because they'requite little. so do you like it? maybe i won't be sharing after all. so it is now time to try the second potatodish and that is ocopa a la arequipeã±a. if you have a look here we can see the plateand it is a little bit different from the

previous one. this sauce is a little bit more green. but it is still served with a hard boiledeggs and the black olives. and the two main ingredients to make thissauce are aji and huacatay. no idea what huacatay is. i have never seen this before. no clue. not very familiar with the food here in peru. um, but aside from that the sauce also hasa bit of onions, garlic, milk, fresh cheese,

some crumbled crackers and peanuts so it shouldbe a bit more crunchy than the one we had earlier. so i'm going to grab a spoon here. it is time to serve yourself. help myself. serve yourself up. let's grab a bit more sauce so you can reallytaste it. alright, time to dig in. oh, and one thing worth noting.

if you don't want to go through the troubleof making the sauce from scratch. you can go to the supermarket here in peruand they sell these little packs that have the powder already pre-made. and you just have to like add a little bitof milk and water and viola! instant sauce out of the bag. but let's try this. so yeah, so this one is a bit sweeter thanthe one we had earlier. a lot sweeter actually. a lot sweeter.

in the past when i've had it at my family'splace it is a bit more crunchy. because i guess they don't really chop theirpeanuts that finely so you can still kind of taste them. but this one is very smooth and very creamy. and it is a bit spicier than the huancaã­nawe had earlier. so it is kind of spicy and sweet. it is good. it is good but i still prefer papa a la huancaã­na. that is just a classic.

another place to visit in lima’s historiccentre is the main cathedral. they offer a guided tour, which is very informative,and you can also climb down into the crypt beneath the church. just down the street from the cathedral you’llfind the government palace. if you time your visit just right, you’llbe able to watch the changing of the guard. unfortunately, we had just missed it! so it is past twelve noon which i think meansit is acceptable to get a little boozy. we are going to be doing a taste test of piscosour versus chilcano. both drinks are made with pisco but they arequite different so those should be coming

soon. so the cocktail has arrived. this is the pisco sour. and this is my all-time favorite peruviandrink. i can't wait to try it here. so how does it taste? as you might imagine. it is sour. but also quite sweet.

so, the pisco sour is made from a number ofdifferent ingredients so you've got your grape brandy the pisco which actually comes fromthe town of pisco here in peru. then you've got your egg white on top. if you take a look down here you've got youregg white on top, a little bit of bitter which is the brown. nice and frothy. yes, that is the key. and then here you also have lemon or limejuice and often a little bit of syrup added to give it some extra bit of sugar.

extra bit of sweet. so that is one very sweet cocktail. very refreshing on a hot day. yeah, and this is considered the nationaldrink of peru. mixing it all up with my little seahorse. so i ordered the chilcano and this is a cocktailthat is made with pisco, ginger ale and a little bit of lime juice. you know who would really like this? would be my mom.

she loves ginger ale. that is a little stronger than i was expecting. potent. i was hoping it would be a little bit watereddown with all of the ice cubes but no that is definitely got pisco in there and you cantaste it. it burns on the way down. i might need to help you out with that onehuh? actually, the first time we tried chilcanosit was in cusco, we thought we were going to a pisco museum but when we got there itwas actually more like a bar.

so we ordered i think it was like four differentchilcanos with different flavors. so that was pretty cool. this one that i'm having right now is justthe classic. basically ginger ale, lime and pisco. but you can get fancy and like make strawberryones, cinnamon ones and just you know different flavors. so one of our favorite things to do in limawhenever we're in the city is to come to kennedy park. and they have so many stray cats that aretaken care of by the locals.

you can buy a little bit of cat food and feedthem and play with them. and they're all really friendly. for us the cats are the main attraction, however,aside from that, the park also hosts an outdoor hippie fair which is worth checking out. that, or just go play with the cats! so it is dinnertime here in lima and we areat a place called la lucha which specializes in sandwiches so we've ordered a chicharrã³nsandwich which is like a fried pork. it should be really tasty. we are waiting for our food to get here.

and yeah, let's get started. so our food has arrived. yeah we've got our pan con chicharrã³n. it's looking good. it looks amazing. if you look down here you really get a goodtour of what we have. so we've got a bun and inside it looks likewe've got lots of onion. i'm guessing it is sweet onion. then we have the fried pork and then the kamote- the sweet potato.

exactly. so that looks like a pretty awesome sandwich. let's try it now. is it ready? alright, it is my first bite. it's so good. you know what really makes a sandwich. i mean the meat is awesome it is really goodquality but it is the sweet potato. i love having sweet potato in my sandwich.

that's an unusual ingredient but it worksdoesn't it? it does. lima’s mercado indio is located along petitthouars, and this is where visitors can come to do all their souvenir shopping. whether it’s alpaca sweaters, chess sets,warm slippers, or silver jewelry you’re after, you can find it all here. it is lunchtime again here in lima and todaywe are going to be trying a traditional dish called aj㭠de gallina. this is probably like one of those nationaldishes that you can find at almost any restaurant.

but we're eating it at a place called republicawhich makes peruvian dishes but kind of like in a casual fast food setting. so yeah, it should be interesting. we've placed our order and that should becoming soon. okay, so the food is already here. that came very quickly. so let's have a look at the plate. this is ajã­ de gallina and as you can seeit is kind of like a chicken stew. it is made with shredded chicken and the saucehas a cream, cheese and peanut base.

and also the way they thicken this sauce isby adding bread crumbs that have been soaked in either a broth or milk and this is servedwith rice or boiled potatoes. and the boiled potatoes and kind of hidingunderneath all of the chicken here. oh, we do have boiled potatoes. we do. i thought we were just given rice. so this is a very hearty meal. i'm kind of glad we're sharing one plate becausethere is no way i could eat all of this. um, but yeah, let's dig right in.

i'm just going to try it with rice here. this looks so good. this is one of my favorite ways that chickenis prepared here in peru. i love this dish. mmmmhmmm. and, i don't know if i forgot to mention thisbut another key ingredient is aji. the hot pepper. but because it has a cream base it is notsuper spicy. so i really love this.

look, they actually gave us aji sauce too. in case we want it spicier. maybe we should add a little bit. in case it wasn't enough. yeah, just dunk it all over that rice. i'm not sure if that is how it is done butthat is how we do it. so let's see if that has more kick now. another quality control bite. quality control.

that is what we call it. now it is spicier. nice and creamy too? feel the burn. lima’s beaches are very pebbly and the watersare rather cold, but that doesn’t keep beach goers away. if you just want to sunbathe or cool off witha quick dip, the beaches fit the bill. so for today's lunch in lima we are goingto be having chifa. and that is basically chinese food with aperuvian twist.

so you know how we always visit a countrymaybe even canada or the us and you go to a chinese buffet and you're like mmmm thisis delicious and then you go to china and you can't find any of the dishes you had ata chinese buffet. that is because chinese food really variesfrom one country to the next because incorporate you know their spices and their cooking styles. so peruvian chinese food is quite distinct. we're going to be eating chifa which literallymeans to eat rice. so yeah, we've ordered a lot of food thatis going to be coming soon and it should be interesting.

peruvian chinese food. apparently there are more than 6000 chifarestaurants spread out across lima, so we can assure you that you won’t have any troublefinding one. on the contrary, it might be kind of hardto choose just one! if you want to see what a local market lookslike, head over to mercado de surquillo. you’ll find lots of fresh produce here,and it’s particularly busy if you come in the early morning. they also have little stands where you cangrab a bite if you get hungry. so for today's video we are at a place calledsanguchisimo and we're going to be eating

salchipapas by popular demand. we had all of these people being like if you'rein lima you have to eat salchipapa. so we listened to you, we tracked down thisplace and we're excited to be trying this dish. so our choripapas and salchipapas have arrived. we've got the sausage one and the hot dogone. look at those portions. that is a thing of beauty. and this is a street food snack that originatedin the streets of lima.

but now it has spread all over latin americaso you can find it in other countries which is pretty cool. different variations everywhere. and it comes with four different sausagesthat we've got here on this plate. we've got ketchup, mayo, mustard and of courseaji. i think the aji is my favorite one. yes, mine too. so we may need to ask for an extra container. and this is like a really nice spicy saucethat you'll find almost everywhere in peru.

it is always a staple at the table. so yeah, i'm really looking forward to diggingin to this. it looks fantastic. so let's just go for it. so on top here we have. look at all of that cheese! yeah, that is a lot of cheese and some friedegg as well. and when we were placing our order they askedus do you want your egg like well fried or do you want it a little bit runny.

and there is nothing that grosses out sammore than runny eggs so we got ours well done sunny side up. so yeah, i kind of like my eggs runny. i like them juicy. i don't like my runny eggs. it grosses me out when the yolk bursts. sam is always like take it away. i can't look at the plate. take it away.

but anyways, i've got a little bit of everythingon here. my french fry, my hot dog, my egg and cheese. look at the sauce. and yes let's dip it into the aji. can't forget that. load up on that aji. that is a massive bite. ugh. hot.

aw! a little messy. give me one minute. this is wonderful. if i were a kid i feel like i would want toeat this everyday. i would be like mom, please salchipapa forlunch. it is really good. it is really hot. i just burned my mouth when i took that firstbite.

but look at that. yeah, it has got a lot of ingredients thatkids would love. you've got your french fries, you've got yourcheese, you've got your eggs, you've got your hot dog, you've got your nice sauces. that is ticking off a lot of boxes for sure. it is wonderful. and i have to say the aji at this restaurantis actually really spicy. it is the spiciest which i've had. so right now we are visiting park maria reiche.

which is a real cool park where they've recreatedthe nazca lines using flowers and different plants. so if you don't want to go all the way downto nazca, and you don't want to fly in one of those tiny planes, you can come here andkind of get an idea what the nazca lines look like. i mean these are obviously much smaller. if you have a bit of a sweet tooth, you’llcertainly enjoy diving into peruvian desserts. there are a few classics that you simple shouldn’tmiss, including: suspiro a la limeã±a and merengado de chirimoya.

another fun way to experience the city isby bike. head down to the boardwalk where you can hirea bicycle for a few hours and bike the length of the coast. so it is time for another food video and todaywe are going to be trying something that is called causa. causa, it is kind of like a shepherds pieif you haven't tried it before, it is made with yellow mashed potato and you can getlots of different fillings. so we've ordered two different varieties andthat should be coming soon and it is going to be delicious.

i love the causa. so the causa has arrived and it is a thingof beauty. how excited are you for your food, sam? yeah, it looks like artwork. i almost feel guilty tucking in to it. almost. okay, so let's talk about the key ingredientsthat make up causa. so you have your yellow potato, lime and ajiwhich is the yellow hot pepper. and in terms of fillings you can have lotsof different ones.

so sam went with the classic which has. mine has chicken and you can also see thatthere is some avocado here on the side as well. and that looks like some mayo. a mayo sauce on top. i'm just going to dig right in. i'm going right to the bottom. it is like cutting into a tower. that is really good.

yeah? and with this particular causa it is reallysalty. you can tell they've added a lot of salt toit. but it just like, when you get that much yellowpotatoes, it is just oh man it is so good. it is almost like having mom's mashed potatoesback home or something but with much better dressings. with the chicken and the sauce and the avocado. oh man, that is good. okay and let's talk about the chicken.

is it shredded chicken? like the one we had in aji de gallina or isit chopped. it is shredded chicken. one more bite for quality control. research purposes. that is good stuff. and i am beyond excited for mine because isaw causa acevichado on the menu and that is a ceviche causa. woah.

so i've got my fish, a little bit of fishthat has been kind of cooked in lime. i have my red onions, i have my hot chilipeppers and of course my yellow mashed potato with a bit of mayo. super fancy over there. and if you know how much i love ceviche thisis just the perfect dish for me really. you're doing a good job of toppling it already. i don't know why but i'm blowing on my food. that is such a habit. it is cold.

it is a cold dish. the best of both worlds? it is so good. the lime. so much lime. and it is so tangy. and a little spicy. with those little pieces of red hot chili. this is my favorite.

i haven't even tried yours but i know thisis my favorite. and that’s a wrap for the peruvian capital. we had a wonderful time visiting lima andwe hope that you’ll consider adding this destination to your travel bucket list ifyou come to peru. as always, if you have any other suggestionsof delicious foods to try, or cool things to do in lima that we may not have mentioned,feel free to share those with travellers in the comments below. for more food and travel videos from aroundthe world, be sure to hit subscribe! after spending some time in lima, we flewinto iquitos for the final leg of our peruvian

adventure. the landscape changed from arid deserts tomountains and finally to jungle as our flight crossed the country, and once we arrived,the first thing we did was hop into a tuk-tuk to take us into the city. so we have made it to iquitos. we had some lunch, we had a nap. it is now time to explore but first up wehave to show you our hotel. it is called hotel epoca and it is super cool. it is a colonial building with a cute terraceand you just have to see it.

so let's go. so they have some cool historical photographsalong here. let me show you my favorite. this right here iquitos in the 1920s. flapper culture at its finest. how cool is that? and i like this one. looks very posh. drinking coffee on the balcony.

iquitos is a really fascinating city. it is the largest city in the world that cannotbe reached by road, which means that if you want to visit, you either have to take a planeor a boat to get there. for many, iquitos is just a quick stopoveren route to an amazon river cruise or a jungle stay, however, we were pretty excited to getto explore this colonial city. so favorite part of the city so far is walkingalong the riverfront. we've got the rio amazonas just over there. and it is a really scenic walk. it is, it reminds us so much of luang prabangin laos.

like it is bringing us right back. so similar. rrrrrr. we can hear those engines purring. yes, something that also reminds us so muchof southeast asia is all of the tuk-tuk. it is a city of tuk-tuk. you see motorcycles and rickshaw drivers everywhere. and right behind us is a really cool building. it is an iron house and that was built bygustav eiffel and brought piece by piece all

the way from france in 1890. or so rumor has it! there is little evidence tying eiffel to thisbuilding, but the mystery keeps people visiting . we spent the rest of the afternoon just wanderingaround iquitos on foot. we didn’t have a map and we didn't havea guide, but we somehow managed to hit a lot of the main landmarks and then some. well i would say it has been a pretty funfirst half day of exploration. we're really enjoying the town so far.

this is a place i have wanted to visit forsuch a long time because my grandma is actually from this area. not from the city but from like a tiny littlecolony in the middle of the jungle that no longer even exists. so it is pretty cool here. i feel like we have a much greater appreciationof where she is from and the kinds of food she has been eating because if you stay tuneto our channel we're going to be filming a lot of food vlogs of all the regional cuisinefrom the amazon. and right now you can probably tell we'relike sweating profusely.

yeah, so we found a little juice bar witha really great view and we're just going to wait for the sun to set. yeah, and wait for our smoothies to arrive. well, i'm feeling pretty awesome. i mean we've had a really good start to ourtime here in iquitos. i think we've found our bearings and we'vewitnessed a really cool sunset. so tomorrow is a new day and we're going toexplore a whole bunch more. we're hoping to visit maybe the water stiltvillage tomorrow. good morning.

we woke-up this morning with the intentionof filming sunrise but it was pouring rain. it was pouring rain. no sunrise whatsoever. so we went back to bed and now we're goingfor breakfast. breakfast. and these are the views from our hotel. yeah, and as you can see it is still quitewet outside from the rain this morning. some motorcycle and tuk-tuk traffic happening. and it appears we're not the only ones goingfor breakfast.

there is like a dog and birds feasting onthis huge pile of trash outside. they almost look like vultures but i'm notsure they are. so this right here is our breakfast. we have some bread with jam and butter andscrambled eggs and fresh fruits, tea, coffee, juice and i think sam is extra excited becausehe is finally getting fresh fruits after how long? it's been a very long time. it has been a while huh? so it looks like you've got banana and watermelonand papaya.

and papaya. ooh. not a bad trio. so we're going out for a little bit of sightseeing. and sam has undergone quite the transformationsince breakfast. so i'm no longer wolverine. i'm a little bit more clean shaven. every time i do this i feel like a whole newman. like i've just got to come up with a betterroutine where i am shaving say like once a

week instead of once every six weeks. plus it is a little too hot here to be sportinga beard. exactly, i had like the greasiest face ofall-time yesterday. so i was like it is time to make a change. so, clean-shaven and let's go check out thestilt village. okay, so we made it to belen which is thelittle village on water stilts. it is pretty cool. but what sam and i are finding fascinatingis a little paths that lead off of this path. like, we need to show you one place.

it is basically this plank that you have towalk to reach your home. yeah, it is right nearby so lead the way. and if you don't have good balance you couldtotally fall over. i know i would. you know what i'm getting sweaty palms justlooking at this. could you imagine if that were the entranceto your home. that is like a foot and a half wide. if that? walk the plank.

we ended up in the more residential area ofbelen, however, there is a more touristy area where you can hire a peke-peke boat to takeyou out on the water. while we didn’t get to experience this,it could be a cool way to see the village from a different vantage point. so how was our mission to find the bananachips? the chifles. speaking spanish. okay, so apparently we found another spotto do it. chifles.

cool, so finding chifles take two right? ah, esta bien gracias. so what is the deal? no chifle we're going to keep looking. puppy. oh, meow meows. no food meowzers. so next up it is market time. i am wishing i wore shoes because it is lookingpretty muddy and i've got flip flops.

so audrey, what are you seeing so far? mostly fresh produce. fruits and vegetables. lots of colorful fruit. and i can smell cilantro in the air. sleepy kitty. so we just went through a really busy market. now we're heading back into a different sectionof the water stilt village. what's the little pup doing?

what's it doing? cats. so that is a wrap from iquitos. tomorrow we are off to stay in a tree houselodge in the middle of the jungle. and from there we're going to be cruisingdown the amazon. can't wait for that. so the adventures continue and we'll havemany more videos to come. ciao. so we are staying in the coolest place ever.

we have just arrived at the tree house lodgein the middle of the amazon jungle. and we're going to be living in a tree housefor the next few days. so come along and i'm going to show you ourpersonal private tree house. around the tree trunk. come up. and our favorite part is closing the door. yes, no one else is allowed in. just the two of us. so now it is time for the grand tour.

so this is the bed. i feel like i'm on an episode of mtv cribs. this is the bed. check it out. mosquito net. nice and big. it kind of has a jungle theme with the pillows. we've kind of already made it messy. we have a chocolate we haven't had yet.

and we have a little living area. that is all of our luggage. and what else can we show you? the bathroom. there is no door to the bathroom. and guys just look at this tree trunk. i'm like going around it here. so we've got out toilet on this side. a little glass sink.

and then our shower stall. just on the other side. that is pretty cool. and we're living in a tree house! we're living in a tree house! every kids dream. so, status update. okay, well we want to show you more of theproperty but right now we're about to head out on a jungle walk.

we're going to be looking for medicinal plantsand learning about their uses. it also just started pouring rain so thatis going to be interesting. but anyways let's get going. we need to go. go go go. let's open our door. open the trap door. open sesame. open the trapdoor.

that's heavy. scary. so it is time for our jungle expedition. and we have to cross this bridge to get backto the main area. right over here. let's go meet our guide. so sam, you look like you're ready for a jungleexcursion. show us your footwear. i've got a surprise.

check this out. da doh. he's ready. and this is probably the most awkward jigbecause these are about three times too big for me. same here. i'm wearing 44 for me. it'll be fun. we'll make use of it.

so this is the tallest tree house of the property. what have you got in your hand audrey? so this is pichirina. apparently it is the jungle's iodine. and to me it smells like mango. (speaking spanish.) si, no. to treat ringworm. ringworm.

so you just rub it? you use it. look. put it. and here is the leaf that is used to makethe juane. the traditional food from the amazon junglehere in peru. this here is the blood mushroom. as you can see it is red. and it is not edible guys.

so don't you go eating it. whistle for us. so we are back from the jungle excursion. yeah, that jungle walk was awesome. we learned so much about all of the differentlocal plants and what they are used for in terms of different medicinal properties andalso for food. and now we're off on a cool boat trip. we're just going to be cruising down the amazonand looking for pink dolphins. yes and maybe we'll stick around for sunsettoo.

we'll see. so here is our sweet ride. the captain. capitano. senor andres. macau look! squak. so we just spotted a sloth up in the tree. we wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't forour guide though.

and this is sunset on the amazon river. so that is the end of day one. how are you feeling about sleeping in thistree house? it is awesome. i love the room. um, we're exhausted. we had a really really busy day. we sure did. a lot of adventure.

and tomorrow we're really looking forwardto showing you more of the property and also doing a couple more tours as well. so another busy day ahead. can't wait for that to happen. goodnight. time to crawl into bed. crawl into your little net. there it is. goodnight little one.

well, good morning it is the start of daytwo and it was sure raining last night. like thunderstorms, the whole deal. but that really added to the atmosphere. so anyways, we're going to go for breakfastand because it is wet i'm not sure what we can do this morning but hopefully we can getout and do a couple excursions. so it is 9 am and we are back on the waterand it is a beautiful morning to be out. we're going to try and spot some wildlife. ooh! we found something.

we went out for a little excursion this morningand we've been traveling upstream and now we've arrived at a prime location to fishpiranhas. so sam, how are you feeling about that? feeling good because you're going to stickyour fingers in and they're going to bite them, right? what? just kidding we actually have fishing rods. and there is the bait. i don't wanna use my fingers.

hahahaha. so we've going to use this small fish. oh! to feed the piranha. you want to try to splash the water. that is the way how to attract the piraã±a. splashing the water. calling the piranha. come over!

okay, so i'm going try my hand at fishingfor piranhas. i've got the bait here. right here. let's do this. oh oh. i feel a tug. no they just ate half the fish. they ate half of the fish. yeah!

oh look we got our first one. our first piraã±a. look at the teeth on that sucker. oh my gosh i would not want to be bitten byone of those. what do you think audrey? that is scary. looks like something out of a horror movie. yeah, oh no. you got one!

show it to us. i finally caught one. it was a big one too. film it. i am. grab it from here. it is not going to move. don't worry. sam's first piranha.

probably my 20th attempt and i was not goingto give up until i got one. congratulations. there is dinner. so mission accomplished. time to head back for lunch but we're goingto be having these for dinner. so that is pretty exciting. so we just came back. now it is time for lunch. so what are we having?

we are having ceviche. our favorite as an appetizer. wow, look at that. the corn of course. oops. dig right in. have a nice big piece. is that some good ceviche? try it.

so we are about to go on one more excursionthis evening but before we head out we want to show you the rest of the property. so let's go in search of some tree houses. we are now entering the bamboo forest. so sam i think you lucked out with our treehouse because we only have to cross one bridge. yeah but that bridge is kind of freaky forme. i think i would prefer the stairs. that is really only the difference betweenthese two places. also think this tree house is higher up thanours too.

oh, vertigo! are they fighting? squack. alright, so sam is going to feed a monkey. yes, i've got my chunk of banana. now time to throw it. let's see your best baseball swing. so right now we are trekking through the mudin search of giant lily pads. as you can probably hear it is pretty squishy.

so we are meeting a sloth that was apparentlyrescued by a family when it was really young. so it lives with them in the house and itis very sleepy and slow. so oh, but it has woken up. it is eating. pablito? pablito. pablito! pablito is having lunch. while he is thinking about it anyway.

are you going to eat pablito? check those out. okay so this morning we went fishing for piranhaand now we are having it for dinner. and that is the big one i caught. yeah, sam got the big one. the grande. so how are we going to dig into this? begin. so it came served in an orange.

a little bit of meat. that is surprisingly decent. there doesn't appear to be a whole lot ofmeat there. no there is not. hello from the shores of the amazon river. this is a pretty cool place to be wouldn'tyou say? yeah, this is a bucketlist item for us definitely. so we are currently cruising down the amazonwith rainforest cruises. we're going to be spending four days and threenights aboard the delfin number one.

yeah, and it is a very luxurious boat. we're doing this in style. we're going to give you a tour of the boatand we'd also like to show you some of the really cool excursions that we're going tobe doing over these next three to four days. so come along. this feels like yet another episode of mtvcribs. but come on in. we are staying in the anaconda suite. pretty cool.

no anaconda sighted so far. but basically this is our little terrace. we have a nice balcony with views of the amazonriver. and yeah we can just hang out here, have drinks,read a book, it is pretty cool. i like it. alright, and let's check out the inside ofour room. so i have to admit we've already unpacked. so it is not quite as tidy as it was. well are we ever tidy?

come on. so this is the room. this is where we are staying. you've got the bed, a little living area. my laptop is off there in the distance. our electronics are scattered around. and the bathroom is just over this way. hi. so i would say this is our favorite area.

the common room. it doesn't get much more relaxing than thecommon area here. we've got all of these pillows and check outthe cool display of bananas and plantains. some plantains. and the amazon. the amazon river is right there. and if you want to lounge like a lizard justhead over to the bar over there. check that out. and this is a pretty swanky bar.

but you know what, i think i'm in the moodfor a game of chess. so sam, i challenge you. so right now i'm going to challenge sam toa game of chess. we've only played chess twice. and you've never won. i've never won. so let's see if the third time is a charm. team audrey! pwew.

well, it would appear sam has emerged victorious. i only had one piece left. my king. that was it. that was my third win against audrey. so if you're placing bets on one of the twoof us you should probably go with me. our first afternoon aboard our amazon cruisewas pretty relaxed. after settling into our rooms we had somefree time to enjoy the boat, and as the sun was beginning to make its way down, we madeour way up to the top deck where we got to

witness one of the most spectacular sunsetsever. the following morning called for an earlystart with everyone ready to board the skiff by 6:30 a.m. our guide had lured us with the promise ofwildlife and a delicious breakfast aboard the boat, and thankfully he delivered on bothof those. that morning we saw countless blue and yellowmacaws, a school of pink dolphins playfully breaking through the water, and sloths slowlygoing about their day. as for breakfast, the captain took us to asecluded lagoon covered in a blanket of water lettuce, where we parked the boat and enjoyeda three course breakfast featuring: fruit-kebabs,

chicken and avocado salad, and hot sandwiches. it was the perfect way to start off our dayon the amazon. woah! hot? i am super sweaty. i'm sure you can probably tell. so i'm enjoying the fan, yeah. so we are back in the jungle. this afternoon we are doing a jungle walkingexcursion.

and we're also going to be doing a canopywalk across a series of suspension bridges. so we're just on the trail. we've got our rubber boots back on. rubber boots on and i think this walk. i think this walk should be around forty minutesuntil we reach the bridge. so, yeah. okay, so you've got your weightlifting gloveson. what is this for sam? actually this is because of fire ants.

and while we're walking across the suspensionbridge we don't want to get any on our hands. protection. so we have reached the first of the seriesof suspension bridges. are you feeling ready? ha! as ready as i can ever be. i mean i don't love these but it should besome awesome views. i hate heights. bouncy.

how are you feeling with all of the bounce? not bad. are you enjoying the bounce sam? you know what, this one is not very high soi'm not freaked out by it yet. wait until the next one. we are up in the canopy. we've gained quite a bit of height since thefirst bridge. and now we are on bridge number three. this one kind of swings from side to sidedoesn't it?

so this appears to be the last bridge fora while. and i have to say i'm pretty proud of sam. he's practically tarzan. practically tarzan. he doesn't even like heights. awww. yeah, you did well. the courage is all there. meal times were another highlight of our cruiseaboard the delfin i.

they had an international menu sure to satisfyevery palate, but they also made sure to use amazonian ingredients and feature peruvian-inspireddishes at every meal. every meal was a delight to our foodie tastebuds. so good morning. it is another beautiful day on the amazonand we've just finished breakfast and we're now heading out on our first excursion ofthe day. we will be going piranha fishing and if youwatched our previous video we already did that at the treehouse; however, i was veryunsuccessful while sam caught the biggest piraã±a yet.

so we're going to try it again and see ifmaybe i can catch one this time. okay sam so we're ready to fish some piranhas? round two. so here is the rod, here is the bait, it isjust a little bit of meat. and so the whole idea here is to put yourrod in and make a splashing sound. like something has just fell into the water. like an insect or some creature. and that is going to attract the piraã±as. and you just wait until you feel a bit ofa tug.

so 0 for 1 so far today. but i still like my odds because the lasttime we tried this, when we were doing the fishing with the treehouse, it took me abouttwenty times to finally catch something so i'm going to be patient again. okay sam, so attempt number five at least. this is five or six. yeah, and you know what, these piranhas appearto be a little smarter over here. either that or our hooks aren't quite as sharpbecause i haven't even felt many tugs. they're just coming and gracefully.

oh, i feel something here. oh, no nothing. nothing yet. kind of gracefully. false alarm! false alarm, they're kind of just gracefullytaking it off the hook. it's gone. it is gone. they ate the bait.

again. womp. womp, womp. so i've been fired and i've been replacedby wife-y. wife-y. let's see if i fare any better. see how wife-y does. i felt a tug. oh, no it is gone.

my goodness. what! the skill of these piranhas is legendary. okay sam, so tell us about the one who gotaway. so i actually caught it and i was about tobring it in and it got away. but it wasn't a piraã±a. no it wasn't. it was a little sardine. it was but it was a big fish.

it was much bigger than the piranha i caughtthe other day. so yeah, more fishing failures over here. so we officially ran out of bait for our piranhafishing so we kind of gave up on that activity. but right now we're trying kayaking down oneof the smaller tributaries of the amazon. so this should be fun. excited? with the fear that if we go overboard thatpiranhas are going to eat use. wobble, wobble, wobble. sam, crap.

just like in finland. sam! gosh. lead the way brave one. lead the way. well i just sit in the back chill out andfilm, right? is that how we roll? apparently when you're in the back and noone is keeping an eye on you. things just don't happen.

don't get done. so it is super peaceful out here on the water. and i have to say i think this is one of myfavorite activities we've done so far. i know, we've kind of really taken to kayakingover the years haven't we? since we first tried it in was it vietnamor finland? vietnam. and then finland. now we've done it in finland, we've also doneit in fredericton. we've done it in canada.

so yeah. cool. this is something that we're not the mostadventurous travelers but this is something we can both do. right? i'm the captain of this ship. and that is a scary thought. cruising down the amazon. so we are about to reach the point where theucayali river and the maraã±ã³n river meet

together to form the amazon. so that moment calls for a toast. so here is a toast to travels in the amazon. salut! wait, not salud. it is arriba. arriba. abajo. al centro.

y adentro. hmmmm. and that is how you do it in the amazon. alright sam, do you want to tell us aboutthis afternoon's excursion? yeah, so we're visiting this cool kind oflittle local village. it is called sanfrancisco. san francisco. and it has only been around since 1974 soit is just over 40 years old. so it is going to be cool to check it out.

uh, we're just going to walk around and seewhat we find. so apparently this village, the reason theystarted it, is because they were looking for higher ground since the previous village usedto flood during the rainy season. so what are you going to do audrey? apparently help squeeze sugarcane. i'm going to help squeeze sugarcane. let's see if i've got talent. rain sounds. spanish peruvian music.

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