Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

dream interpretation of teeth falling out christian

>> wendy: coming up, a christian revival in communist china. >> this was the completely new for us. >> wendy: inside gover... thumbnail 1 summary
dream interpretation of teeth falling out christian

>> wendy: coming up, a christian revival in communist china. >> this was the completely new for us. >> wendy: inside government-sanctioned churches. >> it means christ has

decided to play an active role in chinese society. >> wendy: plus, a boy born with no eyes who touched the hearts of millions. >>> and then an escape from satanic abuse. >> i felt like i was

living a constant horror movie. >> wendy: on today's "700 club." * >> pat: well, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this edition of "the 700 club."

you know, nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, said, we've got to pass this bill to see what's in it. she hadn't read it. it was 2600 or 2700 2700 page, and she hadn't read it all the way through, and so we

have to pass it so we can find out what's in it. it has been a disaster. you remember the president famously saying, if you like your doctor, you can keep him, and if you like your health care, you can keep it -- total lies.

this thing was passed without one single republican vote. every vote was democratic. so donald trump has said, look, make sure that those people own it because it is theirs. it was a disaster.

the people's premiums went up. the number of health providers collapsed. the exchanges weren't working. it was an absolute disaster, and people hated that was one of the

reasons donald trump was elected. he says, make sure that the democrats own it, but we've got to do something to repeal it. congress is working very hard to -- first of all, they've got to repeal the

whole law and then come back with a substitute. i'm not sure they've got it all together yet, but they're trying very hard. that seems to be number one and their agenda. terry? >> terry: that's not the

only fight on the horizon. democrats are saying they could challenge trump on his supreme court nominee. >> heather: vice president-elect mike pence went to capitol hill. >> the first order of business is to repeal and

replace obamacare. >> reporter: even the president made a rare visit to capitol hill to fire up his party to defend his signature health care law. democrats don't have the votes to block a repeal,

so they're trying to rally public opinion. their main charge: that a repeal would lead to health care chaos. >> they have no idea what to put in place of the affordable care act. for years they've talked

about repeal, but for five years now they have had nothing to put in its place. >> we have a plan to replace it. we have plenty of ideas to you'll see as the weeks and months unfold, what

we're talking about. >> heather: and the president-elect weighed in via twitter, saying that the republicans must be careful in that the dems own the fatal obamacare disaster, with its poor coverage and massive

premium increase, like the 116% hike in arizona. and also deductibles are so high it is practically useless. don't let the schumer clowns out of this web." and trump is working on a plan to restructure the

office of the director of the national intelligence. the "wall street journal" reports trump believes the agency has become bloated and politicized. he has turned to social media to take on u.s. intelligence agencies.

he is at odds with them over their investigation into the hacking of the democratic national committee e-mails. trump supports wikileaks founder julian assange who says russia did not give him the stolen e-mails.

but many top intelligence officials disagree. and democrats are warning trump could face big-time payback. >> take on the intelligence committee, and they have six ways from sunday at getting

back at you. even for a hard-nosed businessman, he is being dumb to do this. >> heather: and they are promising to fight trump's nominee to the supreme court. saying if they don't

appoint somebody who is really good, we're going to oppose him tooth and nail. and schumer also talked about fighting to simply leave that supreme court vacancy unfilled. just last year he attacked

republicans for blocking a vote on obama's nominee to the high court, even though it was an election year, when supreme court votes usually don't happen. what is clear is democrats are prepared to oppose

republicans on a variety of issues, which could make washington's already devisive politics even worse in the months ahead. heather sells, cbn news. >> pat: thanks, heather. harry reid, when he was majority leader of the

senate, put through what was called the nuclear option. he said, we're going to jam through a measure that does away with the filibuster on lower court nominees and on other budget issues.

they jammed it through the senate, and so the senate is now operating on a different set of rules. we have a man named mitchell mcconnell, who is the majority leader of the senate in this new senate.

he is a very smart tactictactics, and i believe the republicans can do exactly what the democrats did. they can say, we're going to put through our supreme court nominee, and we've been nice to you. you've got sewe sotomayor, and

we put them through the supreme court. and if we have nominees and you refuse to do it, we're going to use the nuclear action on this. there were a couple of major issues that were before the american

people. one was obamacare, which was terrible. and the second had to do with the supreme court. so many people were concerned about the courts and what would happen if hillary clinton got in.

so the american people have spoken on this one. and the republicans have got to listen. those in congress, they've got to hang tough on this one. and certainly in the lower court, trump has over 100

potential positions that can be filled with district court and circuit court nominees. it is a major opportunity. and the republicans in the senate have got to get with him on that one. >>> well, the republicans

in congress are also recommending a key budget cut, stopping your tax dollars from going to planned parenthood. john jessup has that story. >> john: that's right, pat.

a republican house panel created to investigate planned parenthood and the sale of fetal tissue is asking congress to stop giving the abortion giant taxpayer money. the panel's report accuses planned parenthood of

violating federal laws. it says the organization altered abortion procedures to obtain the tissue of unborn babies that would later be sold. a member of the panel, congresswoman diane black, said the panel's

fact-finding investigation has laid bare a grisly procedure of an abortion industry. >> pat: you remember when we were talking about some kind of budget reconciliation, and obama was president.

and the one thing he said is, i'm going to stand by i'm going to make sure they get their ap prope appropriation, and i'm going to shut the government down if you want to take that away from them.

and hillary clinton made the same kind of statement. it was unbelievable how far she went in defending partial-birth abortion. planned parenthood shouldn't be getting $500 million of federal

dollars. they shouldn't be doing it is a private organization, and they have rights like everybody else, but they certainly don't have a right at the federal financial trough, to pick up a half billion

dollars a year. >> john: a new constitutional amendment proposed by ted cruz and rhonda sanchez would impose term limits on members of congress. it would restrict the members in the house to

three two-year terms and senators to six three-year terms. even though the measure is not likely to pass, polls have shown the public approves of the idea of term limits. >>> well, a 6-year-old

florida boy amazed his parents when he asked to have the gospel preached at his birthday party. mark martin brings us this story who already has a big heart for souls. >> reporter: 6-year-old jacoby wanted a super hero

birthday party, and his parents granted that wish. but that wasn't all he asked for. he also wanted the gospel preached so his friends from school could accept jesus christ as their lord and savior.

cbn spoke with the family by skype about his wish. >> i wanted the gospel preached to all of the people who don't know jesus. i just really wanted to do that. >> reporter: peter

vandenburg is the vice president of "christ for all nations." it is where jacoby's dad works. and they say he first mentioned of sharing the gospel at his party on the way home from daycare.

>> and i thought, oh, okay. well, why do you want to do that? and jacoby responded that he wanted all of his friends that didn't know jesus to come into his kingdom and know him the

way that jacoby knows him. >> there may be many of you here like me, who say, yes, i want to give myself to jesus. i want him to forgive my sins and the bad things i've done and come and live in my heart and make

me new so that i can belong to him again. and you can do that right now, if you want to do >> reporter: rob said more than 15 children and adults accepted christ at the party. in addition to having the

gospel shared at his party, jacoby, who attends a public school, also gave his friends children's new testament bibles. the 6-year-old signed them and wrote his friends names in them, along with the date.

and wrapped around each bible was a tag reading "jesus is your number one hero." >> when jacoby asked this, it challenged me as a father. it challenged us as a family.

and i think sometimes the lord loves throwing those little things into our lives. not religion, but sincere general relationship, to never lose focus on what really matters most, and that's souls.

>> and i will never been lost again. >> and i will never be >> in jesus' name. >> amen. >> reporter: mark martin, cbn news. >> john: what a remarkable young boy.

pat, back to you. >> pat: i should say so. it is amazing, absolutely amazing. some years ago i had the privilege in beijing of being invited to speak to a sunday morning service of a three-self church.

the church was packed with people, and they were so open to what my message was. it was a thrill to talk to them. well, there is more that is going on now with the government-sponsored

three-self church in china. >> terry: you will be happy to know that they're lining up to worship, they're being baptized, and they're receiving the power of the holy spirit. and it is happening in a

very unlikely place. >> i was speaking in the church recently, and around 8,000 people joined the meeting. last christmas i was speaking at a three-self church in taiwan, and i was amazed.

there were 12,000 people -- 12,000. >> terry: we've got exclusive video of china's three-self revival, right after this. >> pat: china is on course to become the largest christian nation

on earth. there are at least, oh, i guess 120 million, 130 million christians in china -- maybe that number is a whole lot bigger. that's the one i had a few years ago. but the amazing thing is

that an unprecedented revival is happening in some parts of china, and it shows how god is moving among a communist-controlled government. george thomas travelled to southern china where he

obtained the proof from inside those churches. >> george: thursday evening in fujang province, southeast china. >> george: scores of men and women dancing, waving flags, blowing shofars, singing and worshipping

god. you might think these images come from a charismatic serious i service in the united states. but they're not. this is communist and officially still atheist and what wong fe li says

is remarkable about this scene is that it is happening in an officially government-controlled congregation known as three-self church. >> through translator: dramatic changes are happening.

god is moving in a powerful way inside these three-self churches. >> george: duan and his wife have witnessed this move firsthand. both are ev list evangelists. the most amazing thing is the lord is raising

god-loving people in these >> george: pastor duan says what is happening in beijing and in other parts of china, as it relates to the powerful move of god amongst the three-self churches is quite remarkable, taking into

consideration where the church has been in the last 30 years. >>> what was it like for the three-self church 30 years ago? >> every sermon that the pastor preached had to be vetted by the government

authorities. young people were never allowed to attend these preaching about the power of the holy spirit was forbidden. you couldn't talk about the end times. >> george: topics on

miracles, signs, and wonders were out of the question. >>> and today you can preach those messages? yes. nowadays people have accepted these topics. >> george: there are two

types of churches in china, registered and unregistered. registered churches, known as three-self churches, are government approved. underground or house churches operate outside government control, and

for decades faced intense persecution. and with that persecution came tremendous growth. three-self churches, on the other hand, never experienced that kind of explosive growth until now.

now they speak about revivals happening in the >> george: thi this former communist party member and atheist, chow converted after reading the bible. >> if you go to the hibian church, you find yourself in a more than 100-meter

line trying to get in the >> george: you know, 30, 40 years ago, the chinese government had a law that said, you know, young men and woman below the age of 18 could not attend these is that the case still today?

there is an increasing proportion of them in churches now. more young male believers, professionals, mainstream celebrities, especially in the big cities, that are attending the church. unlike in the past when it

was mainly the elderly who attended. >> george: back at the thursday night meeting, folks have gathered for a four-day event affectionately called "love camp." pastor soon renwe leads

the camp. he says the holy spirit one day showed up while he was preaching at the three-self church he pastors here. >> we were in the middle of the church, and suddenly everyone felt the

holy spirit's anointing. some couldn't stand straight, and others fell down. some were nauseous. people started crying. i felt demons being chased away from people's bodies. >> george: the pastor

said his church had never experienced anything like we were seeing something unprecedented. this was completely knew for us. >> george: word quickly spread. we were one of the first

churches to experience this in the area. soon leaders from other churches came to us and were eager to receive the holy spirit. later they also started witnessing the holy spirit's move as well.

>> george: the church runs two orphanages and two elderly-care centers, and twice a year puts on the "love camp." >> we have four goals in this camp: to evangelize people, strengthen the family, disciple

believers, and encourage other three-self churches to embrace the power of the holy spirit. and his wife list this as evidence that god is doing something special in the world's most populous nation.

>> through translator: i was speaking in shandong recently, and around 8,000 people joined the meeting. last christmas was church in uwan, and i was amazed. there were 12,000 people, 12,000!

>> george: they and others say they feel honored to play a part in helping more chinese turn to jesus christ. the number of christians in china is growing rapidly. it means christ is

starting to play an active role in china's society. that is good in many ways. >> george: george thomas, cbn news, china. >> pat: it is there, ladies and gentlemen, a revival of massive proportions.

as i say, china will be the largest christian nation on the face of the earth. it probably has exceeded the united states already, that are there. they can lead the world in that regard.

>> terry: you've been saying that for a long time, talking about the possibility, and now we're seeing it happen. >> pat: when you're there with them, it is unbelievable. their faith is just so

simple, humble, and so dedicated to the lord. they put us all to shame. they hang on every word. the one experience i had was just overwhelming. the place was packed, absolutely packed. there are so many people

in china, but they really want to know the lord. i think the government has begun to recognize that christianity is not a threat to them but a support to them. christians are not out to overthrow their government

or to give or start some radical movement. they're there to be good citizens. when the leadership leadership realized that, they eased >> terry: that was actually the message you brought?

>> pat: i tal talked to the prime minister, and he listened and he reported that to the bureau. so they got the word. hey, i'm all for china. i just hope -- there is a military branch, the army, that may want some kind of

confrontation, but my take of it is the chinese don't want to go to war. they don't want war. they want peace. they want to build up their society. anyhow, it is very encouraging.

>> terry: very exciting. >>> well, next, a 5-year-old girl who's own family forced her to take part in satanic rituals. >> we were forced to drink the blood and to eat eyes. if we didn't, we were tormented until we did.

>> terry: hear how she freed herself from that torment. that's all coming up next. paper >> pat: welcome to "the 700 club." we're delighted all of you are with us.

we're about to show you a shocking story about a kindergarten, little girl who was forced into a satanic cult. this little child was tortured and tormented all in the name of the devil himself.

and now decades after enduring this living nightmare, she is breaking her silence. watch this. >> the people you trust the most, who are supposed to take care of you and protect you from harm,

actually did the harm. >> reporter: when patricia was five years old, she was initiated into a secret satanic cult through a series of sick and abusive rituals. >> i was whisked away by family members to take

part in a ceremony, a ritual. in the basement there was an alter that was made out of wood. and on the floor, the concrete, was a pentagram painted with red paint. there were family members

and cult members in a circle around the alter. they were chanting in some unknown language. i just remember being pinned down, strapped down, and then rituals performed on me. >> reporter: patricia

says she was raped and pledged to satan. but it didn't stop there. satanic rituals and animal sacrifice continued throughout her childhood. the blood and eat the eyes. and the eyes were to give

us power to see into the spirit realm. >> reporter: for patricia, there was no safe place. unable to process the abuse, she suppressed her memories. these night terrors would

continue, and the dreams. and my brain was trying to sort it all out, work it all out. and, you know, it's a nightmare. it's an absolute i felt like i was living a constant horror movie.

a horror movie, that's how i describe it. a horror movie on halloween. >> reporter: at 13 years old, she ran away from home. but the darkness followed her.

in her teens and 20s, patricia read tarot cards. and she lived in constant fear and darkness. >> i was able to see demons and spirits and ghosts. as i got older, i still continued those things.

i had spiritual guides. i wanted power. i wanted to have complete power over my life because i didn't have any power over my life when i was younger. any time that i went and tried to get healing from

the occult, the first thought that would come to my mind was to kill myself, which i tried many times to do. whether it be slicing my wrists or taking overdoses of pills, and ending up in psychiatric wards and

hospitals. >> reporter: she longed for freedom but didn't know where to turn. >> i wanted to have peace and i wanted to be happy, but i didn't know how to get it because i was afraid of god.

i hated god. i wanted nothing to do with him. i was searching to be safe. i was searching for peace. loved. >> reporter: desperate, patricia went to church

with a christian friend. as the church worshipped, she felt the love of jesus for the first time. then she felt something else. >> everybodyju)jt thei and i wanted to do what everybody was

doing. i wanted to feel what they were feeling. i needed freedom. so i raised my hands, and a dark presence came up behind me and literally jerked my shoulder. i wasn't budging, and i

said, no, i'm not going. i'm not leaving. this is where i'm staying. and i kept crying, jesus, jesus, jesus. and then it started lifting and lifting and lifting. became a christian and

began a long journey to freedom and wholeness with >> i got on my face and i said, i want to feel you moving in my life. i want to feel a release from these strongholds. i want to feel peace. when i got up off the

floor, he was there. he was there with me. and i started reading every scripture about him. the woman at the well. the woman who touched his garment. i was those women. the woman who was about to

be stoned. i was all of those women in one, who neededed him. i needed him to gradually show me i could trust him, and that's what he did. >> reporter: through intense christian counselling and prayer,

patricia finally found the freedom and peace she had always wanted in christ. >> now i walk daily with joy. and i never forget to thank him every day for what he has done in my life.

never forget. thank him. and i enjoy life so much more. you know, it is later in my life, but he has given me all of those years back that the devil stole from me.

if he can take someone like me, who was involved in all of that darkness and oppressed by it, and set me free and give me a whole new life -- if he can take someone like me, who was into the occult so deep, into that darkness

so deep, who was trapped by the enemy, and pull her up out of that hole, that pit of hell, and bring her into the light, he can do that for anyone -- anyone. i don't care how deep they are into the occult, he can pull you out.

it just takes a few words: jesus, help me. and he will be there. he will be there to help pull you out. >> pat: you know, folks, there is a spiritual reality. there is a god in heaven.

there is a spirit of god, a holy spirit. there are angels. and there are demons. there is a devil. there is no question about the bible speaks of this thing. and those who give

themselves to the devil wind up being tormented because he hates god and he hates those created in the image of god. so those who are involved in satanic worship, and there are those there, the fact that they would

sacrifice their own children and put them through ungodly rituals and torment and rape and all of the rest of the things they did to that child -- that's part of satan. satan hates humanity.

he is not a final little devil with horns and a pitchfork. he is a malevolent creature. but he was an angel of light until iniquity was found in him. but we're not here to

focus on satan. we're here to focus on and what patricia was saying, if you call upon the name of the lord, the name of jesus, you can get free from whatever is there. some of you are having bad

dreams at night. some of you feel like a dark cloud has come upon you and you don't know how to get free of it. you've got terrible depression and all of these things. speak the word of faith

and bind satan's power in the name of jesus. and you will find deliverance as you look to the lord. and if you want to be free, i want you to pray with me right now. pray these words.

bow your head. jesus -- that's right. jesus, i do not want to be associated with satan or the powers of darkness. i want to be free. and i speak the word of faith. jesus, come into my heart.

take over my life. live in me, and i, lord, will live for you. and at this moment, i bind the power of satan in jesus' name, and the forces of evil in jesus' name. and i thank you for

deliverance, lord. thank you, lord. in jesus' name. amen. for those of you who just prayed, i'm going to give you something if you'd like it. it is about what goes on

in this dark world. we also have something called a new day. and it tells you about what happens when you come to the lord. it is called "a new day." i'll give it to you for free if you want it.

call in and say, i prayed with pat, and i gave my heart to the lord. what a wonderful way to start the new year, to be one with the lord and to be free of that dark cloud that may have been besetting you.

you can start clean and fresh in the name of the lord. >> terry: up next, doctors said her son would o havhave a cleft palate. they never imagined that was only the beginning. one courageous mother

joins us live. that's later on today's >> wendy: and welcome back to "the 700 club." chicago police have arrested four people in their investigation of a group of attackers who beat and tortured a man

who is apparently white. the video was broadcast on facebook live. the suspects appear to be black in the video, but chicago police wouldn't confirm their race. the social media video shows the attackers

beating the man while someone off-camera uses profanities about white people and president-elect donald trump. the victim was a man with mental health challenges. they found him wandering arn the citwanderingaround the city in sho

after the attack. the police say they haven't determined a motive yet for this attack. >> bone-chilling arctic cold is hitting the upper plains. from mon no montana to utah,

temperatures have dropped dramatically. and heavy snow in colorado have made it difficult for travellers there. people in oregon say they were not prepared. >> we can't prepare for something like this.

it is an act of god. we had trees falling all over the coast today. it was one of those unfortunate mishaps that nobody wants to see >> wendy: people are being warned they could suffer frostbite and

hypothermia if they don't take the proper precautions. it won't be above 0 until friday. you can always get the latest from cbn news by going to our website at cbnnews.com.

pat and terry will be back with more of "the 700 club" right after this. >> terry: she didn't plan on making a viral video, in fact, she didn't even have a youtube account at the time. so when lacy hit the

record button on her phone, she didn't really know what to expect. all she wanted to do was tell people about her beautiful son. >> reporter: an ultrasound showed her unborn son, christian,

with a cleft palate. for the next few months, she and her husband remained hopeful. but in the delivery room, they were shocked. because his cleft lip was so severe, that his eyes didn't form.

she tells how god turned their tragic situation into something beautiful. >> terry: lacy is here with us now, and we welcome you to "the 700 >> hi. thank you. >> terry: you and chris,

your husband, were christians. this is your first baby. you're excited. and you're praying through this pregnancy. you did know, because of an ultrasound, that there were going to be some

issues for christian when he was born, but you really had no idea the depth of them. what was that pregnancy like for you as you waited for the baby to be delivered? >> there was a lot of

nerves during my pregnancy. but overall, i enjoyed it. it is such a special thing to carry a child. so i really enjoyed that special time. but there were some scares.

it was scary to not know what was going to happen. >> terry: you say in the book that at the point that the baby was born, of course they whisked him away. and chris went over to look at him, and he came

back to you, and you said, tell me it isn't bad. and he said, it's worse. what was that time like for you -- not just for you, but for your husband, too? where do you go with people of faith, with the

fact that you prayed and prayed, and asked god to contend with this condition of your baby -- where do you go with that spiritually, lacy? >> the time was a little unreal. it was a time of mourning

and grieving because we had lost something. but we had to learn to grieve that loss and move forward. >> terry: your accounts of what your son had to go through in pain and procedures are

gut-wrenching in the book. i can't just imagine as a mom, having to stand by and watch that. but god used that in your you really toughened up through all of that. >> yes. >> terry: talk about

that process. >> christian has taught me to go from a mouth to a mama bear. i have learned to really be a voice and stand up and advocate, and not just stand back and be so timid.

>> terry: you know, that has been helpful to christian, too. because to be two overprotective is to not let him fly and be who god created him to be. but god had to touch you that, didn't he?

>> uh-huh. there is a balance. >> terry: one of the things you contended with over the years -- you said it was a blessing to leave the i.c.u., but at the same time in the i.c.u., people weren't staring at

him or calling him names or looking at you like you had done something terrible by giving birth to a child with special needs. how did you adapt to the public response to a little boy who had severe

facial needs? >> i had really no choice but to adapt. i did have two choices: to let it hurt me or to learn from it and grow from it. i chose to grow from it because i wanted to be an example for christian to

follow. because one day when he is older, he will hear the comments i hear. and i want him to know who he is is not defined by those negative comments. >> terry: a mother's heart is so touched by her

child. there is a bond and a love there that is almost difficult to explain to someone who hasn't experienced that. you must have felt so many different emotions as people reacted to this

little boy that you adore. how did you handle that? >> at first it was painful. it stung to hear negative comments because i saw a beautiful child. i guess i was naive to the fact that other people

would look at him and not see the same thing. but i decided that i would react gracefully and teach people and educate them. because getting upset with them was going to drive them away. and that's not what i

wanted. i wanted christian to be accepted for who he is. i felt the best way to do that was to give that acceptance and to give that grace. >> terry: thus the video.

how did that come to be? >> i had some negative comments online and they were very painful. they were some of the most hurtful -- >> terry: how cruel? >> very cruel. and they were some of the

most hurtful comments i've heard. i thought, i need to tell our story. i had the god-inspired idea to make this video and to share our story with the world, to really explain to people who

christian is. >> terry: and what reaction did you get? i know you were shocked? an unexpected reaction, for sure, was what we got. it just blew up quickly. within days around the world.

so much so that i couldn't even keep up with it. >> terry: i want our audience to meet christian because he is such a special guy. so, chris, will you come in and bring christian with you.

i know he is probably wanting his mom for a few minutes anyway. christian, welcome. it is so nice to have you here. >> can you say hello. >> terry: i hear you are a lover of super heros.

>> yes, ma'am. >> terry: who is your favorite one. do you like superman? >> yeah. >> terry: batman and spiderman and all of those good guys? >> terry: i understand

he also plays piano. >> he does. things you outlined in the book that i think is so enlightening, is when you have a child with special needs how that dictates your day, your schedule, your focus.

i mean in the middle of all of this, you earn a law degree, girl. you are like super mom. tell me what you want people to take away from the book, "through the eyes of hope," but also having the video available

for people to see and just even being here today expressing your thoughts, what do you want people to take away from your administer? >story?>> i want people to know that christian and people like him are human beings,

first, they are human and their disability doesn't define them. and i want them to know they can trust god through the difficult circumstances. no matter what the struggle is, god is big

enough to handle it. >> terry: and in your own faith you saw that. although there were no answers to the question why, there was strength and courage and faith for the hour. exactly.

i have a plaque in my house that i love that says, boys are just super heros. and this boy is certainly it is great to have you both with us. you can learn more about the buchanan's story by

getting lacy's book, and it's called "through the eyes of hope." it is available in stores nationwide. lacy and christian, thank you for being with us. on the heals of the new story that we just heard

about the special needs person who is put upon by people who just didn't understand -- we all need to understand to see the priceless gift of beauty in all human beings. it's great to have you. >> thank you.

>> pat: amazing lady. >>> still ahead, we'll be answering questions from our viewers. denise says, "my son and daughter think the dead can talk to them and teach how do i prove to them that they are being

deceived?" we've got another round of "bring it on" coming up as we continue "70 "the 700 >> terry: every day kala puts his life on the line. he was a deep sea diver who had to provide for his even though his job was

dangerous, it still didn't pay enough to put food on the table. seven-year-old tito waits on the shores of this island in southern thailand, wondering if this is the day his father will come home.

>> i miss my daddy allot. mommy and i always pray for him. i wish daddy were here every day. >> terry: tito's father dives for a living, using a single hose attached to a compressor.

he must swim up to 130 feet below the surface and stay under water for an hour. he is looking for sea cucumbers, an asian delicacy. many have died doing this. kala says he has been

lucky so far. he earns just $4 a day for the risky job. >> if i hadn't taken the job, my family would have nothing to eat. there are no other jobs >> terry: back home, his wife tries to repair their

fishing nets. they own a small fishing boat, but with no motor. catching larger fish to sell is almost impossible. >> every time my husband leaves, we wonder if he will come home safely. we don't want him to go,

but we need the money. >> terry: the couple realized they needed to ask for help. that's when cbn's "orphans' promise" started a pre-school in their community. there the children enjoy

healthy lunches. mawa even works part-time there and is bringing in a little extra money for the >> because of "orphans' promise," my children have not missed a single meal. and i love teaching the other children bible

stories and songs. >> terry: and then we were able to help kala stay closer to home by giving him a boat engine and a new net. >> i'm able to catch so many fish and crab, i can buy food for my family for

every meal. >> thank you, cbn. >> terry: i'll bet you didn't know that sitting in the comfort of your living room you could have that kind of an impact on a family in the southern part of thailand, half way

around the world from where you are. but you can. and that's just one little cbn partners are helping hundreds of thousands of people all around the if you're not a part of that, you're missing out

on a great opportunity. i want to invite you to join with the rest of us. it is 65 cents a day, $20 a month to become a "700 club" partner. will you do that today? you do that by calling our toll-free number right

there on your screen: 1-800-700-7000. you can log on to cbn.com and join that way, if you wish. our way are saying thank you for being willing to care about others and be generous in helping them

is to send you this teaching, "the gospel of john." pat has gone into the studio and read this just for you. i love this comment from john in kane. california.

he said, "thank you so much for the gospel of john c.d. i'm a chove fe chauffeur and i listen while i drive." i'm not a chauffeur, but i listen to it, too. this first e-mail comes from denise who says, "my

son and daughter have been deceived. they think the dead can come and talk to them and teach them. i've tried telling them the truth but can't get through to them because their pastor also believes

the same. it is like they're bewitched. how can their eyes be opened? help." >> pat: a pastor -- that guy should get defrocked. the bible says, shall a

person turn to spirits that peep and mutter instead of going to the living god -- this is called necromancy. there are demonic spirits that pose as departed relatives. it is an absolute

deception. these people will be deceived and led into hell before it is over with because that's the goal of satan, is to kill and to steal and to destroy. that's what the bible says.

he hates you. and so these people are giving their lives into something that will destroy them. and it will get worse and worse and worse. and before long, they'll be having terrible dreams.

they'll be having torment. and before long, something will try to kill them. but that's the way it is. all right. >> terry: this is megan who says, "i've been giving my tithes to cbn as opposed to a brick and

mortar church. does god consider and acknowledge it as my tithe?" >> pat: i know a lot of pastors will get mad at me if i say other than what they believe. they always say that the

tithe belongs to the church. but i think the church is the body of christ worldwide. and there are missionary programs that are part of the church. they're humanitarian, like

"orphans' promise," part of the church. there are evangelists, part of the church. there are teaching ministries, part of the and you go through the list. so you're tithe belongs to

the church, sure, but that's the worldwide, not necessarily -- i don't know why the fact that 10 or 20 or 30 or 100 people get together to have a congregation and suddenly it gives them superior claim on people's tithes.

if you made a commitment and you pledge so much, you fulfill your commitment. but other than that, whatever the lord is speaking to you, and the example was milkisadec and abraham.

and the thought was you give a tithe where you are blessed. >> terry: this is bernadine who says, "i'm having negative thoughts from the enemy and unbelief in my mind. i want to find a scripture

i can memorize to help me. what do you suggest?" >> pat: the 103rd psalm. "bless the lord, oh, my soul, and bless his holy name." read that over and over again, psalms 103.

>> terry: veronica says, "four years ago i gave my life to christ, and now i have had many more dreams of christ, very vivid dreams of my preaching. is this a sign from god? is god trying to tell me he wants me to be a

pastor?" >> pat: i don't know if that is the case or not. but you have a talent, obviously, to share the gospel. bloom where you're planted, as the saying goes.

and start telling people about the lord. and maybe a small group will gather around. that doesn't necessarily make you a pastor. there are various offices in the church. there are pastors and

teachers and evangelists and so forth. i don't know what your gifting or calling is, but obviously god has put a burden upon you to share the gospel. do that and see what happens next.

>>> we leave you with today's power minute from luke 18: "the things which are impossible with man are possible with god." >>> well, tomorrow, one of the youngest members of the u.s. olympic track and field team -- she's got

her eyes set on more than gold. that's on friday. for terry and all of us, this is pat robertson, and we'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye.

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