hi my name is dr. robert soto. today i'm goingto talk about porcelain veneers and give some reasons why someone may want to have porcelainveneer. this is a case of 12 porcelain veneers. thisis before they are bonded on to the teeth. each individual veneer is an individual pieceof porcelain that is pain-stakingly crafted to enhance the color, shape and position ofthe tooth. the veneers are very small. they are aboutthe size of a contact lens. they are ideally bonded to the front surface of the tooth. one common reason someone may want to haveveneers is because the edges of the teeth are broken. these edges are broken and theteeth are shorter because of it. with veneers
we are able to bring back the proper lengthand the proper shape and symmetry of the teeth. this is another case where the teeth are broken.the edges are broken here. the color is also darker. we are able to whiten the teeth sothe back teeth and the front teeth will match. we put 4 veneers on the upper and 4 veneerson the lower and we corrected the gum shapes. we corrected the gum shapes so you can seethere's a nice curve to the tissue which wasn't there before. there was a little too muchtissue here. the position of teeth can be changed. thisindividual has her lower teeth, some of the lower teeth in front of the upper teeth. theupper teeth should be in front of the lower teeth. this central incisor, this lateralincisor, and this canine here, were all repositioned
through the fabrication of the veneers. thisperson was also missing their canines on the top. there is no canine here and there isno canine here. with veneers i was able to shape the premolar veneer to look as if theyare canines. so now when you look down here she has a full set of teeth. here it lookslike she has a full set of teeth and they are in the proper position. uniformity is important. over time we havedifferent types of dental work done. we have 4 crowns here, 3 crowns of 1 type, anothercrown of a different type. another crown over here, a 3rd type of material, and some fillingmaterial over here. this individual wanted to have a nice uniform set of teeth so wedid 10 veneers and in addition to making everything
symmetrical and enhance the appearance, wewere still able to whiten the teeth, and to correct the gum tissue length. this person suffers from bruxism. that's whenyou grind you teeth and clench your teeth habitually. overtime we will see the teethare going to shorten quite a bit. the edges are often very rough or misshapen. this individualdid have a full rehabilitation, meaning porcelain crowns on all of the lower teeth and porcelaincrowns on all of the upper teeth. one of the features we get with the full mouth rehabilitationis that we actually lengthen the face overall. when someone grinds their teeth form many,many years, their entire face will be shorter. by lengthening the teeth we also lengthenthe face and it is a much more youthful appearance
instead of having a shorter face. they individual has 6 veneers done on herfront 6 teeth. one of the problems with having 6 veneers as opposed to 8, 10 or just 4 isthat when we make the canines the proper shape, often we will block out the back teeth. whenshe smiles you cannot see the back teeth at al. it looks like she is missing her backteeth. by reshaping the gum tissue and adding 12 veneers to the top teeth, we are able tolengthen the teeth so you see less gum tissue. we are able to give her a more full smile.when she smiles you can see those back teeth. again, my name is dr. robert soto. i practicein san francisco. you can give us a call at the office. 415-398-8555. or you can visitour website sfveneer.com/ i encourage you
too look at sfveneer.com. it's a great sitewhere you can learn quite a bit about veneers and other aspects of cosmetic dentistry. thereare lot's of before and after photos and frequently asked questions about veneer. you can alwayscome in for a consultation. give us a call or you can email us. email us at info@sfveneer.com.thank you very much.
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