why do we need to replace missing teeth? no one should go through life without teeth.modern teeth replacement options have been developed for more than 50 years. nowadayswe even have options to replace the full set of teeth. there are many reasons to replace missingteeth, such as aesthetics and appearance, and functions, such as speech and chewing. it is needless to say that a missing fronttooth will not give you a nice smile. teeth also support the lips and the cheeks, withoutwhich, the soft tissues can collapse, giving you a prematurely aged appearance.
missing back teeth can give rise to chewingproblems, leading to poor nutrition and the selection of softer foods over harder foods. traditionally, dentures have been prescribedto address these issues, however, tolerance can be poor. common complaint is loosenessor instability, which can affect your confidence, especially in social situations. denturesalso do not address the problem of continued bone loss as we age, and in some cases, itaccelerates bone loss. since the advent of implants, bone can nowbe preserved in the edentulous areas, as well as around the natural remaining teeth. implant-supportedcrowns and bridges are fixed permanently, feel much more natural and allow you to tacklea wider range of foods, giving you much more
confidence in day-to-day activities. you really can turn back the clock, and enjoybetter oral health. share your preferences with your dentist sothat they can advise the best teeth replacement option for your needs. specialist dental group teeth replacement team
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