Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

pitbull gold teeth

security check. any keys? go ahead. ms. aleksandra lach? it stinks in your parents' one answers the door. please go and check. a... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbull gold teeth

security check. any keys? go ahead. ms. aleksandra lach? it stinks in your parents' one answers the door. please go and check. aren't you interested in them? let’s go. her mama hasn't been outin 10 years.

her father moved out last year.i did the shopping and cooking. she was messed up in the head.scared to talk, she left notes. then she said i couldn't come, and stopped opening the door. - i need a key.- she used the window. i thought you had one sincethis was your address. boil water for tea. i’ve got a headache again. hidden micriphone

they want you to kill yourself. write down that i id'd my mother. parliament passed a bill ending themilitary information service (mis). the liquidation committeewill submit a report on the activities ofsoldiers and mis staff, documenting the illegal activitiesof the military special service, which was, in the opinion of thecommittee chair, a criminal group. mis is accused of the following: money laundering,selling arms to yemeni

terrorists, poland’sbiggest financial scandal, interfering in the energymarket, being part of the fuel mafia, surveillanceof political groups, controlling media, and nonfeasanceregarding russian special services. what’s up? fuck, they aren’t allowing anyofficers with clearances inside. last night they blocked allthe key cards in ci. we’re out here fucking waitingas they take us in one by one. they’re interrogating themand searching their safes.

like with the cops after ‘89. sir. don’t give in to the rabble,the gutless balding leaders. don’t ask, don’t tell,don’t argue, don’t affirm don’t bow andscrape, and don’t crawl. yes, sir. is this your desk? - yours, i just work at it.- please open the safe. do you agree that the miswas a criminal group,

which never caught a single russianspy in all the years it existed? no, i don’t.catching a spy is a failure. success is turning a spyso he works for us. so, you confirm my point. no, i don’t. i followed ordersbased on a law i never broke. can you give me a list of russianspies that have been turned? yes, but then i’llhave to kill you. hear that, prosecutor? i’m bound by an oath of secrecyfrom which no one has released me.

do you want those names? results better than the men’s. there’s just one problem. you don’t have a cock. dreaming of romantic love orjust want to get fucked? why the fuck did youtake the tests? if we put you in there, you’llbreak up the men’s team. you’ve barely begun your service, and you’re already bored here?

you’re lousy with a computer,and you’re raring to go. ok, you’ll go with the boys tocollar a parliamentary deputy. you’ll have to change clotheswith her, go to the toilet. so, you’ll get offas a man and a woman. looking to die, you little cunt? hi, uncle. don’t you want to say goodbye?your father’s not here. here. he killed your mother, you know.

- how?- in the ‘80s he worked in the security servicecryptanalysis section. he wiretapped people. your mother was the telegraphmanager at the phone company, and sometimes workers calledoverseas after hours for free. when your father found out he accused her of espronage. when she bought a hearing aid, he made up a story thatthey’d installed a bug in it.

when she’d go out of the houseand passing car backfired, she thought the special serviceswere out to kill her. where is he? my brother cut off allcontact with me after i helped you run away from home. iwersis, ola wants some water. i bought her and her sisterin cuba. castro’s keen to sell people andhas them pay 50 euros a month. i taught her to speak,didn’t i, iwersis?

and for every 100 wordsdaddy gave me a present. iwersis is practically polish, only her tits are still cuban. they’re animals butthey work hard. no more needles under the pines. iwersis and her sister cleaned them out.i had kenyans before, but they’re lazy. you’re fucked up. why’d you join internal security? to learn how to kill my father soi don’t get caught…

i’m going to puke. the tiopental’s kicking in;now we can talk. what? a psychoactive substancethat will allow me to gain information that youwouldn’t want to tell me. what for? i don’t have time for lie detectorsand psychological tests. i have a job offer, and i mustbe sure of your motivation. a job?

quite’ll use your military training, computer skills,and fluent russian, thanks to which you can be anyoneyou want beyond the eastern border. what will i be doing? to start with you’ll paralyze theinternal security agency. how? by getting rid of your superiors. fuckin a… in two days you’llarrest the deputy.

when you’re alone with her dialthe number from the call list and give her the phone. want me to call someone? it hurts less in hot water. don’t flick in the tub. what are you going to do? what can i do, muffin? i’ll go to a specialist andhe’ll fix my stomach. i mean about asia’s wedding.

the parents should take communion. will you go to confession? i’ve never sinned in my life. god’s got nothing on me. her hubby has a pistolin his safe loaded with anti-ricochet rounds like theones they use in planes. get into the house andput the pistol in the bathroom cabinet, and makesure the safety’s off. hello?

good morning, internal security.please open the gate. we have a warrant for your arrestand to search the premises. afterwards you will be takento the prosecutor’s office. please read this. may i use the bathroom? go with her. it’s for you. who is it? oh jesus.

i’ve got a shooting victim;send an ambulance. i don’t fucking know;there was a shot. stand outside so the ambulancedoesn’t go to the wrong house. what the fuck happened? when i saw she had a gun ijumped at her, and she fired. where the fuck did she get a gun? fuck, i don’t know!didn’t you search her? take off your clothesand put mine on. i was at the firing range.

when they check the residue,they’ll get a different gun. we all wash our hands now andwe don’t let the cops in. we stick to one version.officially you were in the chair. you didn’t see anything. i wanted to save her. i don’t give a fuck about that;they’ll say internal killed her. fall apart and we’ll all end upin the slammer. the deceased deputy was the chiefsuspect in a corruption scandal involving the sale of coal.

over the course of 10 yearsthe coal mafia has swindled the state treasury to thetune of 50 billion dollars. according to the police the gunwith which she shot herself had no fingerprints. the exit wound indicates that when the gunwas fired her wrist was bent unnaturally. according to a government spokesmana committee will be appointed to learn who allowed the deputy tocommit suicide during her arrest. dismissals are expected at the isa. now we can trust one another.

your boss, the head ofinternal, will be fired. you'll have a nervous breakdown and become a civilian. why’d we do it? internal is vilifyingpeople in mis. when internal’s director is firedall the investigations will stop. the new director will makea clean sweep, throwing out the supervisors andbringing in his own people. it’ll take him a year to getthe new group up to speed. we need that time toachieve our goals.

what’d she hear on the phone? you weren’t in the army, so i’lltell you how you should view this. we’re at war. it threatens the security of our war there are no people, only thelive force of the enemy. for you she was nonhuman. she ceased to be one whenshe became a target. you must think of heras an object, a thing. this is the last timewe meet in my home.

don’t ever call me again. congratulations. worldwide media outraged atthe liquidation of the mis. nato has criticized the disclosureof the names of officers and foreign agents of themilitary special services. hello, hadzi. you guaranteed no one wouldfind out who i was working for. i don’t know why they’re doing it;there’s a revolution going on here. now the taliban will kill me,my wife, and my son, hamid.

the new head of counterintelligencedismissed the mis officers. he wanted untainted people so hehired colleagues from scouting and the city guards and madethem into officers in two weeks. the head of personnel is a womanwho worked at a gardening shop. but we have a problem; the polishcontingent is still in afghanistan. no one’s qualified to docounterintelligence work there. they want you to go to afghanistanwith one of the new people. are you vetting me? the new mcs director wants youto go there unofficially.

- you mean illegally?- unarmed. but he said that afterward hemight verify you positively. i wouldn’t ask you, but... i don’t care who’s on the throne;i’ll do it for the men, not you. the americans want us to give themsome relief in central afghanistan. you’ll fly beyond thepolish unit; us special forces in bagram will helpwith your deployment. who am i going with? a guy named maciek, acity guard from downtown.

why the fuck are you here? so i can finish off the top. who at the top? the top floor of the house mywife inherited from her mother. i’ll do the renovation withthe money from the mission. did they train you in counterintelligence? a seventeen-day was boring. we got the whole history of polishmilitary counterintelligence. know what you’regoing to be doing?

help in the war withterrorists from al qaeda. all right. huge concerns are waging a war overnatural resources and narcotics. nobody wants it to endbecause destabilizing the region servesamerica’s interests. the taliban are just like us, but they gotpissed off when their tribe was divided. the americans put thehazara people in power only because the president’s brotheris the main opium producer. what are we doing here then?

killing or capturingthe competition. i’ve had no contact withour agent for a week. maybe he isn’t answering becausei couldn’t protect him, maybe he can’t. i’m going into his shop;you wait outside. the taliban kidnapped hadzi. when they found out heworked for you they took him and his wife and said theywould cut off their heads. where did they take him? i’ll find out if you pay me.hadzi was your agent.

how do you know all this? from hamid, hadzi’s son.he told me. begging in the streets. the talibansaid if anyone helped him, they would slaughter the family.i bring him food after dark. want to work for me? thenbring me hamid and find out where they’re holdinghadzi and his wife. wait near the old zoo afterthe fourth call to prayer. who’s that? - nobody.- nobody?

when i tell you to wait for meyou fucking do what i say. stay in the car. hamid. where’s sibghatullah? he gave me something to i feel very hot. he said if i gave you this can,he would free my parents. shoot him. he’s got 7 out of 10 signs thathe’s going to blow himself up. take out your gun and shoot him.

we’re going to the hospital. snow? there’s always snow here. it’s hot. tell me about that renovationyou’re going to do. we’re laying a new floor. talk about the renovation. the tiles are expensive. my wife found cheaper polishtiles on the internet.

i’ll do two more tours hereand we’ll finish everything. warrant officer busztaå‚a. maciek, your return is filled withpain and despair for your family. but this tragedy is no defeat;you served your country bravely. you leave for that eternalguard duty decorated for your service by thepresident of poland with the military cross of meritand the afghanistan star. my dear, you were and willalways be the love of my life. thank you for our little princess.

take care, my soldier. maciek, this was not whatwe agreed to. you were to return later. why were you in that helicopter? the taliban began givingchildren poison in order to increase the numberof victims of explosions. your man had symptoms of poisoning. but why did you leavethe army base? you sent me there.

who? officially you don’teven work for us. do you confirm that mis wasa criminal organization? why did you disclose the namesof foreign agents? please answer the questions. you killed those people and their families.what did it get you? janusz. what happened there? - i want to have a child.- what? i gave you a negativeyearly evaluation.

our company has decidedto let you go. but i was caring for my ill mother;anyone can have a bad year. hania, people can have a bad will send you your documents. i’ve worked for promedicafor 11 years. i understand. sign them andsend them back asap. hi. i’ve made you breakfast. on the fridge isa list: lunch, snack, dinner, and supper. i’m seeing dad after work, call meif you have any problems. love you. bye.

but i asked you to check it. what’s the code for uterus? b63. b63, that’s right. bye. - hi, daddy.- hi. take out my iud. brief janusz on adiet to stimulate sperm production. i don’t want to waste twoyears getting pregnant. daddy, i don’t have a desireto have a child; janusz is enough.

certain politiciansunderstood that by shutting down mis poland hadlost its eyes and ears. i’ve been tasked with the missionof building a new service. one that will dismantle the countryand rebuild it with a new leader. we will be carrying outtop secret assignments against non-military threatsincluding the police academy. what about tenure? officers needn't worry that in four years another gang of politicians will accuse them of carrying outthe orders of the other party.

we function on the basisof many independent cells comprising army officersas well as civilians. assignments are carried outby small units. orders are issued to officersorally with no paper trail. our fist operation will beto terminate “turncoat.” from intel data we know hegave the committee names of mis agents around the worldand wants to give them more. to protect people the state mustuse methods that are undemocratic. in units like ours there areno limits to what we can do.

that’s why we must have the best. dishonest moves may be madeonly by honest people. you have five minutes to pays better than foreign missions. i don’t need five minutes, sir. what shall we doon such a beautiful day? i’m not drinking with you. if i were to drink witheveryone who wanted to i’d end up drinking all day long. that’s why i put people in groups.we meet at my garden allotment.

marian, you’ve got a tumor. where? on your pancreas,the size of a fist. you’re shitting me. i’d understand the fucking lungsor colon, but the pancreas? let’s drink to it. down the hatch. we won’t have a budget untilwe install the president. we need to raise money.

you’ve got the goods on a monk whoscrewed around when he was young. give him a wake-up call. a buyer’soffering 30 million for their farmland. god bless. who are you here to see? the prior. what about? a private fucking matter. what’s up, sleeper? excuse me? that’s your ’83 i opened a file on you.

i tailed you for three years,checking out the friends you had. when your mom croaked, andyou went through a rough patch i sent you a guy who got youinto the sack while i took photos. you make me proxy all thefarmland the monks own. you get 10% and i get 90%. and we work together, right? all right? just like thatwithout any fucking around?

what do they call you, son? i have lots of names;let’s think… you can call me tomek. fine. do you have anything you couldgive your life for, tomasz? i do. and it’s not this field. what are you getting at? ad salutem.

you know the sixth commandment, sodon’t fuck around with riddles. once, you guys used latin so thesecurity service didn’t understand. to salvation, tomasz.ever heard of that? you sell drivel about heaven, butno one’s ever come back from there. sign it. you don’t remember but when youwere in your mother’s womb you thought the same way. if someone had told you then that you wouldn’t swim but walk.

that you’d use your mouth to eat and not your umbilical chord, which they’d cut. would you have believed it? then you also exited via a tunnel into the light. nobody’s ever returned toa mother’s womb either. to tell folks the lie, “you shall not kill”you need proof of god. tomasz.

what color is that fern? green. and that lemon? yellow. and that apple? red. who painted everything? nothing but medical am i supposed to jerk off? if they had even an old playboyi could get it up.

come on. - hi.- hey. - hi. we have asia’s results,and everything is ok. she was born to make babies.but, janusz, - you get checked out.- me? there are dead sperm cellsin your semen. holding the testicle in one hand wejab it repeatedly with the needle to ensure we obtain enoughmaterial for the tests. after the procedure you’ll carryyour testicle in a sling.

good thing it’s not in a cast. they threw out people who haveinformation that is very dangerous. has anyone wondered whatwe’re going to do now? the greatest enemy of a specialservice officer is routine. throw away your phone,delete all your emails. dress like a businesswoman. we’ll meet wednesdays at noon. an hour before walk around townand see if you’re being tailed. on the 4th floor is acompany that helps

entrepreneurs obtainindustrial safety certificates confirming they are able toprotect confidential information. - girl or a guy?- butch. ”polish grains inc.” to employees in the buildingyour name is marta. your last name is szpecht. you’re from wealth solution and you cometo meet with marek wasilewski. this room prevents surveillancewith a faraday cage. no electronic equipmentworks in here.

no one inside or out is able torecord what is said in here. with no technology, it’svery hard to catch someone. without uniforms or flags,who the fuck do you look for? during each special operationyou’ll use new identities. what if the cops checkthe database? they’ll see such people exist. it’s data of poles who subscribeto a cell-phone service run by mis. you’ll get cell-phones to useto set up meetings. after each call you’ll destroy thephone and activate the next number.

the record of the connectionwill be copied 15 times by the operatormaking playback impossible. decide on drop boxes whereyou’ll pick up your pay. under a rock in a cave likein king arthur’s time. choose a bad location and someonetakes your money, tough luck. once in the target area you willnot be able to use cell-phones, electronic communication systems,or cars equipped with gps. you will have to communicate usinggestures and body language. the briefing for operation turncoatwill be presented by captain cerat.

we’ll be terminating turncoat,who informed to the committee and wants to betray another53 foreign agents. last week turncoat bought awardrobe over the internet, so we’ll use the standardcourier story as our cover. don’t just stand there; that blackone’s yours. hop to it, kid. hey. open the door! open the fucking door! fucking open it now!are you fucking nuts?

what the fuck…? we’ll dump the hooliganbehind the stadium. why fuck with arranged fightsafter game when you can get the shit kickedout of you at home? turncoat will be tougher;he served in the "berets". he won’go down without a fight. we’ll get blood all overour clothes. we'll take him out to scareother traitors and his wife. we don’t know howmuch he’s told her.

we’ll involve their sonin the killing. it has to look as though turncoatwas tortured before he died. we’ll dope him and slice him upso the autopsy reveals them he was cut up while still alive. i’m a complete amateur at thisso i’ll need help or i’ll faint. from the blood? no, needles and knives. when i seesomeone get stabbed in a movie i… i’m not going to carry it withyou; i’ve got arrhythmia. i’ve delivered it to the house.the rest is none of my business.

i’ll explain it to you then. i clearly ordered deliveryinto the house. give me a break. they’ll cut my commission;you can see i’m fucking alone. it’s not heavy and the twoof us can carry it in easily. i’ll grab the bottom, while youjump up and give it a push. great, thanks. oh fuck. the shitbag’s going down.

if he dies from suffocation,it’ll show up in the autopsy. spread out the kid’s clothes sothe saw sprays blood on them. get the wallpaper andgarbage bags ready to wrap up the pieces. courier in nearby woods police dug upa barrel filled with human remains. police found garbage bags withparts of a human intestine and the blood-stained shirt of victim’sson, who was arrested today. the son will be turned over to a prosecutorwho was in the army the same time you were.

kamil! the prosecutor will send him to hisdoctor for medical observation. undo the cuffs and leave. an argument ensued, i reached forthe knife and stabbed my father. i cut up his body with a chain saw. i wrapped up the pieces inwallpaper that was in the house. i then put them into a barrel thati drove to the woods and buried. but i really didn’t do anything. fucking sign it now!

do you take magnesiumbefore going to sleep? are you insane? no. why don’t you remember anything? yes? if you give them names of anyagents, your son ends up like dad. excuse me, miss. could you tell me somethingabout these cribs? the court, petitionedby the prosecutor,

after familiarizing itself withthe facts and expert opinions, in closed session in the court psychiatric ward, on the basis of article 31, paragraph 1 of the criminal code,by reason of insanity, rules as follows: dismissal of proceedingsin the murder case, and on the basis of article 94, paragraph 1 rules that the offender be sent toa closed psychiatric institution

where he will undergo treatment. call a neurologist;i think it’s a stroke. honey, i requested that you notleave bags in the hall, right? i wanted to furnish the baby’sroom with my first paycheck. but i don’t have any livefucking sperm in my semen. the ducts are blocked. there’s no chance for even oneto get through. we’ll take on the challenge. now that you workfor that consulting company

everything will work out. we’ll adopt a child. - hey.- hi protein, are you alive? i changed my job becauseof mobbing. give me some test. take var for kid’s’ll be so fuckin' ripped; you’ll stand in front of themirror and take selfies. i can’t; my clit swells with var.i haven’t had a period in 7 months. because you take too much.i told you cycle, unblock, cycle.

but you’ve got power. i bet you can’t beat theguys off with a stick. fuck off. for me a girl has to be hardbodywith nice guns, tris, and caps. not like that fucking can of gladethat just sits and smells nice. let’s get out of here. i’ll get my motorcycle. they’ve opened a new run forthe elephants at the zoo. so long.

how about going for a workout? number 87 all inclusive? this is your patient number. there’re more fucking people herethan there were at auschwitz. please watch your language.when they call 243, please go in. 243? fuck, number 87 just went in. how long do i have to sit here?if you want me to croak, then callthe stiff stacker now.

what are you staring at? the bitchdidn’t even bat an eye. number 88 243. leave your coat in the cloakroom. are you fucking nuts? it's not a coat, it’s a jacket,made of leather. i know you’ve got lots of patients and you don’t give a shit, but i have to live long enoughto see my daughter get married. well, aren’t you the vulgar one.when’s the wedding?

in five months. tell me what my chances are,and no bullshit. if your enlarged lymph nodes areabove your waist, then 30%. if below the belt, then 90%. we have to do a biopsy and geta sample of a lymph node. with me awake?a needle in my spine? you’ll have to strap me onto thetable or i’ll fucking run away. we’ll strap you. why do you want to adopt a child?

we’re married andlove each other. a child is a complement to ourlove; we can’t have our own. good feedback? adoption is a process thatflows from the parents. there are no good or bad answers. i’m just a psychologist who willhelp you get through the course. you must remember that it’s youwho are adopting, not me. we’ll begin with a test ofemotional intelligence. please excuse us now.later on you’ll change places.

do you prefer your colleaguescall you compassionate or fair? fair. with what do you associate adoption? alcoholism and hydrocephalus. piotrek will be our child. this child has a mother,ania, who drinks. ania is in a common-lawmarriage with rafaå‚, who did time in prison andsometimes beats the child. magda, his grandma, sees it but isafraid to react and defend piotr.

so she calls adam, a policeman,who helps her file charges. marta is the judge in the case. she sends the child to a children’shome where agnieszka works. i’m with the adoption center, and i look after him. finally you as the futureadoptive parents. the child is entangled in a webof relationships where each person pushes andpulls him to their side. when he gets to the children’s home

he is automatically freeof the common-law father. at the same time the policemanloses interest in him. the judge revokes custody of the mother and the grandmother. i become the temporarylegal guardian. finally after going throughthe entire process the court awards you rights andyou become his parents. the young ducklings leave the nest.

their first flight is a great challenge. the doc will cure you. yeah? i’ve been living with minefor 17 years. he’s going to landon his fucking head. get the fuck out of there, buddy. - diamonds.- no aces. two clubs. aren’t you bidding?

now you’ve got a fuckingfilm, “deadly bridge.” good thing we both didn’tfucking die. now we can play cutthroat. nurse, the guy croaked. what’s up, woodpecker?come in. call a doctor quickly! why didn’t anyone see his bipolardisorder in all those years? i’m not here to speculate. how on earth were you able toclose the case in three days?

clearly it was open and shut. we’ve managed to scarethe traitors, but investigative reporters are makinga stink over turncoat’s murder. set up a meeting with the ownerof the tv station and say to him, “186359.” and? it’s the code used to identifyan unofficial collaborator. it works like a pin. say it andhe’ll do whatever you tell him to. explain that we work unnoticedby the mass media

and make sure he blocks all storieson the subject of turncoat. here you are, sir. enjoy. 186359. did you hear about the cut-up dadwhose son put him into a barrel? your reporters are preparing aprogram that disputes it. stop them. like fat cat? in ’89 i bought an animated seriesfor kids called “rescue rangers.” two chipmunks, chip and dale,ran a detective agency. strange and terrifyingthings occurred there,

seemingly unrelated. but at the end it alwaysturned out, that behind everything was fat cat. is that some fucking metaphor? he thinks he’s free. mis is gone;he’s working for himself. the media boss works for mebecause i’m master of his life and death, and i canalways talk about that. he doesn’t give a fuck; he’s 60,and has more money than he needs. i’m always surprised why peoplesay such stupid things.

i want to buy my son an azimut70 yacht for his 30th birthday. but i don’t want to bother himwith all the logistics. we’ll prepare thesurprise and ensure a private spot in a marina,captain, and crew. your son can pick up theyacht at any port on the mediterranean and he’ll beable to enjoy pure yachting. good morning.central anti-corruption bureau. what brings you here? - stasiu, what’s going on?- i don’t know.

we’re conducting a secret operationand you must provide us a room. please read this carefullyand sign it. what is it? - halinka, get me my glasses.- where are they? i don’t know. this document requires youto keep a state secret. violation of such a secret ispunishable by imprisonment. ma’am, my husband has a weak heartand an implanted pacemaker. please lead me to a room withwindows that face the street.

you must vacate the room. the pacemaker will interfere withthe operation of our equipment. so, how fast are you going? open her up full throttle. hello. call your grandson; he’ll brag howhe just drove the boat by himself. grandpa wants to talk to you. hi, grandpa. i’ve learned how totie a knot and drive the boat. artur, give me your dad.

- hi.- michaå‚, don’t go into port. is something wrong? do as i say; i’ll call youright back. come on, artur. i forgotsomething; we have to go back. robert, come here immediately. you haven’t called for a while.i’ve missed you. call your wife, she has a problem.nice chassis, the car too. fuck! - fucking hell. hello.- ewa, is everything all right?

i’ve got a flat andi don’t know what to do. i’ll be right there, justtell me where you are. need some help? hang on, a nice guy just offeredto help; i’ll call you back. ewa. don’t worry, we’ll help. you left your cigaretteson the round table. - what’s wrong?- nothing. sorry i was depressed because of stock prices. let's meet.

write your child a story in which you tell him how he came tobe part of your family. beyond the hills and forestslived a boy who had no parents. one day he met good witches whotold him he would have new parents. asia and janusz lived far away, butthey met the same good witches. they asked asia and janusz ifthey would like to meet this boy. when they said yes, the witchestook them and the boy to a court. an important lady there saidthey could be together. joasia and janusz took the boyfrom the asylum.

i know you were in a children’shome until you were 18. - is that a problem?- no, absolutely not. i’ll show you the child’s room. we also checked you throughthe tax office. you went to the army, thenhad a string of well-paying jobs. where do you work now? - i’m an external consultant.- doing what? visiting clients. what if the child is ill?

my work is irregularwith odd hours. on the other hand i have thefreedom to shift my schedule. diffuse large b-cell lymphoma after vi chth? malignant, but your lymph nodes are clean. but the tumor is inoperable asit’s right up against the aorta. is there a chance you cankill the fucker? sometimes lymphomas candisappear by themselves, but i’d get my papers in order.

we have to start chemo, butthere’s a problem. you aren’t insured and the costper cycle is 5.000 dollars. five grand for a bag? fuck me, that’sworse than blacks had it 200 years ago. are you going to be treatedor are you going home? sure i’m going to fight it;i won’t give it the satisfaction. i’ll write out the referral. and who the fuck painted you, huh? what notes from meetingswith me if we never met? don’t you know how noteswere done in security?

- where’s a knife?- over there. why’s there no record of me? i had to pay off the army guys,so i fucking stole agents’ files. except for this one time,i never had sex with a man. i told the bishop about it andi wanted to leave, but he wouldn’t let me quit. i’ve done my penance. i don’t fear for myself, but because of my sin

the press would blamethe whole church. how can you be holy ifyou’ve fucked some guy? holiness is not about living without sin, but pickingyourself up afterwards and going on. do you regret it? even if i regret the fact thati don’t regret it, that’s already good. are you forgiven?

if you have even thesmallest glimmer of desire in your heart toget free of the shit you're in, then god will pull you out. why the fuck does the priesthear confession? what’ve you got against priests? when i was fifteen years old i went to visit my cousin,who was a boy scout. they had a shitload of roomin the tents, but said i couldn’t sleep therebecause i wasn’t a scout.

so, i went to the church, knocked, and a priestopened the door. i said, "hello, is therea free room here?" he said no and closed the door. the church was as huge as a barn, but i had to sleep under a bench. it rained like hell and waterpoured on my noggin all night. i haven’t liked boy scoutssince then either. why a priest?

you won’t get absolutionwithout him. you see, the person you call a"fucking priest" has to mediate between you and god. see what a misfortune? but why do i have to tell a guyi don’t know through a grate? what if he tells the cops? man, instead of talking nonsense,you should read something about it. a good confessor won’teven judge you.

there are things peopledo not forgive. people don’t, but god does. today you will meet amodel adoptive mother. please ask aneta anything you want. could you tell us what you did when people were surprised thatyou suddenly had a child? the first time i went outwith tomek my neighbor was surprised thathe didn’t look like me at all. i told her he was adopted, andshe stopped being surprised.

now tomek plays outsidelike every other kid. when i worked with orphansat a center at the vatican i got a box of rosaries blessedby pope john paul ii. they say that if you kiss itbefore you die and genuinely believe,you will not go to hell. i give them to parents sothey won’t be afraid. you’re qualified to bean adoptive father. congratulations, you’re qualifiedto be an adoptive mother. i thought i’d be banned fromeven getting close to children.

people aren’t more qualifiedor less qualified to love. the key is for both of you tobe qualified to be parents. and of course to match youwith the right child. are you be willing to take a childfrom an alcoholic family? 95% of the children here comefrom alcoholic families. so if you rule it out, you may waityears, but there’s no pressure. - yes.- yes. what about drug addicts? few children are totally healthy, usually they have some sortof defects.

however, surprisingly narcoticsdon’t cause serious disorders. - ok.- yes. a child with some degreeof disability? everyone has a right to life. - dark skinned?- yes. slanted eyes? - cool.- yes. small update: no gypsies. what if the father was a thief?

maybe we’d work that out of him. maybe not. hello, michaå‚. your teeth are in bad shape. i don’t give a fuck about them;they can fall out for all i care. your teeth are bad. if you don’t fix them,i won’t give you chemo. michaå‚… sure enough your lymph nodesare enlarged…

i have to fix all my teethin one day. i’ll be unconscious for a few hoursand i need a helper. i might start fucking talkingwhen i’m unconscious. if i say a word about the work,throw everyone out of the office. i once found a gold toothon cheå‚mska street. i didn’t know if i should pick it up,after all it was a human tooth. when i visited majdanek onceit made me sick to see people digging humanteeth out of the ground. then i said, fuck this is cheå‚mska,not majdanek and i took it.

calm down now. i am calm. cerat’s fighting to have akid, but he’s shooting blanks. do you have kids? are you a lesbo? nobody’s going to tell me thattwo queers are a family. i’m not going to have a family. when did you decide that? in elementary school.

know what i remember now?fifty things. the rest wasn’t worth a shit. everywhere i look i seeasia and muffin. maybe something’s changedsince elementary school. still want to go somewhere? no, i take a snooze around now. just a joke, babe. you are uncharted territory.i didn’t think you liked guys. i don’t like anyone besides you.

i’ve never talked to a babeall night long. me neither. time to stop talking. no, i don’t dance. i don’t know how. and i do? you just stand there andmove your feet. fuck… i’ll wait till you want it.

i want it. come here. to my place. want to put on some music? i don’t have any. all i’ve got is a sports drink. a physical workout, huh? i’ve got such a fucking hard on. rafun.

rafun! what sort of fet did you take? none. give him electrolytesand saline, that’s all. - what’d he take?- ghb. i didn’t take anything. yes, you did. park outside the house of thepolitical image consultant, hack into his computer, and downloadpedophile materials from a german server.

he seduced a friend’s13-year-old daughter and manipulated her to cut off contact withher parents, so we’ve got the goods on him. who and what? rafun, i’m calling fromanother number… when the cops arrest theconsultant get inside his house. we used a fake company to sell himfurniture with installed bugs. retrieve the recording device. have a session at the fortuneteller who’s chair is bugged. you are seriously ill.

in ’92 we put togethera party of hicks. as it’s leader we chosea bumpkin who was to climb to the top; hiscode name was “alpinist.” but the peasant forgot you don’tbite the hand that feeds you. when they decided to nail us to the cross,he signed the pact that liquidated the mis in exchange for gettinginto the government. a year later we dismantled his partywith a sex and land scandal. the pig ended up out of government,and his bank account is 20 dollars in the red. but he wants to get backin the game.

from the bugs at theconsultant and fortune teller we know he wants to sellinfo on our officers. including our colleague here. he hasn’t been able to sellthe files in brussels. he'll reveal them at the landfraud hearing in two weeks. we have to get thatinformation and terminate the alpinist beforehe harms people. rooms for party business, hisoffice, and this part is private. here’s where he naps and keeps the kill him

and get the files, you mustcross the whole office. he spends nights with his driver,so i’d be shooting at two. afterwards, media will make the hick into another kennedy. do the private windowsface the courtyard? janusz? never approach me in public;you don’t know what i’m doing. but you said you were a consultant. a detective, but i was ashamedto tell you, ok? middle row, third floor.

if we don’t know when we can hithim, we need access to the window. a boom lift? the old fuckers will raise a fuss.why the hell is it there? we need to put up scaffolding. arrange a roof renovationfor the co-op. they’ll be happy and they’llnever check what was done. nobody remembers the facesof blue-collar workers. if we look busy, even the boarwill get used to the pipes. you’ve got teeth but no bed;you’ll have to wait three hours.

i’ll never last three hours here.a chair’s enough for me. bring the equipment and give me the chemo. oh fuck... excuse me, i’m a fucking cripple.could you give me a push? all right, sit there. it’s ok, i’ll help my dad. he’s sent the driver home andhe’s in his office alone. you’ll have explain a murderto the rubberneckers. - he has to kill himself.- how?

he couldn’t take the pressure, nocareer and a shitload of debts. how do you plan to do it? with halothane; it’ll be friday,the autopsy won’t be till monday. there won’t be a traceof it by then. they’ll check lividity inhis arms, legs, and prick. the hyoid bone, scar on the larynx,crushed arteries, the real deal. how can you do it when you’rebarely standing yourself? i’ll do it, romek. what do you want?

i climbed this high and imight just jump the fuck off. i’ve got cancer.i don’t want to be a burden. fate…you can’t escape it. what if you break your legsand live? fucking bad, then i won’tbe able to kill myself. my head’s spinning. could i have some water andgo back down the stairs? - come in.- thanks. i’ve got a suicide for you.

the prosecutor wasn’t surprisedthat his feet were on the floor. he said the body stretched adozen centimeters or more. they’ve pronounced it a suicide. go to the media boss and startspreading contradictory information. he was found today hangingin his office. he'd been having an affair witha close co-worker most likely. he had a stroke at party headquarters. in debt he hanged himself on awindow grating in his apartment. he hanged himself with a lamp cord.

i have offended god withthe following sins. then start with the most grievous. i sincerely regret all of them and ask you, father, forpenance and absolution. but fuck, that priest. tomasz do you want tobe a believer? but not practicing. that’s like saying you’re a cyclistbut you don’t ride a bicycle. or that you’re alive, butyou don’t breathe.

are your children believers? my wife had our daughter baptized. i wanted her to decide forherself when she turned 18. then you shouldn’t have taughther a language, just waited until she decided whether shewanted to talk chinese or polish. did you send her to pre-school? teach her how to eat? so, was baptism the only thingshe was to decide about herself? ok, i want to go to confession.

i’ve got my ultrasound results.which priest should i use? an experienced one. i haven’t been to confession and i haveoffended god with the following sins. on friday i killed a person… louder… i’ve killed, beaten,fabricated evidence… do you masturbate? yes. self abuse is evil becauseit is a sexual activity

which does not lead to conception. what was that? it was nothing. a priest his ageshouldn’t be hearing confession. makes folks dislike the church. whether he heard or not,he gave me absolution, and i feel i’m rightwith a higher power. with what higher power?with jesus christ? - fuck yes.- then say it. are you ashamed to?

yeah, with jesus. what’s he changed in your life?are you leaving the agency? sleeper, once you get in,you never get out. know how i’ll leave it?in a coffin. that means you haven’t madeyour peace with god. where’s that tumor? on the pancreas, 5 inches. marian, i don’t see anything. muffin, the tumor’s gone. i’ll readit to you, “exam performed on…”

what the fuck is this? please leave. exam done on obsolete equipment;diagnostic value limited. is this a joke? we work with what we have.if you want a better result, please have a pet scan’ll be 100% sure then. i called you 19 times. they have a three-year-old boy. already? we gave them a brief with"gender not specified,"

but in our stories weboth wrote about boys. they’re waiting for us to decide ifthey should keep him on standby. his parents had financial problems. his mother lost custody lastyear and his father a month ago. he's small, a bit ill, minorspeech problems, but he works with the other childrenand the staff. i’ll get him. what’s that? they said to bring somethingthat will help him remember us. so i bought this.

how strange. knowing that you’ll see someonestanding in the doorway who you will lovefor the rest of your life. in you go, stasiu, say hello. i’ll leave you with the boy.the first contact is 15 minutes. hi, i’m janusz. this is asia. want to play? how about this truck?

let’s try loading itwith all the cars. ok? there, we’ve got one car. do you know your colors? really? wow! which color is this? - blue.- super, great. and this one? - green.- i can’t believe it.

high five. if you tell me which colorthis is, i’ll faint. - pink.- i just fainted. great. i could’ve taken a photo; i don’tremember what he looked like or what color eyes he had. i don’t know if he’s my son. hey, what do you mean? didn’t you see how darkhis hair is?

listen… we’ll see him again in threeweeks and then you’ll decide. still want to know how to kill yourfather so you don’t get caught? this is abniat, a poison produced by biochemistsin gru’s research division. a few drops on the skin is fatal. it seeps into the pores andproduces a heart attack. it leaves no trace and 12 hourslater can’t be found in an autopsy. i know how to find your father.

he had a hemorrhage into his eye, but experience is the best teacher. know what it will teach you? test yourself. in the alpinist’s office thetv report stopped at 13:15:04, with the still image of the primeminister at a press conference. in reality the satellitedecoder crashed, but politicians went nuts thinking it’sa sign that the premier’s next. we’ll take advantageof the coincidence and

strike one camp pretendingto be the other camp. setting enemy camps againsteach other will speed up the election and allow usto install the president. financing the far-right’scampaign will be “broadcaster,” an iraqi with polish citizenshipwho buys 50% of poland’s grain. he looks like a civilizedeuropean, the perfect family man, but in reality he’sa rich racketeer. if the heroes in the newservice did some work, they’d know that broadcaster’sfather was a jeweler,

who used to make gold pistolsfor saddam hussein, and broadcaster himselfwent to the slammer at age 19 for smugglinguranium into kuwait. sounds like a fairy tale but thisman decides poland’s agriculture. once a month he leaves his wife andkids and goes with a bodyguard, to fuck whores in the east. terminate him in riga; theywon’t even do an autopsy there. you’ll go there separately. you’ll buy clothesat foreign airports,

keep the receipts, and prepare thedetails of your cover stories. you’ll register using ids ofpeople from various countries. - welcome!- hello. reservation number 1365,business packet. - ms. alisia sevchenko?- yes. my name’s wiera sevchenko.i’m building my family tree and writingmy family’s history. the sevchenkos from dunaburg?no, from liepaja. you must know yevgen then.

this is a 5-star hotel; thatshould be of no interest to you. sorry. he’s a real live fucking wire.he’s scared to eat or drink vodka at the hotel. hekeeps changing restaurants. listen!close the club for us. - no, we won’t close it.- i’m telling you that you will. - no, we can’t.- look. here’s $20,000. hey guys, dima!we’re closing. leave, it’s closing time.

we can poison him with nose drops.but he never lets them out of his sight. allah can't see, so he snorts. if they check out, we’re done for. how’ll you give them that if theyhaven’t slept since yesterday? i know where to put it. the pigs don’t brush their teeth. - get away!- what? fuck off! fuck...

what happened? stop her. open it! boss! clean this shit up beforesomeone slips on it. we had to put her on a respirator. she can no longer breatheon her own. officially the operationwas illegal. you did it alone with a threat thatinnocent people might be killed.

sure, it’s better when they aren’t,but in war it’s unavoidable. was there an antidote? you want to kill your father, andyou’re worried about a bodyguard? fuck the bodyguard; heknew what he was doing. no one’s innocent in our business. well then? a hotel cleaning ladyorphaned two kids. sometimes the only thingwe can do is… …observe.

throw it, throw it. quickly, chase me. now, watch out. now. watch out. i wanted to take staå› intotown, but he has to stay on the grounds until thecourt issues a ruling. let’s take a photo. smile.

me. and that? mama. uncle daddy. want to manipulate the sheep? lettwo extreme loonies have their say. if either says anything real, noserious person will repeat it. anyone with a brain will seeright through it. which, fortunately, rules out halfthe people who watch tv news. who’s the biggest loony?

a real dickhead? fucking awful three ways: fucking awful speaker, talks stupidbullshit, and looks fucking awful. uglier than a sack of assholes.even the religious right hates him. he drank coffee in latvia andhad a heart attack? - after what?- coffee. maybe it was too strong orhad alcohol in it. and other one? i didn’t know he was dead,

but if it’s true,i’m not saddened in the least. aren’t you surprised that he hada heart attack so suddenly? - how old was he?- 55. that’s not so young. after his death the share price forpolish grains inc. rose abruptly. who will now be the new leaderon the polish grain market? thanks to amendmentsin customs duties, all done legally, for 48 hours there was no dutyon grain imported into poland.

polish grains inc. clearlyknew about this beforehand. during those two daysthey imported millions of tons of grain from beyondour eastern border. "polish grains inc." yesterday our tenant vacated thespace, by friday it’ll be ready. if you are interested in rentingit, please give me a call. the motherfuckers… i love you, butfuck, i have an important position. i’m a general. they deceived me. it’s know i love you. excuse me.

ola. i won't do whatthey want me to do. tell her i’m leaving hersomething in the wall. the firms he helped obtain theindustrial safety certificates. we knocked off the competitionfor each one of them. following the deputy’ssuicide the coal union won a tender to be theagency for coal trading. it warehoused the coal, used itas collateral for a loan for… 720 million,

then sold the coal and filed forbankruptcy, not paying the mine. turncoat did not have a listof mis agents, he didn’t want to give the city controlof his shopping arcades. after his death, the firm wproperty took over control and raised the rentsfor merchants by 1000%. if they didn’t pay, the companytook their goods instead. mwr development reclassified thefarmland it got from the monks, and in one day its value roseby 230 million. the alpinist wantedto expose not you,

but mis officers. romek wouldn’t haverecorded us. then who the fuck werewe working for? what are you doing here? i’m afraid of men. that’s why you broke into my pad? i was 7, my father ordered a closetafter measuring all his clothes. for 8 years he had a carpentermake changes to it. every sunday he took me to a shed, hung livechickens, and had me shoot at them.

when i missed he told my mother to put a chain on me andlock me in the kennel. i never told you because it’s so fucked up.i put ghb in your glass, but nothing fucking happened to could answer your phone. i don’t even know how to pay thelight bill at the post office. muffin, take it easy, i’ll handle it. ok, i’ll quit. - i forgive you your sins. what?- maybe i could at least kneel?

kneel then. i forgive you your sins in the name of the father,and the son, and the holy spirit. amen. the lord has forgiven allyour sins. go in peace. that’s it. are you sure? we’ve given you a radioisotope.if you have a tumor, it'll show up do you feel? like maria skå‚odowska-curie. hurry the fuck up: i don’t knowif i’ll make it till you finish.

you don’t have cancer. could you repeat that? after chemo the tumorshrunk by half. it’s still on your pancreas,but it isn’t active. we’ll decide what to do with it butafter the wedding. when is it? in 27 days. now i can tell you, marian. ifyou hadn’t come to me then, today you’d be there whereyou wouldn’t want to be. but at least all your papersare in order.

and my teeth are all fixed. get lost., it’s back to work. who are you, slimeball? call me piotrek. i’m your new handler. - who recorded us?- i don’t recall. there are people who will ensurewhat you did is never revealed. what will happen now?

nothing. the price of bread will go up. i will never be a patriot again. no, you’ll be a mercenary.see you tomorrow at noon. i don’t know where you’re from,but in my army we had principles. my dad told me that jaruzelskionce said it beautifully. they’d invited him to a unitto celebrate some holiday, and one of the generals wanted toinvite him to a dinner sans vodka. he said,

“comrade general, without vodka,according to our principles.” know what jaruzelski said? "principles are for stupidpeople, general." but he was a great manwho made history. we don’t make history. we only meet with historyfor a brief moment. i took out my id and it hit me,i’m an old dude. if we’re going to be together,let’s not waste time on games. either you move in with me or not.

you’ve got 24 hours to decide. release the kid from the hospitalor you’ll never wake again. you’ve cured him;you’re a good psychiatrist. i am authorized to giveyour son his life back and guarantee you bothlive free from fear. sorry, fucking traffic jams. our “iron lady” mayor is makingit impossible to drive in warsaw. are you the only one here? been here long?

31 years. janusz, they’ve said yes;we can bring staå› home with us. - what’s up, doc?- just monitoring my patient. you’re not a satellite;your patient’s feeling good. i’m a bit worried that yourtumor is still there. i’d like you to havea regular cat scan done. why a regular one if the petscan didn’t find anything? yes, but there are tumors thatdon’t show up in pet scans. what clothes should i put on staå›?

all of them; you get him naked. janusz, get his clothes. staå› will catch cold. look... this is your new room. all sorts of toys… …and cars. but you won’t send me backto the children, will you? no, never.

play by yourself a bit whilei unpack your stuff, ok? i’m glad it took so i know he’s my son. i don’t. i don’t know who i am. most mornings i wonderwhat my name is. i went to the army because i felti was needed there. i deliberately chosespecial ops and killing. i wanted to give life to a child, convey a system of values.

i’m not going to be a good father. what the fuck are youtalking about? i’m sorry. a courier for you. is this my kitten?meow, meow, kitty. let’s hug. give me your handand your leg too. meow, meow, my little boy, right? i love you, meow, meow…

we’re hugging, meow… written and directed by produced by co-financed by

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