Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

pit bulls lose baby teeth

- [announcer] dogumentary tv producing the best breeddocumentaries on youtube. (dog barks) (upbeat electronic music) - i'm drew lindstro... thumbnail 1 summary
pit bulls lose baby teeth

- [announcer] dogumentary tv producing the best breeddocumentaries on youtube. (dog barks) (upbeat electronic music) - i'm drew lindstrom.- i'm ross lindstrom. - this is hank, our dog.- this is hank. - he's a bull terrier and we've had him for about five years now. we adopted hank from theshelter when he was

about six months old. and he's been with us ever since. i love bull terriers, i always have. i just think they're reallyspecial dogs. they have so much personalityand they're really quirky. they're known as the clown dog of breeds and he really is just a crazy goofball. growing up my mom and i read so much and one or our favorite authors waschris van allsburg

and he did some classic storieslike jumanji and polar express, just great kids booksand he had the same breed, he had bull terriers and he lovedhiding one his dogs in every book. so it just became this gamewith my mom and i when w read his books,we find the little bull terrier. and we always loved terriers,we had a wire fox, growing up who was an awesome dog. and, i don't know, terriers justhave so much personality

and they're so fun a lively. and also very affectionate. they're really companion dogs. so i've always enjoyed the breed,i never really thought i'd have one. - so i knew that drew lovedbull terriers and i was, sort of, i had never really thought much about them one way or the other. but i knew that she really loved bull terriers when we were at the shelterlooking for a dog. we had gone three or four timesand not had a lot of success

finding a dog. and we went the shelter in hanell park and i'm sort of around the cornerand drew was out of sight and i just hear her go (gasps)from around the corner. and i said, oh okay, i thinkwe probably found a dog and as i come back around, i look and there's hank and i said, oh of course,it's a bull terrier. (chuckles)no wonder she's freaking out. and then, kinda the funny thing ishank had just gotten picked up.

i think they found him in a costco parking lot or something. so he'd been there, i think, like that morning, someone had turned himinto the shelter and our plan had been,when we're looking for a dog, we wanna make sure that weget along with the dog and that fits our life and that it's not a problemor something. so they let you take the dog outand play with it and stuff at the shelter, unless the dogis new like hank was

'cause he hadn't gotten his shots,hadn't got fixed, nothing. so they don't want you go get bitten or anything like that with a strange dog. but i heard her make that noise.- all the rules go out the window. - all the rules went out window andwe just go, yeah, we'll take him, give him to us, we don't care.(laughs) so then he came home with usa few days later, we picked him up and that was it, he was ours. - oh, i mean, i've always lovedthe breed because they have

such personality and you kind of think you have a sense of that. there's so many iconic dogs infilm and tv that are bull terriers. spuds mckenzie,the bud light dog. the target dog. there's chico in friday. one of our favorite things,now that we have him is judging people based on which version of the celebrity dog they quote.(chuckles) it's like you walk downthe neighborhood

and someone will be like,"oh, it's patton's dog, "general patton had that dog forthe movie, i love that movie." which is usually an old white guy.(chuckles) and then like, all the young peoplewill be like, "oh, it's the target dog." - kids always--- or chico. - kids always think it'sthe target dog. - or like people our age are like,"oh man, spuds mckenzie." so we have fun, people just recognize the breed and immediately get excited and he's so fun.

he's just such a personable dog. - hank is very enthusiastic.(laughs) and he's indestructible. (laughs) no, he just kind a likebounds around through life. it's really fun to havea dog like that. it could be challenging sometimesbut for the most part, he's happy-go-lucky. you come and he goes nutsand flies around the house and plays really hard,so it's been a lot of fun.

- the bull terrier was originallybred in england, in the 1800's and they cross bred a bulldogwith a white terrier which is now extinct. they did it for fightingbut they quickly became companion dogs as they were not as tough in the ring and he's a total, our dog,hank is a total softie, so. i can see that not working out. they're really good companion dogsand they love people. so when they originally bred themhe loved the white color

for the dog and just thoughtit was really nice. but in getting the white colorwhile breeding, they got a lot of other thingslike deafness which hank is deaf and that's very common in all-white dogs, especially bull terriers. the white ones have, also a lotof skin problems, they can have very sensitive skinor sensitive tummies. but the color bull terriers whichare a little different have less problems like that,less deafness, less skin irritations

but then they have kidneyproblems sometimes. so both breeds have a couple problems in them but overall, i think his issuesare pretty mild. the deafness certainly createschallenges but... - it was kinda funny, they didn't tell us at the shelter when we got him.- i don't think they knew. - yeah, i don't think they knew. i've heard that deaf dogs arepretty good at hiding it. they're attuned to a lot of other things

so people often don't know.- and their ears are still moving. - their ears still move and everything, he still barks at things. i think people think that adeaf dog wouldn't bark at stuff but he does. so it can be hard to tell sometimes. so they didn't tell us at the shelter, i don't think they knew. he went to the vet to get fixedand they didn't tell us. i don't think they picked upon it either. and then we had for maybetwo weeks at the house

and i remember two things kindastuck out in my mind. one: he wasn't reallylearning his name. and so we were kind of confused,we were like, it seems like, i don't know, and i hadn't hada dog since i was in high school or something, so i was like, how quickly do they learn their names? i thought it was pretty fast. this is two weeks now and he'sstill not responding. so we did this thing, we had read somewhere that you, i don't know if you remember this.- yeah.

- you sit on the ground,apart from each other, put the dog in the middle and justcall their name and have the dog go back and forth. and people say that's a really,if your dog's having trouble picking that up, that's a good way to train them. and it didn't work at all.(chuckles) he'd be facing the other wayand it just didn't work. so i was like, that's a little weird. and then the thing that mademe really realize it was

we were out for halloween and we went to a halloween party and then we were gonna stopback at our house for a little bit and we had a friend with usand when the door slammed shut, our friend has two dogs,when the door slammed shut as we were going to our apartment,hank was sound asleep in his kennel. i remember my friend being like,that's really weird. your dog should be barking and up and crazy. and i was like, oh yeah, that's true, he never does that.

and so then, sure enough, we tookhim to the vet for his first checkup and the vet knew in two seconds.- the vet immediately-- - he walked in the room and he didn't turn his head and he went, oh yeah, he's deaf.- yeah. - and then we tested him outwhen we got home, we banged a pot behind his head.(giggles) and he did not turn around,we're like, okay. we've done all the science.- yeah. - we realized we needed a wayto communicate with him

and did some research. there's actually a really cool websitecalled deaf dogs rock. i had found some good preliminary research on and sign language. we started doing signals for himthat were just for him and some of them are actualsign language based. like, when we fill his water bowl, we do this, which is a w for water. and he knows and he runs over.

we have other symbols we'vecreated to help him sit, stay and roll over and do some tricks and he's fine at all that stuff. the challenge is getting him to pay attention to you initially, like getting his attention. 'cause most dogs you whistleor yell their name, they come running and he doesn't have it. so in the house, we stomp the floor. (stomps foot)- yeah.

- stomp really loud and hefeels the vibrations. otherwise, you know-- - there's a lot of furious arm waving to get him to look over at you. - some people have recommended collars, they make vibration collars. they're not shock collars,they don't hurt them, they just alert them. but the only time we've every had a need for that is when he's off leach at a dog bark

and then i just figuredthat just didn't suit us and we haven't found it necessary. i know that a lot of people findthat to be helpful but i think, too, because he was borndeaf and now he's used to us, he's always checking in. so if he's at the dog park orin the backyard or running around, he'll just likelook and check in on you and make sure everything'sgood and keep playing. so i think he's also adaptedto that as well.

but yeah, he's the best sleepingdog i've ever had. he just stays conked out while--- oh yeah, nothing wakes him up. - getting the car packed up and leaving the house and he doesn't even care. so that's actually kind of nice sometimes. and you know, around here especially, fourth of july we get fireworks for like two weeksaround fourth of july, nonstop. and obviously, he doesn't hear themand they don't bother him. i feel so bad for people's dogswho go crazy with fireworks.

it's nice when you have deaf dogand he's like, those are pretty. (giggles) yeah, we've always taken himto the dog park since he was a puppy. we tried to really socialize him earlybecause especially with bully breeds i think that's important. you want them to socialize and not get territorial or us or their space. that was something we were veryin-tune with and we wanted to make sure we were proactive about.

the older he gets, i think,the more stubborn he gets. and he has this thing abouttennis balls and got into an altercationwith another dog at the dog park over a tennis ball and theother dog really just bit him hard and we have beentoo afraid to take him back. but he loves playing with other dogs,he does great at doggie daycare. bull terriers, in general, and i thinka lot of the bully breeds if they're not socialized young,a lot of them just can't be around other dogs.

like i know bull terriers have a lotof situations where they have to be a one dog in a family. it's nice, we've had actually quitea few bull terriers in the los angeles areawe've met, other people. the most common instance i've seenwhere they have multiple dogs is, they'll have two bull terriers,sibling bull terriers and those do great together. i think they definitely pose challenges because of their stubbornness.

their companion nature is also very protective. so if there's a weird energy,they sense that but overall, i think, he'sjust such a loving dog. - yeah, we go hiking a lot. there's a hill right here by the house that we go up. it's like a couple miles,so he can handle that. it definitely wears him outfor the day. so they're not like... you know, they're big and heavy

and they're not marathon runners.(chuckles) he gets worn out but he can do it,he likes to do that a lot. and we play in the yard,he'll play fetch forever. - he sees mouth--- forever. - he will chew rawhides up in no time, so likes doing that. - we have to get all the heavy dutytoys 'cause their jaws are so strong. even the kongs, they make an extreme version now and he will eventually destroy those too. - he will.- he loves the rawhides.

- we let him chew on those a lot. just something very cathartici think about that activity. but yeah, it's funny too,on walks, he very much, the stubbornness will come inon the walks because you get halfway up the hilland your going and you're ready and then he's like, (smacks lips)i'm over this and he just lays down where he his.- in the shade. - [ross] he'll find a shady spot and just lay down. (laughs)

- lately, we've been playing with the baby. i'll take her outside with him and do fetch. and he really, he can just go forever, he loves it. a tennis ball is the greatest thing in the world to him. so that's really fun. when he's out in the yardand we're throwing i love that, 'cause you get tosee him do a little goat hop. so instead of just the dogrunning out to get the ball, he does crazy leaps and hops,all four legs will go up

off the ground and he'll jump downand just does funny acrobatics. i think that's where that clownpersonality comes out. you're just like, why are you jumping up and turning circles just to get the ball,but it's awesome. - ten months ago, we had a baby.- vivian ray. - vivian ray, and initially hankwas sorta curious and differential. he would just... we'd have the baby in here and he would go in the corner and just sit and watch, he didn'tknow what was going on.

then, as he realized she wasn't going away, he kinda got a little bitdepressed, you could see. you'd think it's pretty common,we just were ignoring him. - well, yeah, he got a little ignored.- he got ignored, that's what happens. - he was the second class citizenfor a couple months. - he'd had this place to himselffor a long time. but then, as she got a little older and we could, kind of, set her in her playpen or evenwhen she started crawling and stuff then he's like more involvedwith everything.

and he's been pretty good,he's kind of all over her. he licks her face. when she's crawling around,he wants to kind of just stand right next to her which issort of cute but also he's a big dog, you kind a wantto make sure that she's safe. which, for the most part,has been fine. i have not been very concerned. - oh, and she loves him.- and she loves him. - that's the thing.

that's kinda funny, it's less about him doing anything and more, he could be over there laying down and she sees him and just likegoes over there to go get him. and you're kinda like, it can be a little nerve-racking sometimes. - or, the other thing she does toois when he's licking her and she's just sitting around,now she's started to turn and open her mouth for the lickinglike ack, oh no, don't do that. - yeah, it's sort of hilariousbut it's kind of gross.

(laughs)- both at the same time. i definitely you can tellthe difference with him. he has this move he doeswhen he knows the environment's a little different where he actually, when your firstgot here, he'll tuck his ears back and you can tell when he getsin that mode, he's just kinda like figuring out the scene and he doesn't quite know how to act. so especially when the baby was really young, he would do that all the time.

i think our vibe too, you're justso protective as a new parent. but now, i don't think that's a big concern. - the rules we have for hankaround the house are... subject to interpretation sometimes.(laughs) on his part. he's a lot on the couches. he sleeps in bed with usevery once in a while. usually not, he sleeps in his kennel in the bedroom with us. but every once in a while,he's allowed up on the bed.

he gets in trouble for begging,he doesn't do it that much. - when the grandparents come visit. - that's the thing, with the baby,we've had grandparents around. and one or two of them are comfortable feeding him from the table.- jody, you know who you are. - which we try to stopbut once it happens, anyone who has a dog,you do that once or twice and then that's what theythink is gonna happen so. he started begging a little bit moreso he gets in trouble for that.

- you know, we do--- we're pretty loose with him. - he doesn't chew anything.- he's older now. - he's been housebrokensince we got him. he had one accidentwhen we first got him. only other times he's had an accident has more been our fault, just away too long and for whatever reasoncan't get home to him. - we also started initially,as soon as we got him, when he was six months old,did crate training.

i've always crate-trained my dogs,that's just something i grew up. that's the standard and he loveshis kennel and i think it's a good safe placeand a comfort. so, when he was young and we had our apartment, when we would leave the housewe would kennel him. just so he wouldn't do damage,the usual stuff. he wouldn't have to be a puppyand pee everywhere. he loves the crate and i think it really helps in terms of giving a dog that disciplineand that space and that comfort.

i think they really... he still sleeps in it nowalmost every night. when he's not spoiled in the bed.- yeah. - but for the first couple years,when we'd leave him alone, he was kenneled. now, he's older and he's a lot more mellow and he's used to the houseand he certainly doesn't really chew anything. so when we leave the house nowwe don't kennel him.

we just close our bedroom doorso he doesn't lay in our bed. - [ross] yeah, he would sleep there. - he would definitely be sprawledacross our bed when we came home. but other than that, he kinda justgets the lay of the land. every once in a while, we also,we have a little water bottle, a little squirt bottle.(chuckles) so if he misbehaves, because he'sdeaf, you can't just yell and be like, no, so wehave to squirt him with a water bottle sometimesthat's our go-to disciplinary move

because it doesn't hurt him butit immediately gets his attention and kind of snap him out ofwhatever he's going through. - the rules we have for other people when they come over with hank first is, don't feed him 'causeit gets him to begging. - maybe like greet him in the door-- - yeah, people will let himjump up on them. i think a lot of people, especiallypeople are dog people who don't have a dog,will let... 'cause they like dogs, oh it's great,

when he jumps up on youbut there are people who don't like that so if he'sdoing it all the time, that's not a good thing. so we try to tell people notto let him jump up on them. - and it's tough because, i know you're fine with it but the next person that comesin the door might not, so please don't let him jump on you. but we also have weird things,maybe we do because he's deaf, i feel like in the beginning wegave him so many treats

'cause you're trying to teachhim how to do certain tricks or learn stuff and i think becauseit was sign language and not just the usual practice,that added an extra level of challenge. and we actually, he got really fat,he put on all this weight 'cause we were giving himall these treats to teach him. and we realized pretty quicklythat that was not healthy and had to figure out a newgame plan and started giving him carrots and veggies for treats and as bribes.

and that actually worked out reallygood 'cause now his favorite thing is still veggies and he's healthyand not overweight. - we can leave hank alone in thehouse for eight to 10 hours. when we're both working, that's usually how it goes. which is fine for him, he does'thave an accident or anything at that point but we try not togo too much longer than that 'cause he definitely needs to getworn out, he can get really restless or pace around the house. or he'll sit and stare at you,

unbroken for 20 minutes.(chuckles) or with the baby, he'll reallywanna play with her and that's cute but you want him to be tired sothat she can kinda be free to do what she wants to do. so we try to get him up and out of the house after about eight hours, at least get hima walk or something like that. - and we've been really fortunate. one of us has been home a lotbecause of the baby now. so there's someone around with himand i think that's half the battle.

sometimes he doesn't even needa run or a walk necessarily, he just wants to know that you'rearound and he's got people in the house and we try to givehim a walk everyday but when that doesn't happen,sometimes he's just wants to curl up on the couch with you.- yeah. - bull terriers also do this weird thingespecially if they don't get enough energy exhausted,they just get really amped up. the have the pretty neurotic tendency called hucklebutt which looks hilarious.

it's like if the dog was chasing his tail but he's not trying to chase his tail,he just loves running in a circle and he'll just do it. but it's also an alarming signbecause your realize he's not gotten enough exerciseand he really needs to get out. and if that's something a dogis doing a lot, you wanna make sure you'regiving him more exercise. because the hucklebutt can lead to a pretty anxious dog.

so, it's funny with him,they're definitely signs to make sure like, okay,he's happy and he's exhausted. - it's usually nice weather, so weusually leave the door open and he has in and outprivileges. he'll sit out there for a long time on his own, in the sun or whatever. i've only left him out thereand left the house, once or twice. i guess we could, but we just don't. this is kinda funny, when we bought the house,

i got excited to buildhim a dog house. he's fallen asleep in itmaybe one time. he does not go in it ever,i don't know why. so that was my thought is wecould leave him out there all the time and he couldhave the whole yard rather than be inside but he doesn't use thedoghouse, so... he's not really out there by himself ever, for long. - i think he would be fine as anoutdoor dog and i'm almost positive

the environment that he was in before he ended up in the shelter was entirely outside. when they found him his teethwere grinded down, so they thought he was left outsideand some fenced area. he's actually great in the yard on his own but when he knows that peopleare inside or he can see us, then he wants to be inside. it could be gorgeous outside,i can run around all i want but there's fun people,i'd rather be with the people.

so i think that's a very breedspecific thing in terms of just wanting to be around people. i think if you think youwant a bull terrier, you have to be a goodalpha dog ready person. because they're such a stubbornbreed they will walk all over you if you let them.- literally. (chuckles)- literally. but i think you need to have a good calm attitude about itand be able to be an alpha dog

because they really crave that. it's hard to have bull terriers inthe house with other pets unless they're raised with those pets. so i would definitely say,if you're thinking about getting a bull terrier, you may not wanna get oneunless, like, you know. if you have kids or other pets,you may wanna get a puppy because then, if they grow up inthat environment, it's okay. an older bull terrier is very hardto integrate into a house

with other pets and a lot of kids. and i think they also just reallylike a lot of personal attention. so if you are someone that worksall the day or isn't able to be home with them, i just think theywouldn't be happy. they just really wanna be around people. - you kinda also, physically haveto be able to handle them. not that you need to be able towalk them for miles and miles every day like a huskyor something like that, but he's a big strong dogand if he's pulling on the leash,

you have to really be able to respond. and that would be one thingto be honest with yourself about. like, am i really gonna be able to move this dog around? am i gonna be able to handle him in a forceful way?- yeah. - 'cause he needs that sometimes. you know, hank is a bull terrierwhose got a lot of enthusiasm and fun. - a lot of personality.- yeah, he makes us laugh. - all the time, everyday.

literally, every single day we'vehad him, we've laughed at him. - we nicknamed him--- well, we laugh with him. - we laugh with him.(laughs) he hear us laugh at him so. a little sidebar, we've nicknamed him clank very early on because he is just a, like... so many dogs are so gracefuland aware of themselves and you've seen he, if you close the screen door and he didn't notice, he'll run right into it.

he just has so much charmand enthusiasm and he's such a quirky guy. yeah, he just makes uslaugh all the time. - yeah. so if i mean, if you wantan entertaining dog the bull terrier would be,(chuckles) he's an entertaining dog. - and a really affectionate dog,i mean, i certainly think that bull terriers are not foreveryone, you know.

it takes the right mindsetand maybe a little stubbornness on the human's part too but i think the reward of havinghim has been all worth any challenges because--- definitely, definitely. - [drew] he just like... - he brings a lot of fun. - he brings a lot of joy around the house.

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