Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

pictures of bearded dragon teeth

- i'm coyote peterson, andtoday, i'm gonna show you how to clean up aleech bite, or 12. look at that. they are all over me, and all ... thumbnail 1 summary
pictures of bearded dragon teeth

- i'm coyote peterson, andtoday, i'm gonna show you how to clean up aleech bite, or 12. look at that. they are all over me, and all but one leechis now on my arm. (tense music) now the best way to removea leech is to just use the edge of your finger,and what i want to do is softly slide the anteriorsucker off of the wound.

and look at that leech. oh, that one just popped off. ooh, and now i'm popped off too. well, they are done eating. look at how big that leech is. it is full of blood,and look at the blood just pouring out ofmy hand at this point. - [voiceover] wow. that leech basically said,"okay, i'm done eating.

"back into the water with me." what you want to do is justgently slide your finger over the anterior sucker. here you go. look at that. i got the leech pop off, and then i can just popthose anterior sucker off. and plop, back into thewater with that leech. (groans) there we go. ooh, that one hurts.

you could see theblood just seeping out. ah, there's fourof 'em right there. this is going to bethe bloodiest spot. you guys ready? one. two. there you have it,the final leech. dinner's over, buddy. (groans)

and it's all about theamounts of anticoagulant that actually went into my hand. i may be bleeding forhours at this point. (groans) okay, so at this point, i have pretty much doneeverything that we need to do with the leeches. as you can see, my handis completely covered in blood and leeches. it is literally likea shark attack scene.

that is crazy. wow, that's a lot of blood. welcome back, everyone. okay, so todaywhat we're gonna do is show you how toclean up a leech bite. look at my arm. totally gross, right? now i must note upfront that i am not amedical professional.

if you are everbitten by any animal, even something assimple as a leech, seek medical attentionif you feel you need it. what i'm gonna show youtoday is the basic first aid for addressing a leech bite. i have 12 of them sothis is a little extreme, and as you can see, i am dripping bloodabsolutely everywhere. now i have a few simplethings here with me

i brought out into the field. hydrogen peroxide, band-aids, wet wipes, and neosporin. oh, and because thisis dragon tails, some ninja turtle band-aids. - [voiceover] oh yeah. - oh yeah!

- [voiceover] donatello.- [coyote] you know it. - i also have some papertowels and some water. now the first thing i'm gonna do is wash off some ofthis drying blood. okay, i want to get this blood. oh man, look at that. it is just like coagulatedall over my fingers, and my fingers are cut. they're just small,little incisions

where the leech actually bit me. there are so much bloodall over my hands and arm. it's tough to see where theactual wounds are located. at this point, i have alot of the residual blood cleaned off my hands andarm but look at that, you can see where theexact bite zones are as the blood iscontinuing to bubble out. ain't that crazy? and my next step.

gosh, it just won't stop. is to use basic wet ones. now these are antibacterial,and what this will do from an initial first go isjust kill any of the bacteria that is right on the surface. you can also use alcoholpads or iodine for this. ah, that stings! and that's good. i want all the germs thatcame out of the leeches,

suckers and saliva tobegin to break down. man, that's crazy. look at that one right there. okay, now the nextthing that i'm going to is hydrogen peroxide. i like hydrogen peroxide becauseit will actually break down the enzymes in theleech's saliva. it also fizzes andkills all the bacteria around the site of the wound.

now i have used hydrogenperoxide on every single wound that i have ever gottenwhen out in the wild. knock on wood. so far, i have nevergotten an infection. so now, i haveantibacterial on there, as well as hydrogen peroxide,and it definitely seems that the bleedinghas slowed down from the hydrogen peroxide. so what we're gonna do isi'm gonna take little dabs

of paper towel,and stick them over each one of the bite sites. now what the paper towel isdoing is forcing the blood to stay in one spot, and that will ultimatelyhelp it coagulate and clot. and if you guys are wondering if i'm in any kind of painright now, absolutely none. it feels like nothing so i'mgonna let these little dabs of paper towel sit therefor about five minutes,

and then we'll moveon to the next step. okay, now the nextthing that i'm gonna use is neosporin,multi-action ointment, and this one specificallykills 99% of germs. let's hope that it works. i use neosporin onabsolutely everything. - [voiceover] not a paid advert. - no, this is not apaid advertisement. i just always carry neosporin.

neosporin honestly just sponsors because we go throughtubes of this all the time. now you'll notice thatthere's a lot of blood still coming out, and iwill bleed for several hours so i have to keepchanging the bandages but i'm feeling prettygood about this. now the bleeding has definitelyslowed, and at this point, i think it's time toput on some band-aids, and because thisis dragon tails,

we're gonna use ninjaturtle band-aids. raphael, the red one. perfect for all this blood. now here we go. i'm just going topop that band-aid right there over the bite. i'm sure you werethinking to yourself, "are those tiny littleband-aids really going to stop "all that bleeding?"

no. no, they aren't. well guys, i tried to make theninja turtle band-aids work but unfortunately, thebleeding just is not stopping so we're gonna haveto go to plan b, which is using gauzeand medical tape. here's how you do this. now in a normal situation if you've been bittenby a single leech,

neosporin and band-aidsshould do the trick. again, keep in mind that myarm was in that container with leeches for over 20 minutes so these bites arepretty massive. all right, so what i'mgonna do with this gauze is make a compress, and thiswill be a temporary barrier until the bleeding stops enough for me to put on the band-aids. i'll wrap the wholehand real tight.

the tighter i make this,the better it's gonna be. now you'll notice that thebite up here has stopped, and the one on theunderarm also has stopped so that will be a perfect spotfor a ninja turtle band-aid. all right. well, at this point, i ampretty well bandaged up, and i do want to keepan eye on these bites for the next 24hours to make sure that no sort ofinfection is forming

but i think ultimately,i'm gonna be just fine. i'm coyote peterson. be brave. stay wild. don't get eatenalive by leeches. we'll see you onthe next adventure. if somehow you missedeaten alive by leeches, make sure to go back andwatch the full episode so you can stand witnessas i submerge my arm

into a container ofbloodthirsty leeches, and don't forget, subscribeto join me and the crew on this season of dragon tails. (animal growling) (birds howling and chirping)

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