Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

is capping of teeth safe

hi there, i'm dr. scott grivas in my office, we treat a variety of thingsranging from general and family dentistry to orthodontia and sp... thumbnail 1 summary
is capping of teeth safe

hi there, i'm dr. scott grivas in my office, we treat a variety of thingsranging from general and family dentistry to orthodontia and specialized in cosmeticdentistry and temporomandibular dysfunction.we are a mercury-free office. we don't placeamalgams. i haven't placed one in my professional career. we treat the bite. we believe in occlusion,getting the teeth to fit together correctly and very scientific approaches to achievingthose results. here i'm using an intraoral camera to takepictures of the teeth so that we can get close-up shots and have the patient help co-diagnosethe work that needs to be done. this way the

patient is able to see what i see and thenwe can work together towards a treatment plan. here i'm about to do a crown on a patient.we have the ability with cerec technology to do single visit dentistry where we cando the crowns here in the office instead of sending them out to a lab. i'll take a couple of shots just to get afeel of the teeth and get a model. so we've just taken our pictures with the makes a 3-d model of the teeth that we can then use to help design our restorations.and then after the restorations are designed, we wirelessly transmit the information overto a milling unit and it mills the crown or the onlay out of a pressed block of ceramic.

now we are applying a glaze to the crown afterits milled and some stain to make it look like the natural teeth. once that's done,we'll place it in the oven and bake the glaze and the stain into the ceramic so that weget a more life-like looking restoration. now we're applying the electrodes for thetens unit which is what we use to help establish the bite position for folks with tmd (temporomandibulardisorder) when we are treating that. with the tmd readings, we do the emg's (electromyograms),we measure muscle activity for the muscles of mastication in the head and neck area.we can see just how much or how little the muscles are firing and where the problem areasare so it helps us design and find a comfortable position for the bite to be that we can laterbuild it to, to help fix and correct the issues

with the tmd. as you can see dr. grivas operates a high-techoffice and offers numerous advanced dental services to maximize your oral health. heprovides his patients with comfortable and quick procedures while producing a resultthat is beautiful, healthy and long-lasting. we encourage you to schedule an appointmenttoday so that you can experience a smile that you will be proud of.

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