• from a spider attack that’s been immortalisedin amber to â¬â¬â¬â¬â¬â¬prehistoric porn, we count eight of the weirdest fossils everdiscovered! 8 – fossilised rhino skull,• it’s not a good idea to hang out near volcanoes. that’s what this prehistoricrhino realised right before he died a sudden violent death 9.2 million years ago.• the fossil of this unlucky ungulate was only recently uncovered in turkey. what’sinteresting is that, statistically, only two percent of all fossils are found in volcanicrock. this is because heat normally incinerates organic matter.• experts believe the horny mammal was most likely dismembered by the speeding river ofash and volcanic rock. he also would’ve
had his skull baked at temperatures around450â°c. not a nice way to go… 7 – sabre-toothed squirrel,• while most squirrels like collecting nuts, these prehistoric sabre-toothed versions wouldmore likely tear your nuts off if given the chance. they certainly aren’t the adorablelittle critters from disney movies and hallmark cards.• according to scientists, this mammal walked the earth 100 million years ago during thecretaceous period. it had a long snout and huge canine fangs that would’ve made shortwork of insects. • fossils of sabre-toothed squirrels havebeen unearthed in argentina and other south american regions, and experts have learnta lot about their biology by studying recovered
skulls.• now we just need to find out what happened to them…6 – preserved spider attack, • if you’re afraid of spiders you mightnot see the appeal in this one-of-a-kind fossil that shows a prehistoric spider about to tearinto its prey. for everyone else, though, this is pretty damn cool.• this ancient piece of amber is like a centuries-old snapshot. it was discovered in burma’s hukawngvalley and dates back over a hundred million years to the early cretaceous period.• the level of detail is amazing. you can almost hear the dinosaurs roaring in the background…wait, that’s just my stomach. 5 – megalodon shark jaw,• the megalodon shark was the largest predator
on earth, so it’s no surprise its jaw cancomfortably fit a family of four. i mean, this thing is so big it makes great whitesharks look like goldfish. • this impressive fossilised jaw set ismade up of 182 teeth, some of which are over seven inches long. if he had to it would takethis guy like an hour to clean his teeth. • the whole set was reconstructed by renownedfossil hunter vito bertucci. vito spent nearly two decades obsessively collected fragmentsof teeth from rivers in south carolina. what can you say? dude really loved dinosaurs.4 – giant ant fossil, • if there’s one thing worse than regularants it’s giant fucking flying ants. these guys will seriously ruin your picnic.• thanks to a recent fossil discovery we’ve
been able to uncover more about this ancientspecies, which is known as titanomyrma lubei. • this winged monstrosity existed more thanfifty million years ago in the eocene epoch. it could grow as large as an adult hummingbird– and no insect has any business being that big.3 – prehistoric porn, • dinosaur porn won’t be a new conceptto you if you’ve fallen down any internet porn rabbit holes, but the fact that two dino-palsdied while porking each other – and then had the compromising moment immortalised asa fossil! – is still pretty crazy. they’re probably really embarrassed if they’re watchingthis from the afterlife. • archaeologists have discovered variousfossils of jurassic flies and beetles locked
at the groin. they’ve also found snapshotsof shell-less trilobites having big slithery orgies.• but the best example of prehistoric porn can only be seen at a microscopic level. itinvolves aglaophyton – an early plant species – and, by chance, captures the exact momentwhere its sperm cells were set to explode. that’s right, this ancient money shot isolder than the human race itself. ew. 2 – dinosaur poo,• the study of dried up dinosaur poo may sound like shitty work, but it’s actuallya very important component in learning about a dinosaur’s diet and lifestyle.• in palaeontologic circles, pieces of petrified poo are called coprolites. coprolites, andtheir stinkier counterparts bromalites, have
been found all over the world and have ledto some major breakthroughs. • for example, in australia, a study ofdino faeces revealed that cretaceous plesiosaurs were bottom feeders. meanwhile in poland ancientfish poo helped scientists work out how life recovered after the largest mass extinctionin our history. 1 – phallic-shaped worm fossil,• worms have a tough enough time already being taken seriously. but this poor guy would’vehad it way worse because of his unfortunate resemblance to a dick. that’s right: in2012, a fossil of a strange phallic-shaped worm was unearthed in canada’s yoho nationalpark. • scientists have dubbed the mysteriouscreature ‘spartobranchus tenuis’ – probably
because ‘dickingus wangitus’ didn’tsound all that scientific. they claim the strange invertebrate provides a ‘crucialmissing link’ to understanding the evolution of certain marine creatures and claim it maybe the ancestor of the rare acorn worm. the discovery is important because, unlikeanimals with hard teeth, scales or bones, worms are soft-bodied and don’t usuallyleave a fossil record. plus it’s a freaking dick worm.
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