Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

hypoplasia teeth hereditary

right now, kind of decided to at least to get it over with. we’re having his final surgery. they’re moving the mid-portion of his face f... thumbnail 1 summary
hypoplasia teeth hereditary

right now, kind of decided to at least to get it over with. we’re having his final surgery. they’re moving the mid-portion of his face forward because his upper jaw did not grow at the same rate as his lower jaw. matthew has a syndrome called crouzons syndrome. due to a single genetic abnormality, the skull and some other growth plates inside the skull in the face fuse early and don’t allow the face to grow the way it’s supposed to.

he is been kind of, kind of on hold with getting on with his life. when you look closely at his eyes, his eyes are sticking out. not because the eyes are in a bad position, but because the cheek has never grown the way it’s supposed to. and the teeth have never grown so if you look at his upper jaw his upper jaw his teeth are way back here instead of being up here and our goal with the surgery is to pull the whole face forward so that his teeth sit better and his eyes sit better. i will have say people make their very different appearance, but then maybe make part of my face up.

what we want to do is get into a situation where they look as good as they really are on inside so that they can be treated like normal members of society. there’s no limitation to what he can do if he wants to. matthew actually looks great. he is two weeks out from surgery and he’s looking surprisingly good. the surgery went great, it was a little longer than what we anticipate because they did do more with his forehead, but we knew it was going to be a long day.

we were going in an area where people have already done surgery before so, not only did he have a lot of scar tissues, but he had a lot of metal plates inside his face. and those metal plates, over the ten years since the last surgery, all were basically embedded into his bone. so for all those reasons his surgery was very complex and quite frankly i think we’ve got a better result given the situation than i would have even anticipated. he looks different, but if you saw him out on the street, you would never know.

he used to have his eyes that were sticking out a lot more because the rest of his face was so far back and we basically pulled his face forward at least a good half an inch and by doing that, now his teeth meet up where they’re supposed to. the bottom of his eyes now have something to sit on. it’s like wow that’s really good! so by the time all the swelling goes down it’s gonna be excellent. with my surgery, that’s pretty much 100 percent better from it. i would never imagine that we would have been able to pull matthews

face as far forward as we have. he’s an amazing doctor, what he did. he was just like, i look in the mirror, i look good. we see that in matthew where he now is so confident about himself that he feels as good as anybody else. he’s done great and i’m just amazed just looking at him every day to how much he has been through and what he can do. for us, as plastic surgeons, we’re able to do a surgery that can change your appearance so dramatically with one procedure that

it changes the way that other people perceive you and how you perceive yourself. he’s amazing. he’s a wonderful doctor. he did an amazing job. i just can’t say enough about him. he was one of the more complicated surgeries that we could possibly do on any individual and he’s just kind of come through with flying colors.

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