Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

hypoplasia teeth enamel

good dental health isn't justfor those family members who walk upright, it's also for ourfour legged friends, our dogs and cats.and ... thumbnail 1 summary
hypoplasia teeth enamel

good dental health isn't justfor those family members who walk upright, it's also for ourfour legged friends, our dogs and cats.and this morning we're focusing on good dental hygiene for ourpets. joining us for a livelydiscussion, lisa hoover, director of tartershield products. good morning.hi. thank you for having me.i'm so glad your here because i learned a big lesson about sixmonths ago, i got spanked by my

vet, because i wasn't reallyprotecting my dog when it came to her teeth and let me tellyou why. i was taking her to get theshots and everything, but not concerned so much about thedental hygiene until i realized is important. right, it's very important andit's preventable. it's the number one commonlydiagnosed problem in pets is periodontal disease or gumdisease, and it's completely preventable but it is painfulfor pets.

it is and she actually put underwhen they cleaned her teeth, but the vet was kind of just talkingto me and saying you know kristy, just like you need to doyour exercise and protect your kids and nutrition in thefamily, same goes. yes, it's just as important to apets health, for good dental hygiene as it is for theirnutrition or their proper exercise.and what happens, i mean what happens to their teeth, i knowyou brought some models, how does it happen and what goes onin their teeth?

um, if you don't brush theirteeth the food accumulates on their teeth, mixes with thesaliva and bacteria. and that causes this right here?yes, it forms plaque and then it hardens into tarter and if leftuntreated the bacteria will enter the pockets around theteeth and the gum line and flow throughout the bood will affect the heart, the lungs, the and wear down those organs withtime so.. and is it the same for cats, aswell as dogs?

it's the same.they have the same symptoms, they'll have red swollen gums,bleeding gums, brown yellow teeth and bad breath.yea, and that was happening to my i know, i mean i know, you can brush your pets teeth butagain, who has the time and it's hard, i mean ruby won't sitstill for me. right, right, right, some petswill not allow you to brush their teeth and some peopledon't take the time or don't have the time but it's nice togive them a treat that will

benefit their health and um..and let's talk about that. we have, i know a coupleof examples. i'm going to hold these up,what are these? those art standard rawhide strips. dogs love raw hide, but theytend to choke on them, swallow them whole,um,our product ismuch safer, it's extruded raw it's been all chopped and minced so you don't have toworry about the choking obstruction or breaking teeth.and it prevents tarter by

over does it help in terms of the dog will chew on it?what works? what happens?they will chew on it, they will actually eat the stuff and it'sa vohc approved product, the veterinary oral health councilhas approved this product for tarter control, anybody can justput on their package "freshens breath", "cleans teeth" but ifyou can prove it with clinical studies, set to their protocolthen you earn the seal of approval with the vohc andtarter sheild is the only raw

hide product that does havethis approval. and obviously i wouldn't givethis to my dog cause she's so tiny, i can cut it up for her?you can just break those in two. this is the size for a large doghere, so they just snap in two. and i guess it's like a treatfor them... they will love it....but at the same time it's doing something good?yea, it's the bacon flavored, they will love it, so it's niceto give them something that will benefit them, that theylove too.

and you could do this daily?yup, daily. and of course take them to thevet at leaset once a year to do that dental should take them to the vet, um, once a year and cleaning atleast once a year, um, because half of the tooth is under thegum line. the vet has the proper tools to get under the gum line andgive a though-row cleaning. but while your doing this daily,your also protecting the teeth on the outside.right, right and these will

prevent tarter by over 50%, sothey will keep them clean in between the dental cleaning.ok, thank you so much. oh thank you for having me.i got to become a better teeth cleaner for my dog.(laughing). and if you'de like to find outmore about keeping our dogs and cats teeth and gums theirhealthiest please visit us at the website thebalancingact.comand as always your invited to share your dog and catexperiences on this vital topic, check us out on facebook, getonline and share.

you know it's the social petloving thing to do.

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