Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

crowns baby teeth necessary

baby bottle tooth decay is actually the mostcommon infectious disease or chronic infectious disease of childhood. people don't realizeth... thumbnail 1 summary
crowns baby teeth necessary

baby bottle tooth decay is actually the mostcommon infectious disease or chronic infectious disease of childhood. people don't realizethis but cavities are an infectious disease. baby bottle tooth decay is children who areexposed to milk, juice, other fluid that's have sugar in them for prolonged periods oftime. basically what happens is, the bacteria in your mouth use that sugar to produce acidand the acid decays your teeth. it can start extremely early. you'll actually,in some kids, start to notice a thinning in the enamel of the teeth, discoloration oran indention. the cavities can be there long before you even notice those. so a lot oftimes it's there long before you realize it. if the cavities are small enough then thedentist can fill them. if they're bigger,

often times, you'll see the dentist cap theteeth or sometimes they will just pull the front teeth. you will see children with amouth full of teeth missing at either a very young age, prior to age 5 or 6 when they wouldnaturally lose them, or you'll see them with big, silver capped teeth. neither one is anideal situation, for the cosmetic appearance, or how the child feels about themselves.your child should really, other than when they're sitting at the table, they shouldonly be drinking water from a cup or a bottle. when they're sitting at the table they canhave milk or juice and really a limited amount of juice as it's not necessary in their diet.at a young age, as soon as those first teeth are in, using a baby washcloth to wipe theteeth down after every feeding is important.

parents don't think about it. you use thatsame wash cloth to wash their face but before you wash their face, stick it in their mouth,wipe off the front and back of their teeth and then wash their face.starting at one year of age, you want to start brushing your their teeth. what that reallymeans is, when you, or your older children are brushing their teeth, give them theirtoothbrush, show they what you're doing, explain how to go up and down and back and forth andthen go back over the teeth for them. they will not be adequate at that point doing agood job.

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