Rabu, 04 Januari 2017

how long do pit bulls teeth

hello.. i come with a message from the future i have seen terrible things things that no one should see i come to warn you this video, while... thumbnail 1 summary
how long do pit bulls teeth

hello.. i come with a message from the future i have seen terrible things things that no one should see i come to warn you this video, while it doesn't contain these things, shows me reacting to them. you will not be subjected to the things that i have seen! don't go looking..

iiiiiiiiiii'm gonna do thisss ii'm gonna do this challenge gonna scar myself for liiiife hello, everybody, my name is markiplier and welcome to reddit's 50/50 challenge. and if you don't know what r/50/50 is, it's a sub-reddit that has a 50/50 chance of giving you two outcomes. you either get something

cool, funny, or sexy, maybe or something that's going to horrifically scar you for life! like the don't laugh challenge, i act as the filter. the raw, uncontained, horribleness in this video is a bit constrained because it filters through me, the brave ones of you can go to the website which i will put in the description and try for yourselves but

i warn you! it's gonna get baaaaaaadddd!! *inhale* real baaad! ok, anyway, hell yeah! i am a man and i have no feelings *fake crying* pair of monkey....or pregnant woman,

ooh! it's the hilarious paramedic monkeys! *laughs* oohh they're cute! oh they're cuuute! oh they forgot him, oh that's good! okay! oh that's cute! oh that is good! i like that. oh that's good. okay, alright. so we made it through the first one! yeah! put a score up on the "markiplier score board"

put one up for the, "hoorays!", "team hooray", and then team, *screams* oh god why?!?!? tha- that's a team of in of itself and then, *high pitched* ayyyy! mexican drug cartel beheading , or a volcano rabbit. i don't know what- i don't know what that means... it's a volcano rabbit! i didn't know what it was but it's so cute! awwwwww! aw man, that's- that's cute! i didn't even know what a volcano rabbit was.

okay, we're 2 for 2! baby seal clubbing, or adult seal clubbing oh! it's literally *laughs* it's literally seal in a club. oh. that's seal right there. i have a funny feeling that i may have organised this poorly hairy prolapsed anooz or an oddly shaped kiwi fruit that is an oddly shaped kiwi fruit that is a very-

i think we need to censor that kiwi fruit! that's no good at all we-we're doing great but i sorted them by top rating and i- i may have failed to understand that maybe the good ones got rated up higher so it might be biased but imma- imma just try a few more before i... before i, i get done here

adorable kitten likes his bowtie or man trips on railroad, train runs over him awww i've been doing- awww it's so good i dont wanna play the bad version i like this version! aah, i like it! i dont wanna, i- i've seen all these cute things i dont want the bad ones

world's first flying ostrich is dead or uk couple on fire on gas-tanker... ooh! well, i guess what? i mean, i-i guess...? did they taxidermy an ostrich into a- into a drone? oh, i like this so much better, i don't want the bad ones! hot overwatch mercy cosplay, or penis caught in bike chain.

oh! it's lovely! oh, that's a great cosplay! you're doin' good. tina kinz! a baby playing with his father or a baby with harlequin icthyosis? i don't know what that is... oh no. oh, no that poor baby! aughoh no.

oh god. uhh! eugh eugh eugh eye bleach. eye bleach, please! eye bleach!! awe, look at the kitty awe, a good kitty! oh, look at it! oh, that's a nice kitty right there. heuuugh awe, look at you yeah, you can walk! you can do it.

oh do it! oh! he's so cute. awo, how about puppos? aweee look at the puppos! adorable album of an unlikely friendship between an own and a dog or surprisingly disgusting throat cam of people kissing... eugh. eeeuuuuggghh that is surprisingly disgusting.

i am surprisingly disgusted by that. eugh! brush your teeth! oh, stop it it's gross. ugh! that's like a clam. oh, it's like a big oyster. trying-- you know that-- the- the- the video of the oyster trying to lick the salt on the table? that's what this looks like... there's no salt in there!

you can't have any! stay out! stay out of my room mom. butthole vs wax... or butthole vs laser... neither of these seem like a good try! oh no. oh no oh no!! it's laser butthole.

oh god it's laser butthole. i have to sit through this shit?! fisura anal? cirugia con la-- oh god it's a butthole ah! ahst ohhhhh cringe level: max uh huh eh.

doauuugh stop! stop! oh, why! how much of this do i have to watch? i'm not even at the laser part, it's just butthole. it's just a lot of butthole. i gotta do play-by-play commentary on this bullshit because it's a butthole.

let me just say, ah, they're prepping the butthole for the laser right now. it's like a medical document-- oh, now comes the pain killer! oh they didn'-- they did all of this pre-pain killer. oh now oh now you're gonna give him pain killer? in his butthole. *screaming* *screaming continues*

the laser oh my god no! how is that..oh god no *disgusted groaning* nooo okay im out im out im out enough enough enough woahhh woah

woah woah woah eye bleach please! ehhhh why did i do this one? i haven't even gotten to the really bad stuff.. i'm a gentle soullll man i didn't think this was going to be bothering me.. back in the day i used to go on 4chan all the time kay, i feel ill.

i just wann- i just watched a butthole be lazered. and then other stuff happened to that butthole i dont wanna- i dont wanna paint a pretty picture that it was just a story of a lovely lazer and i lovely butthole on a lovely day and a lovely walk through the park. no, it was bad. it was a lot of bad. don't look that up. it was bad. okay, well wow we were uh what?

four, fi- how ever many that number to this number, were *gibberish* to soo, weave got "man slowly dying on the street while another man beats and impales him with a pole." or "funniest arrest ever:" oh its the arrest, oh it's okay! *silent laughing* okay.

nuh- that was- that was pleasant that was pleasant that was pleasant. okay, "man get into horrific motorcycle accident" or "man flips onto car on highway" those could both end terribly i dont know what..it..is ehhhhhhh ah ooooh whattt whaaaattt holy shit that was awesome! i mean horrifying i mean terrifing

but holy shit! that guy legitimately got into a horrible motorcycle accident and then flipped onto a caaaarr "little foot ingury" or "10 pit bull puppies" oooohh my gooooddd that one was like, morbid but- i don't know why i kept looking at it! why did i keep looking at it? *mark screams* "girl eaten alive by toy" or "girl eaten alive by lions"

oooohh i know you should feel bad!! you should feel bad "man removes large tonsil stones" ew, or "puppy removes large bone" it's tonsil stones ahhh oh my i'm not okay with this! *screams*

im not okay with this! ehhh, gonna puke.. good god.. eeeewwww eeeuuuwwww *scream* eeeewwwaah is that in my mouth? is that in my mouth?

okay alright eugh- im out im out no i don't want a "before and after" fuck you!!! "colorblind child seeing colors for the first time" or "playing with tendons" oooh is that person aliiiivvvveee? it was like a medical examination table and there pulling out his tendons and his arm off oooohhh mmmyyy goooddd "hips don't lie" or "finger tip sliced off" cause ya know these are two *breath* related items.. oh good its the hips not lying thing.

those hips, are truth tellers! you out them in a court up on the jury stand- judge, jury, judy, judge judy's *breath* cross examination stand also know as a witness staaand they are not gonna lie. "hyena loves belly rubs" or "lion bites off the penis of a buffalo" *screaming* nooo oh god noo lion dont do that ahhhh i mean i get nature and all that and "kill or be killed" and the jungle uuhggggg

uhhhh i think im done ooohhh i think im done ah i need the eye bleach thank you, that's good eye bleach. can i get this full-screen please? full-screen that bitch okaaaayyy, okayyyy. well that went well ehhh.. i skipped over some of the potentially worse ones just because i didn't even want to mention them to you guys...this is a challenge that is.. really freaking hard to get through.. so! i will leave it at that! thank you everybody so much for watching, this was both..a fun adventure and a horrifying adventure.

but this- if there ever is an actual challenge to be deemed a real challenge *breaths* its this one. and eh- heed my advice, don't go looking for these, cause its not good.. so anyway! thank you everybody so much for watching! let me know what you thought down in the comments below, and once again remind each other! this eye bleach is available but do not go hunting for that which you do not want to seeee it will only bring you sadness! so thanks again for watching, and as always i will see you in the next video! bye bye! *outro music*

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