Rabu, 04 Januari 2017

how long do dissolvable stitches take wisdom teeth

this animation will show how heart valve replacementsurgery is used to replace a diseased or damaged heart valve. click the navigation arrow... thumbnail 1 summary
how long do dissolvable stitches take wisdom teeth

this animation will show how heart valve replacementsurgery is used to replace a diseased or damaged heart valve. click the navigation arrows belowthe animation screen to play, pause, rewind or fast-forward the animation. this animationcontains sound. your heart lies in the centre of your chest. it pumps blood containing oxygenfrom the lungs to the body, and passes blood without oxygen back to the lungs to absorbmore oxygen. to do this effectively, your heart is divided into four compartments (chambers).there are two chambers on the right side of the heart and two on the left. blood vesselspass blood to and from the heart. between the compartments of the heart there are valveswhich ensure that blood flows in one direction only. if one or more valves in your heartare not working properly, blood doesn't flow

through your heart correctly. there are twoproblems that can affect the heart valves. the valve may not close properly, so bloodleaks backwards in the wrong direction, known as valve insufficiency, or incompetence, asshown here. the valve may become narrowed, so blood can't flow easily, known as valvestenosis. both put extra strain on the heart. surgery can replace or repair a diseased ordamaged valve. valve replacement is carried out under a general anaesthetic, which meansthat you will be asleep during the procedure and feel no pain. a cut is made down the middleof the breastbone (sternum) and the ribcage is opened so the surgeon can reach the heart.medication is used to temporarily stop the heart. the blood is then re-routed to a heart-lungbypass machine. this takes over from the heart

and lungs, and adds oxygen to the blood andmaintains circulation. the surgeon will remove the diseased valve and stitch the replacementvalve in place. there are two types; mechanical valves, which are artificial manufacturedvalves, and biological valves, which are made from human or animal tissue (usually frompigs). after the graft is attached, the heart is restarted with controlled electrical shocksand the sternum is rejoined using wires. the skin on the chest is closed with dissolvablestitches. this is the end of the animation. click on the animation screen to watch itagain.

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