Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

crowns on teeth nhs

i'm dr. joe neely. i practice with the bartonoaks dental group. i want to talk about how to avoid surgery for an apical toot abscess.the... thumbnail 1 summary
crowns on teeth nhs

i'm dr. joe neely. i practice with the bartonoaks dental group. i want to talk about how to avoid surgery for an apical toot abscess.the apex of the tooth or the apical portion of the tooth is the tip of the root. if youcould imagine this ball point pen being a tooth. the crown or the coronal portion isthe portion that you normally see in your mouth and the very tip of the root where thesmall aperture is that the blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth is called the apexof the tooth. so, surgery is avoided; surgery is done at the apex of the tooth for one ofseveral reasons. one if the abscess is allowed to continued to mature to the point that thebodies immune system and even systemic antibiotics can't control the infection then there aretimes where you have to go in from the outside,

reflect the gum back, bore a hole throughthe bone into the abscessed area in order to relieve enough of the fluid in order tobegin to be able to overwhelm the infection. that type of abscess surgery is avoided bygetting the abscess or the tooth infection treated rather than waiting. the early portionof an abscess tooth is quite uncomfortable there is a lot of pain from the intense pressure.but, typically if you wait long enough, if you're able to wait long enough the body willeither vent the abscess tooth, the infection, up along the ligament that holds the toothin to the outside or actually create a little tunnel, a channel, to the outside. the infectionis still there, it just has a way of relieving pressure. now, the abscess is only painfulif you bite hard on it or if your; if you

become infirmed enough that your normal immunesystem doesn't attack it. at that point in time the infection can continue to becomemore and more virulent, or strong, potent, toxic. it will literally eat away, honey comb,the tooth surface. so, after the infection has been removed through antibiotics and aroot canal is done, the infected portion of your tooth removed, if the infection has beenthere long enough and the surface of the tooth is enough like a honey comb, porous, it'snecessary to go in and do surgery to cut that off. simply said you avoid a tooth abscessby treating it in a timely fashion.

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