Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

crowns in teeth problems

hi, my name is dr. holly austgen from southeastfamily dental. and today we're going to talk about dental implants vs. dental ... thumbnail 1 summary
crowns in teeth problems

hi, my name is dr. holly austgen from southeastfamily dental. and today we're going to talk about dental implants vs. dental what is a dental implant? a dental implant is a titanium rod that is placed into thebone where the missing tooth used to be. placing the implant in the bone prevents future boneloss because the bone and the titanium rod actually begin to bond together. the bone does not know the difference betweenthe root of the natural tooth and the titanium rod. then you go and have a crown placed ontop of that rod. this dental crown replicates the natural crown of the tooth that was thereprior. a dental implant requires several procedures and series for this to be placed.

so let's move on to brides. what is a dentalbridge? a bridge is a non-removable prothesis that is used to replace a missing tooth. abridge literally bridges the gap between the two natural teeth replacing the tooth that'smissing between them. bridges used to be the best option in tooth replacement because theywere non-removable and they were pretty pleasing to look at. so let's look at the pros and cons of implantsvs. bridges. the pro of the dental implant is the fact that it is most like a naturaltooth. it's easy to clean around, you can floss in between it and it doesn't requireany type of drilling of filing of the tooth next to it. if something goes wrong with thedental implant, the teeth next to the space

are not affected. it also allows for the boneto stay in place because that bone thinks that titanium rod is actually the root ofthe natural tooth. the downside to a dental implant for somepeople is that not everybody is a surgical candidate. it does take longer for this prosthesisto be completed and the initial cost is more expensive. a dental bridge. the pros and cons of a dentalbridge are that you can not clean around is as easily as you can a dental implant. thebridge itself requires filing down of the teeth next to the space. because it's attachedto that natural tooth you can't floss in between it. this can potentially can lead to decayand periodontal disease.

if you do get decay on the teeth anchoringthat tooth, it will cause you to lose the entire bridge itself. initially the cost ofa dental bridge is less expensive than an implant and it does not require surgery ortake as long to replace. i'm dr. holly austgen from southeast familydental and we can make you smile.

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