dental crowns & veneers according to the ada, veneers are "thin, custom-madeshells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front side of teeth. they arean option for correcting stained, chipped, decayed or crooked teeth." veneers are processedby the dental laboratory, after the teeth are minimally prepared by a dentist. removinga small amount of enamel will allow for an adequate bulk of porcelain to be directlybonded to your teeth.a dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over the entire tooth-- to restore its shape, strength, and improve your smile. crowns & veneers can both make your smile beautiful; however,the differences between these two products
is vast. a variety of dental issues help guidethe dentist in their decision to choose veneers or crowns. #1 bruxers- those that are caught clenchingor grinding their teeth throughout the day and at night are typically not indicated forveneers. recall that veneers involve a thin layer of porcelain & a patient who grindsis more likely to fracture veneer then a crown. #2 high carious activity-those that have alot of decay & cavities that are typically indicated for crowns over veneers. veneersoften require minimal preparation. if the preparation becomes larger, a crown is betterindicated. #3 occlusion- if the dentist needs to correcthow your teeth come together, crowns provide
more adequate treatment then veneers. occlusionshould be stable for if placing a veneer. #4 eroded teeth- veneers require a layer ofenamel in order to properly bond to your teeth. if there is a lack of adequate enamel a veneerwill be unable to achieve a strong bond to the tooth. some teeth have more enamel thenothers which will determine whether a crown or veneer is placed. #5 malpositioned teeth- if the teeth are rotatedin an unfavorable manner, the placement of crowns is typically better indicated thenveneers. placement of veneers can be done when minimal tooth repositioning needs tobe accomplished. of course, a consultation will give you abetter idea about whether a particular case
requires a veneer or a crown. i hope thisvideo was educational. 
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