Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

child flippers teeth

our next guest did an excellent job ofillustrating what it's like to be a mom. [sound]>> dad's out shoveling the drive way, mo... thumbnail 1 summary
child flippers teeth

our next guest did an excellent job ofillustrating what it's like to be a mom. [sound]>> dad's out shoveling the drive way, mom desperately needed a treat toget through the rest of the night. so i'm hiding in the pantry,eating a treat. is that wrong? they don't ever go away. >> [laugh]>> they want everything you have. [noise]. >> [laugh]>> see, she is always there.

>> hi. [laugh]>> hi. >> [applause]>> i wanted to meet her when i saw that video. from orum, utah,please welcome ashley garner. so, what you can't tell from that video,which is just adorable anyway, just to see you hiding in a pantry andthen a little, hi. >> [laugh]>> you don't have one of those, you have four two-year-old quadruplets.

>> i do. >> i mean, can you imagine what that,so tell us what that is like. >> [sound]>> i mean, what are their names? so there-. >> you've got indie, esme, scarlett and evangeline. so, yeah. i mean they are a handfulto say the least. >> to say the least.>> but they're worth it, yes.

>> who's your favorite? >> we don't pick favorites. [laugh]>> all right, but which one? >> [laugh]>> and you can tell them apart, i mean now->> i can, i feel like they look different. everyone calls me crazy when i say that,but i do feel like they lookdifferent to me at least. >> cuz they're two sets of identical. so two of them are identical,and the other two are identical.

>> yes, exactly. >> because you didn't thinkyou're gonna have quadruples? >> yeah, no i mean westruggled with infertility for eight years and we tried everything,we finally did ivf. and they gave me a 40%chance of having one baby. and both eggs stuck and both split. so that gave us our two setsof our two identical twins. >> [laugh]>> so when they told you that day that you have quadruples, what didyou freak out or what did you think?

>> my gosh,it was a good thing i was laying down, cuz i would have been onthe floor if i wouldn't have been. i mean i looked to the ultrasound tech andi said you count again. this is not accurate, you count again. >> wow.>> so. >> all right so, and your kids are backstage with your husband tyson, right now. i think we have a camera on them..ihear that it's been kind of chaos. [laugh] back there. hi.

>> they're like, where is she? is she in there.[laugh]. >> one of them's undressing. >> okay. [laugh] all right. [laugh] all right, so when was the lasttime that you did anything by yourself? is this the first time in a long time? >> yeah,iâ´m actually enjoying myself, i think the pantry was the last time i had aminute to sit here without being touched.

[laugh]>> all right, so just take us througha little bit of your day. how do your day start? >> yeah, sure. we wake up about 7:30 am andthe girls just are 0 to 20 and the second they open their eyes. we get them dressed, we changed them,we take them downstairs, we feed them breakfast. they play for a couple hours andthen it's lunch time,

then we get them ready fornaps, change them again. and then, they wake up and they playa lot longer and then it's dinner time. and then we do bedtime routine andthen it's off to bed. >> wow.every single day. >> every single day. >> every single day.>> it doesn't stop. >> wow!>> [laugh] >> so this story i heard about you trying to get here, is a crazy story.

so they've never been on a plane before,and we set everything up. we thought, arranged it sothat all of you would be in seats. they'd be on your laps. >> uh-huh.>> you had two people traveling with you, so what happened? >> so, we get there. the girls were screamingthe entire way to the airport. and then through the entire airport. and we get there.

we finally are boarding and the lady at the gates is like,you're not getting on this flight. you need tickets for all of your girls. and i was just like my gosh,what's happening? and so we did not get on that plane. >> they sent you home. >> yeah, they were like,get out, we don't care. >> we were the phone with them, we were trying to make everything, we hadarranged it, everyone knew it was fine.

>> that lady is mean. >> [laugh]. >> [laugh]>> and so she sent you home and so then we put you on a another flight. >> yes.>> and then we put you in first class so each of those girls had their own seat. >> yes.but there was only six seats and so it was now me and my husband against four twoyear olds, two hours passed their bedtime. >> i mean, i just can't imagine.

okay, so we're gonna take a break and when we come back we're gonna bringyour kids and your husband out here. so your time alone is over. >> all right.[laugh] we'll be back. come on out. [music] >> [applause]>> hi girls. how is everybody doingwith the ellen hoodies on? >> wow.>> [laugh]

>> [laugh] >> we've talking about you. were you watching the show? >> yes.>> [laugh] >> there she said. she sees herself [laugh]. >> these, look what i had. i have toys in case you wannalook at toys and stuff like that. >> what was else is that.

>> look at this. >> that.>> keep you there and look at hand puppet. >> [laugh]>> all right, look at that. >> [laugh] i can'tbelieve they're staying. >> isn't that wonderful? >> [laugh]>> you want me to take it off or put it on? what do you want to do? all right, sowe wanted to give you a gift that you

would remember the reasonthat we found you and- so, here, while they're playing, keepan eye on them, cuz i'm looking at stairs. stand up and zenor, come on out. okay->> [laugh] >> so- >> yay! >> can you come over here, zeener? >> [laugh]>> [applause] >> hold on, zeener, hold on.

okay, you're just gonnaput that on your back. >> all right, you go this way. okay, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. >> [laugh]>> hold on. [applause]>> all right and then if you open this. >> [applause]>> i can always be in my pantry. >> you can always just close it up or soyou don't have to hide in there anymore. >> it's perfect i love it. >> yay.

>> [applause]>> [applause] >> all right, and also, we know that you havea dream to go to hawaii. so, we're sending your whole family. you're going to hawaii. >> my god! [laugh]>> aah! >> my god. [laugh]>> [applause]

>> thanks to our friends at shutterfly, you'll be in hawaii.

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