Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

capping of teeth

hi, dr. mark burhenne here of so, a lot of you have crowns. most of us, after a certain age, have crowns. and what we d... thumbnail 1 summary
capping of teeth

hi, dr. mark burhenne here of so, a lot of you have crowns. most of us, after a certain age, have crowns. and what we don’t realize is that crowns can come out. they can come out frequently. it depends on how the design of the tooth is prepped by the dentist. but the important thing to know is that crowns are not glued into place. they’re luted into place with cement, not a glue. and glues are pretty toxic. they can harm the tooth and teeth are moist and porous.

so, we really can’t use super glue or […] adhesive. so, the way to look at crowns is that if it’s probably made and if the tooth has parallel walls and it’s prepped properly, that crown will inherently stay on by itself and the cement just prevents saliva from getting in underneath the crown. for example, take two cereal bowls and put one over the other and try and pick up that bottom bowl. they won’t work. take two tall glasses, put one over the other,

and you may have trouble getting the two glasses apart. that’s called […] retention. and again, if the crown is prepped properly —not like a bowl, but a nice, near vertical wall, and the proper shape and long walls (these are all dental terms) —then that crown will stay on. the cement just prevents saliva from getting in there. so, if your crown does come off, get in to see your dentist as soon as you can the next day, the next second or third day after that.

some people wait too long. they wait for two or three weeks or they wait for their next cleaning appointment. and then, it may be too late. the crown may not fit because the adjacent teeth and the opposing tooth will move into place and that crown will not fit anymore. so, it’s not a big deal. hang on to the crown. don’t try and cement it yourself. put it in a little ziplock baggie, bring it to your dentist as soon as you can and he’ll put it back on for you. thanks for listening.

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