Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

capping healthy teeth

so did you just recently break one of yourteeth and you're just anxious to know on how to use temporary tooth filling material? wellmy n... thumbnail 1 summary
capping healthy teeth

so did you just recently break one of yourteeth and you're just anxious to know on how to use temporary tooth filling material? wellmy name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i'm going to show you onhow to use temporary filling material. it's pretty easy, what you will need to do if youdid happen to break your tooth over the weekend and you don't have the chance to go to yourgeneral dentist, you can pretty much go to any pharmacy/drugstore and purchase over thecounter temporary filling material. depending on what type it is, nine times out of ten,it's almost like a putty type material that you would use. what you would do then is youwould just need to break off the material, roll it into like a little ball and then placeit on the tooth or around the tooth that where

you actually broke off at. and then what you'regoing to need to do is you just press it down, kind of form it around the tooth, so thereforeit is filling in where you broke and then make sure it's in there nice and good. andthen what, then immediately what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to bitedown on the material really good and hard. what this will do, it will cause what we callyour actual bite, it will then replicate your bite. so therefore you're not biting too hardon it and you're not going to be causing any damage to the adjacent tooth above it. sowhat you want to do is just bite down, hold it for the recommended time that it says onthe package and usually this can be anywhere from one to two minutes or sometimes eventhree to five minutes and then release. and

then you really want to then avoid that areain the meantime until you're able to go to your general dentist so therefore he wouldbe able to fix it for you correctly. this is only a temporary fix, it's not somethingthat would last more any longer than about a week or so. so you definitely need to goyour general dentist; so therefore he can restore the tooth for you. my name is michelleand i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i just showed you on how you can use temporarytooth filling material.

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