Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

capping dogs teeth

your mother's so fat, the bitch need a thomas guideto find her asshole! [ audience laughing ] all right! wait, wait, wait.yourmother... thumbnail 1 summary
capping dogs teeth

your mother's so fat, the bitch need a thomas guideto find her asshole! [ audience laughing ] all right! wait, wait, wait.yourmother's so fat, after sex l rolled over twice,and l'm still on the bitch! - [ laughing continues ]- your mother is so fat, she fell in the grand canyonand got stuck! reggie's mama's so fatthat the bitch gets her toenailspainted at earl scheib! earl scheib!

earl scheib!ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! hey, hey, get offthe stage, ain't in show business. reggie's mama is so fat, her blood typeis rocky road! [ hooting, cheering ]isn't that somethin'? reggie's mother is so fat,her belt size is equator! get it? equator? [ buddy laughinghysterically] let's get a big round ofapplausefor reggie's mama's ass...

that brought usso muchjoy tonight. yeah!that's a big ass. enough! silence! l can't take this shitno more. now, you done talkedabout me enough, boy! l tried to be peaceful,but now it's time for reggieto ''karatasize'' your ass! whoo!oh, yeah. [ laughing ] ,oh, reggie,l heard ofdreadlocksbut ''shitlocks''?

[ audience laughing ]that's notyour hair. take that pile ofshitoffyour head. you cra-you go too farwith the comedy. oh, oh- l- l-[ karate yell ]come on! come on! what's that? what style is that? oh, shit. [ karate yell ]oh! oh! aaah! [audience gasps, cheers ][ laughing ] [ karate yells ]oh, you quick,but l'm quicker.

watch my feet.come on with it! l'm gonna come on with it.l'm gonna- ha!hey! aaah! - oh, damn!- [audience gasps ]- ladies and gentlemen, me and reggie want to send oneout to a vey special ladyin the house tonight. ## [ piano] # do-un-do-un-doo-doo ##reggie? - [ bones crack]- [ howling ]let go. that was pretty. ladies and gentlemen,reggie has left the building.thankyou, and good night.

[ cheering ]

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