Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

capping chipped teeth

i can't believethis, lloyd. first mary dumps us, then the cops takeour nest egg. - then our hog breaks down.- yeah! when are we evergonn... thumbnail 1 summary
capping chipped teeth

i can't believethis, lloyd. first mary dumps us, then the cops takeour nest egg. - then our hog breaks down.- yeah! when are we evergonna catch a break? å› hallelujah å› å› hallelujahhallelujah å› å› hallelujah. å› - hi, y'all.- ( speakingforeign language )

hi, guys! we're goingon a national bikini tour, and we're looking fortwo oil boys who can grease us upbefore each competition. you are in luck! there's a town aboutthree miles that way. i'm sure you'll finda couple guys there. okay. thanks. bye! do you realizewhat you've done?

- hey!- lloyd! lloyd! you'll have toexcuse my friend. he's a little slow. the town isback that way. wow. two lucky guys are gonnabe driving aroundwith those girls for the nextcouple of months.

yeah, don't worry. we'll catchour break too. - just gotta keepour eyes open.- yeah. å› now, we've beenfriends forever... å›

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