Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

biblical meaning of teeth falling out in a dream

look down! look down! don't look 'em in the eye. you're here until you die. the sun is strong. it's hot as hell below! there... thumbnail 1 summary
biblical meaning of teeth falling out in a dream

look down! look down! don't look 'em in the eye. you're here until you die. the sun is strong. it's hot as hell below! there's twenty years to go. i've done no wrong. sweet jesus, hear my prayer. sweet jesus doesn't care.

i know she'll wait. i know that she'll be true. they've all forgotten you. when i get freeyou won't see me here for dust. how long, o lord before you let me die? you'll always be a slave. you're standing in your grave. now bring me prisoner 24601.

your time is up and your parole's begun. you know what that means? yes, it means i'm free. no. it means you getyour yellow ticket of leave. - you are a thief.- i stole a loaf of bread. you robbed a house. i broke a window pane. my sister's child was close to death.

- and we were starving.- you will starve again unless you learn the meaning of the law. i know the meaningof those nineteen years, a slave... of the law. five years for what you did. the rest because you tried to run. yes, 24601. my name is jean valjean.

and i'm javert! do not forget my name. do not forget me... “24601. freedom is mine. the earth is still. i feel the wind. i breathe again. and the sky clears.

the world is waking. i drink from the pool,how clean the taste. never forget the years, the waste. nor forgive them for what they've done. they are the guilty... every one. the day begins and now let's see... what this new world will do for me.

you'll have to go.i'll pay you off for the day. collect your bits and pieces thereand be on your way. you have given me halfwhat the other men get. this handful of tinwouldn't buy my sweat! you broke the law -it's there for people to see. why should you get the sameas honest men like me? and now i know how freedom feels,the jailer always at your heels. it is the law. this piece of paper in my handthat makes me cursed throughout the land.

like a cur i walk the street... the dirt beneath their feet. come in, sir, for you are weary and the night is cold out there. though our lives are very humble... what we have, we have to share. there is wine here to revive you. there is bread to make you strong. there's a bed to rest till morning.

rest from pain and rest from wrong. he let me eat my fill,i had the lion's share. the silver in my handcost twice what i had earned. in all those nineteen years,that lifetime of despair and yet he trusted me. the old fool trusted me,he'd done his bit of good. i played the grateful serfand thanked him like i should. but when the house was still,i got up in the night. took the silver...

took my flight! - tell his reverence your story.- let us see if he's impressed. - you were lodging here last night.- you were the honest bishop's guest. and then out of christian goodness,when he learned about your plight... you maintain he made a present of this silver. that is right. but, my friend, you left so early. surely something slipped your mind. you forgot i gave these also.

would you leave the best behind? so, messieurs, you may release him, for this man has spoken true. i commend you for your duty and god's blessing go with you. but remember this, my brother. see in this some higher plan. you must use this precious silver to become an honest man.

by the witness of the martyrs, by the passion and the blood, god has raised you out of darkness. i have bought your soul for god. what have i done?sweet jesus, what have i done? become a thief in the night,become a dog on the run. have i fallen so farand is the hour so late... that nothing remainsbut the cry of my hate? the cries in the darkthat nobody hears.

here where i standat the turning of the years. if there's another way to go,i missed it twenty long years ago. my life was a warthat could never be won. they gave me a numberand murdered valjean when they chained meand left me for dead just for stealing a mouthful of bread. yet why did i allow that man to touch my soul and teach me love? he treated me like any other.

he gave re his trust,he called re brother. my life he claims for god above. can such things be? for i had come to hate the world. this world that always hated me. take an eye for an eye. turn your heart into stone. this is all i have lived for. this is all i have known!

one word from him and i'd be back... beneath the lash, upon the rack. instead he offers me my freedom. i feel my shame inside me like a knife. he told me that i had a soul. how does he know what spirit comes to move my life? is there another way to go? i am reaching...

but i fall... and the night is closing in... ...as i stare into the void,to the whirlpool of my sin. i'll escape now from the world,from the world of jean valjean. jean valjean is nothing now! another story must begin! at the end of the dayyou're another day older. and that's all you can sayfor the life of the poor. it's a struggle, it's a war.

and there's nothing that anyone's giving. one more day standing about.what is it for? one day less to be living. at the end of the dayyou're another day colder. and the shirt on your backdoesn't keep out the chill and the righteous hurry past. they don't hear the little ones crying. and the winter is coming on fast,ready to kill. one day nearer to dying.

at the end of the daythere's another day dawning. and the sun in the morningis waiting to rise. like the waves' crash on the sand. like a storm that'll break any second. there's a hunger in the land. there's a reckoning still to be reckoned and there's gonna be hell to pay. at the end of the day! at the end of the dayyou get nothing for nothing.

sitting flat on your buttdoesn't buy any bread. there are children back at homeand the children have got to be fed. and you're lucky to be in a job. and in a bed. and we're counting our blessings. have you seen how the foremanis fuming today? with his terrible breathand his wandering hands? it's because little fantinewon't give him his way. take a look at his trousers,you'll see where he stands.

at the end of the dayit's another day over. with enough in your pocketto last for a week. pay the landlord, pay the shop. keep on grafting as long as you're able. keep on grafting till you drop. or it's back to the crumbs off the table. well, you've got to pay your way... at the end of the day. and what have we here,little innocent sister?

come on, fantine,let's have all the news. "dear fantine,you must send us more money." "your child needs a doctor,there's no time to lose." give that letter to me.it is none of your business. with a husband at homeand a bit on the side. is there anyone herewho can swear before god... she has nothing to fear,she has nothing to hide? what is this fighting all about?will someone tear these two apart? this is a factory, not a circus.

now come on, ladies, settle down. i run a business of repute.i am the mayor of this town. i took to you to sort this out,and be as patient as you can. now, someone say how this began. at the end of the dayshe's the one who began it. there's a kid that she's hidingin some little town. there's a man she has to pay. you can guesshow she picks up the extra. you can bet she's earning her keep

sleeping around. and the boss wouldn't like it. yes, it's true, there's a childand the child is my daughter. and her father abandoned us,leaving us flat. now she lives with an innkeeper manand his wife and i pay for the child.what's the matter with that? at the end of the dayshe'll be nothing but trouble. and there's trouble for allwhen there's trouble for one. while we're earning our daily breadshe's the one with her hands in the butter.

you must send the slut away,or we're all gonna end in the gutter. it's us who'll have to pay... i might have known the bitch could bite. i might have known the cat had claws. i might have guessed your little secret. ah yes, the virtuous fantine... who keeps herself so pure and clean. you'd be the cause, i had no doubt... of any trouble hereabout.

you play a virgin in the lightbut need no urging in the night! she's been laughing at youwhile she's having her men. she'll be nothing but troubleagain and again. - you must sack her today.- sack the girl today! right, my girl on your way! there was a time when men were kind. when their voices were soft... and their words inviting.

there was a time when love was blind and the world was a song and the song was exciting. there was a time... then it all went wrong. i dreamed a dream in time gone by when hope was highand life worth living. i dreamed that love would never die. i dreamed that god would be forgiving.

then i was young and unafraid when dreams were madeand used and wasted. there was no ransom to be paid. no song unsung, no wine untested. but the tigers come at night with their voices soft as thunder as they tear your hope apart as they turn your dream to shame. he slept a summer by my side.

he filled my days with endless wonder. he took my childhood in his stride but he was gone when autumn came. and still i dream he'll come to me. that we will live the years together. but there are dreams that cannot be. and there are storms we cannot weather. i had a dream my life would be so different from this hell i'm living.

so different now from what it seemed. now life has killed the dream i dreamed. i smell women, smell 'em in the air. think i'll drop my anchorin that harbor over there. lovely ladies,smell 'em through the smoke. seven days at seacan make you hungry for a poke. even stokers need a little stoke. lovely ladies, waiting for a bite.

waiting for the customerswho only come at night. lovely ladies, ready for the call. standing up or lying downor any way at all. bargain prices up against the wall what pretty hair. what pretty locks you've got there. what luck you've got. it's worth a centime, my dear. i'll take the lot.

don't touch me! leave me alone! let's make a price. i'll give you all of ten francs. - just think of that.- it pays my debt. - just think of that.- what can i do? it pays a debt. ten francs may save my poor cosette. old men, young men,take 'em as they come. harbor rats and alley catsand every kind of scum. poor men, rich men, leaders of the land.

see them with their trousers off,they're never quite as grand. all it takes is money in their hand. lovely ladies, going for a song. got a lot of callersbut they never stay for long. come on, captain,you can wear your shoes. don't it make a changeto have a girl who can't refuse? easy money, lying on a bed. just as well they never seethe hate that's in your head. don't they know they're making loveto one already dead?

here's something new,i think i'll give it a try come closer, you.i like to see what i buy. the usual pricefor just one slice of your pie. i don't want you.no, no, monsieur, let me go. is this a trick? i won't pay more. no, not at all. you've got some nerve, you little whore. you've got some gall! it's the same with a tartas it is with a grocer.

the customersees what he gets in advance. it's not for the whoreto say "yes, sir" or "no, sir". it's not for the harlot to pickor to choose, or to lead me a dance. i'll kill you, you bastard,try any of that! even a whore who has gone to the badwon't be had by a rat! tell me quickly, what's the story?who saw what and why and where? let him give a full description,let him answer to javert. in this nest of whores and vipers,let one speak who saw it all. who laid hands on this good man here?

what's the substance of this brawl? javert, would you believe it! i was crossing from the park... when this prostitute attacked me. you can see she left her mark. she will answer for her actionswhen you make a full report. you may rest assured, monsieur,that she will answer to the court. there's a child who sorely needs me. please, monsieur, she's but that high.

holy god, is there no mercy? if i go to jail, she'll die! i have heard such protestationsevery day for twenty years. let's have no more explanations. save your breath and save your tears. honest work, just reward,that's the way to please the lord. a moment of your time, javert.i do believe this woman's tale. but, monsieur mayor... you've done your duty, let her be.she needs a doctor, not a jail.

can this be? where will she end... this child without a friend? i've seen your face before. show me some way to help you. how have you come to grief in such a place as this? monsieur, don't mock me now, i pray. it's hard enough. i've lost my pride.

you let your foreman send me away. yes, you were there... and turned aside. i never did no wrong. is it true, what i've done... my daughter's close to dying. ...to an innocent soul? if there's a god above... had i only known then.

...he'd let me die instead. in his name, my task has just begun. i will see it done. but, monsieur mayor! i will see it done! can this be true? i don't believe what i see. a man your age,to be as strong as you are. a memory stirs.

you make me think of a man... from years ago. a man who broke his parole. he disappeared. forgive me, sir, i would not dare... say what you must. don't leave it there. i have only known one otherwho can do what you have done. he's a convict from the chain gang.he's been ten years on the run. but he couldn't run for ever.we have found his hideaway.

and he's just been re-arrestedand he comes to court today. welt, of course, he now denies it,you'd expect that of a con. but he couldn't run for ever,no, not even jean valjean. he thinks that man is me.he knew him at a glance. that stranger he has found,this man could be my chance. why should i save his hide?why should i right this wrong? when i have come so farand struggled for so long. if i speak, i am condemned. if i stay silent...

i am damned. i am the master of hundredsof workers. they all look to me. can i abandon them?how would they live if i am not free? who am i? can i condemn this man to slavery? pretend i do not see his agony? this innocent who bears my face... who goes to judgmentin my place? who am i? can i conceal myself for evermore?

pretend i'm not the man i was before? and must my name until i diebe no more than an alibi? must i lie? how can i ever face my fellow men? how can i ever face myself again? my soul belongs to god, i know.i made that bargain long ago. he gave me hope when hope was gone. he gave me strength to journey on. i'm jean valjean!

and so, javert, you see it's true. this man bears no more guilt than you. 24601! cosette, it's turned so cold. cosette, it's past your bedtime. you've played the day away and soon it will be night. come to me, cosette, the light is fading. don't you see the evening star appearing?

come to me and restagainst my shoulder. how fast the minutes fly awayand every minute colder. hurry, another day is dying. don't you hearthe winter wind is crying? there's a darknesswhich comes without a warning. but i will sing you lullabiesand wake you in the morning. oh, fantine, our time is running out. but, fantine, i swear this on my life. look, monsieur,where all the children play.

be at peace... be at peace evermore. my cosette... shall live in my protection. take her now. your child will want for nothing. good monsieur,you come from god in heaven. and none will ever harm cosetteas long as i am living. take my hand

the night grows ever colder. then i will keep you warm. take my child i give her to your keeping. take shelter from the storm. for god's sake,please stay till i am sleeping and tell cosette i love herand i'll see her when i wake. valjean, at last we see each other plain. monsieur le mayor,you'll wear a different chain.

before you say another word, javert... before you chain me uplike a slave again listen to me,there is something i must do. this woman leaves behinda suffering child. there is none but me who can intercede. in mercy's name,three days are all i need. then i'll return, i pledge my word. then i'll return. you must think me mad!

i've hunted you across the years. men like you can never change. a man such as you. - believe of me what you will.- men like me can never change. - there is a duty i'm sworn to do.- men like you can never change. - you know nothing of my life.- no, 24601. - all i did was steal some bread.- my duty's to the law. - you know nothing of the world.- you have no rights. - you would sooner see me dead.- come with me, 26401.

- not before i see this justice done.- now the wheel has turned around. jean valjean is nothing now. - i am warning you, javert.- dare you talk to me of crime... - i'm a stronger man by far.- ..and the price you had to pay. - there is power in me yet.- every man is born in sin. - my race is not yet run!- every man must choose his way. - i am warning you, javert.- you know nothing of javert. - there is nothing i won't dare.- i was born inside a jail. - if i have to kill you here...- i was born with scum like you.

- “i'll do what must be done.- i am from the gutter, too. and this i swear to you tonight... there is no place for you to hide. your child will live within my care. wherever you may hide away. and i will raise her to the light. i swear to you i will be there. there is a castle on a cloud. i like to go there in my sleep.

aren't any floors for me to sweep. not in my castle on a cloud. there is a room that's full of toys. there are a hundred boys and girls. nobody shouts or talks too loud. there is a lady all in white holds me and sings a lullaby. she's nice to see and she's soft to touch. she says, "cosette,i love you very much."

i know a place where no one's lost. i know a place where no one cries. crying at all is not allowed. oh, help, i think i hear them now! and i'm nowhere near finished sweeping,scrubbing and polishing the floors. oh, it's her... it's madame! now look who's here! the little madam herself.

pretending once againshe's been so awfully good. better not let me catch you slacking. better not catch my eye. ten rotten francsyour mother sends me. what's that going to buy? now take that pail,my little mademoiselle. and go and draw some waterfrom the well. we should never have taken you inin the first place. how stupid the things we do!

like mother like daughter,the scum of the street! still there, cosette? your tears will do you no good. i told you, fetch some waterfrom the well in the wood. please do not send me out alone. not in the darkness on my own. enough of that! or i'll forget to be nice. you heard me ask for somethingand i never ask twice.

welcome, monsieur, sit yourself downand meet the best innkeeper in town. as for the rest, all of them crooks rooking the guestsand cooking the books. seldom do you see honest men like me. a gent of good intentwho's content to be... master of the house,doling out the charm. ready with an 'handshakeand an open palm. tells a saucy tale, makes a little stir. customers appreciate a bon viveur.

glad to do me friends a favour,doesn't cost me to be nice. but nothing gets you nothing.everything has got a little price. master of the house,keeper of the zoo. ready to relieve them of a sou or two. watering the wine,making up the weight. picking up their knick-knackswhen they can't see straight. everybody loves a landlord,everybody's bosom friend. i do whatever pleases.jesus, don't i bleed 'em in the end! master of the house,quick to catch your eye.

never wants a passer-by to pass him by. servant to the poor, butler to the great. comforter, philosopherand lifelong mate. everybody's boon companion,everybody's chaperon. but lock up your valises.jesus, won't i skin you to the bone! enter, monsieur, lay down your load. unlace your boots and rest from the road. this weighs a ton. travels a curse. but here we strive to lighten your purse.

here the goose is cooked. here the fat is fried. and nothing's overlooked till i'm satisfied. food beyond compare,food beyond belief. mix it in a mincer and pretend it's beef. kidney of a horse, liver of a cat. filling up the sausageswith this and that. residents are more than welcome. bridal suite is occupied.

reasonable chargesplus some little extras on the side. charge 'em for the lice,extra for the mice. two per centfor looking in the mirror twice. here a little slice, there a little cut. three per centfor sleeping with the window shut. when it comes to fixing prices,there are lots of tricks he knows. how it all increases,all them bits and pieces. jesus, it's amazing how it grows! everybody's boon companion,gives 'em everything he's got.

dirty bunch of geezers,jesus, what a sorry little lot! i used to dreamthat i would meet a prince. but, god almighty,have you seen what's happened since? master of the house isn't worth my spit. comforter, philosopher and lifelong shit! cunning little brain, regular voltaire. thinks he's quite a loverbut there's not much there. what a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse.

god knows how i've lasted livingwith this bastard in the house! master of the house... master and a half! comforter, philosopher. don't make me laugh! hypocrite and toady and inebriate. everybody bless the landlord,everybody bless his spouse. everybody raise a glass... raise it up the master's arse!

everybody raise a glassto the master of the house! i found her wandering in the wood,a little child. i found her tremblingin the shadows. and i am here to help cosette. and i will settle any debtyou may think proper. i will pay what i must pay to take cosette away. what to do? what to say? shall you carry our treasure away?

what a gem, what a pearl. beyond rubies is our little girl how can we speak of debt? let's not haggle for darling cosette. dear fantine, gone to rest. have we done for your childwhat is best? shared our bread, shared each bone. treated her like she's one of our own. are you comin' home with us, girl?

your feelings do you credit, sir. and i will ease the parting blow. let us not talk of bargainsor bones or greed. now, may i say, we are agreed? that would quite fit the bill. if she hadn't so often been ill little dear, cost us dear. medicines are expensive, monsieur. not that we'd begrudge a sou.

it's no more than we christians must do. one thing more, one small doubt. there are treacherous people about. no of fence, please reflect... your intentions may not be correct. no more words, here's your price. fifteen hundred for your sacrifice. come, cosette, say goodbye. let us seek out a friendlier sky.

thank you both for cosette. it won't take you too long to forget. look down and seethe beggars at your feet. look down and showsome mercy if you can. look down and seethe sweepings of the street. look down, look down,upon your fellow man. 'ow do you do? my name's gavroche. these are my people an' here's my patch. not much to look at, nothing posh.

nothing that you'd call up to scratch. this is my school, my high society. here in the slums of st michel. we live on crumbs of humble piety. tough on the teeth, but what the hell think you're poor, think you're free? follow me... follow me! what do you think you're at?hanging round me pitch?

if you're new around here, girl,you've got a lot to learn. listen, you old bat, crazy bloody witch! at least i give re customerssome pleasure in return. i know what you give.you give 'em all the pox. spread around your poisontill they end up in a box! leave the poor old cow.move it, madeleine. she used to be no bettertill the clap got to her brain! when's it gonna end?when are we gonna live? something's got to happen nowor something's gonna give.

it'll come, it'll come,it'll come, it'll come... where are the leaders of the land? where are the swells who run this show? only one man and that's lamarque speaks for the people here below. see our children fed,help us in our shame. something for a crust of bread,in holy jesus' name. in the lord's holy name.in his name, in his name... lamarque is ill and fading fast.

won't last the week out, so they say. with all the anger in the land, how long before the judgment day? before we cut the fat ones down to size? before the barricades arise. there, out in the darkness... a fugitive running, fallen from god. fallen from grace.

god, be my witness, i never shall yieldtill we come face to face. till we come face to face. he knows his way in the dark. mine is the way of the lord. those who followthe path of the righteous shall have their reward. and if they fall as lucifer fell... the flame, the sword!

stars... in your multitudes scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light. you are the sentinels... silent and sure, keeping watch in the night. keeping watch in the night. you know your place in the sky.

you hold your course and your aim. and each in your seasonreturns and returns and is always the same. and if you fall as lucifer fell you fall in flames! and so it must be, for so it is written on the doorway to paradise that those who falter and those who fall... must pay the price.

lord, let me find him. that i may see him safe behind bars. i will never rest till then. this i swear. this i swear by the stars. at notre dame the sections are prepared. at rue du bacthey're straining at the leash. students, workers, everyone,there's a river on the run. like the flowing of a tide,paris coming to our side.

the time is near. so near it's stirringthe blood in their veins. and yet, beware. don't let the wine go to your brains. for the army we fight is a dangerous foe. with the men and the armsthat we never could match. oh, it's easy to sit hereand swat 'em like flies. but the national guardwill be harder to catch. we need a sign to rally the people

to call them to arms, to bring them in line. marius, you're late. what's wrong today?you look as if you've seen a ghost. some wine, and say what's going on. a ghost you say, a ghost maybe. she was just like a ghost to me. one minute there, then she was gone. i am agog, i am aghast. is marius in love at last?

i've never seen him ooh and aah. you talk of battles to be won and here he comes like don juan. it's better than an opera! it is time for us allto decide who we are. do we fight for the rightto a night at the opera now? have you asked of yourselveswhat's the price you might pay? is it simply a gamefor rich young boys to play? the color of the worldis changing day by day.

red, the blood of angry men. black, the dark of ages past. red, a world about to dawn. black, the night that ends at last. had you been there tonightyou might know how it feels. to be struck to the bonein a moment of breathless delight. had you been there tonightyou might also have known... how your world may be changedin just one burst of light. and what was right seems wrong.

what was wrong seems right. red! i feel my soul on fire. black! my world if she's not there. the color of desire. the color of despair! marius, you're no longer a child. i do not doubt you mean it well

but now there is a higher call. who cares about your lonely soul? we strive towards a larger goal. our little lives don't count at all. the blood of angry men. the dark of ages past. a world about to dawn. the night that ends at last! well, courfeyrac,do we have all the guns?

feuilly, combeferre,our time is running short. grantaire, put that bottle down! do we have the guns we need? give me brandy on my breathand i'll breathe them all to death! at st antoine they're with us to a man. at notre damethey're tearing up the stones. - twenty rifles good as new.- listen! twenty rounds for every man. - listen to me!- double that in port st cloud.

- listen, everybody!- seven guns in st martin! general lamarque is dead! lamarque is dead. lamarque, his death is the hour of fate. the people's man. his death is the sign we await. on his funeral daythey will honour his name. it's a rallying crythat will reach every ear. in the death of lamarquewe will kindle the flame.

they will see thatthe day of salvation is near. the time is here. let us welcome it gladlywith courage and cheer. let us take to the streetswith no doubt in our hearts but a jubilant shout.they will come one and all. they will come when we call! \ yes!\ yes! do you hear the people sing,singing the song of angry men? it is the music of a peoplewho will not be slaves again.

when the beating of your heartechoes the beating of the drums there is a life about to startwhen tomorrow comes. will you join in our crusade?who will be strong and stand with me? beyond the barricadeis there a world you long to see? then join in the fight thatwill give you the right to be free! will you give all you can giveso that our banner may advance? some will fall and some will live. will you stand upand take your chance? the blood of the martyrswill water the meadows of france.

how strange, this feelingthat my life's begun at last. this change - can peoplereally fall in love so fast? what's the matter with you, cosette? have you been too much on your own? so many things unclear... so many things... unknown. in my life there are so many questions and answersthat somehow seem wrong.

in my life... there are timeswhen i catch in the silence the sigh of a faraway song. and it sings of a world that i long to see. out of reach,just a whisper away waiting for me. does he know i'm alive? do i know if he's real? did he see what i saw? does he feel what i feel?

i'm no longer alonenow the love in my life is so near. find me now... find me here. she has burst like the music of angels,the light of the sun. and my life seems to stopas if something is over and something has scarcely begun. eponine, you're the friendwho has brought me here. thanks to you, i am onewith the gods, and heaven is near. and i soar through a worldthat is new, that is free.

every word that is saidis a dagger in me! there's been no one like him anywhere. anywhere where he is. if he asked... i'd be his. there is someone who touches my life. waiting near. waiting here. a heart full of love.

a heart full of song. i'm doing everything all wrong! oh, god, for shame,i do not even know your name. dear mademoiselle, won't you say? will you tell? no fear, no regret. my name is marius pontmercy. and mine's cosette. cosette, i don't know what to say.

then make no sound. i am lost. i am found. a heart full of light. a night bright as day. and you must never go away. cosette, cosette... this is a chain we'll never break. do i dream?

i'm awake! he was never mine to lose. a heart full of you. - why regret what could not be?- one single look and then i knew. i knew it, too. these are words he'll never say. not to me. from today... not to me, not for me.

every day, his heart... - for it isn't a dream.- ..full of love. - he will never feel this way.- not a dream after all. this is his lair.i've seen the old fox around. he keeps himself to himself.he's staying close to the ground. i smell profit here. ten years agohe came and paid for cosette. i let her go for a song.it's time we settled the debt. this'll cost him dear.

what do i care who you should rob? give me my share, finish the job! you shut your mouth!give me your hands. what have we here? who is this hussy? it's your brat eponine.don't you know your own kid? why's she 'anging about you? eponine, get on home.you're not needed in this. we're enough here without you.

i know this house, i tell you. there's nothing here for you. just the old man and the girl they live ordinary lives. don't interfere. you've got some gall! take care, young miss,you've got a lot to say. - she's going soft.- happens to all. go home, 'ponine, go home.you're in the way. i'm gonna scream.i'm gonna warn them here.

one little screamand you'll regret it for a year! what a palaver!what an absolute treat to watch a cat and its fatherpick a bone in the street. not a sound out of you! well, i told you i'd do it,i told you i'd do it... you wait, my girl, you'll rue this night. i'll make you scream.you'll scream all right! leave her to me, don't wait around. make for the sewers, go underground.

it was your cry sent them away. once more 'ponine saving the day. dearest cosette, my friend 'ponine... brought me to you, showed me the way. somebody's near, let's not be seen. somebody's here! my god, cosette,i heard a cry in the dark. i heard the shoutof angry voices in the street. that was my cry you heard, papa.

i was afraid of what they'd do. they ran away when they heard my cw. cosette, my child,what will become of you? three men i saw beyond the wall. three men in shadow, moving fast. this is a warning to us all. these are the shadows of the past. must be javert,he's found my cover at last. i've got to get cosette awaybefore they return.

we must get away from shadowsthat will never let us be. tomorrow to calaisand then a ship across the sea. hurry, cosette.prepare to leave and say no more. tomorrow we'll away. hurry, cosette. it's time to close another doorand live another day. one day more. another day, another destiny. this never-ending road to calvary. these men who seem to know my crimewill surely come a second time.

- one day more.- i did not live until today. how can i live when we are parted? tomorrow you'll be worlds away. and yet with you my world has started. one more day all on my own. will we ever meet again? one more day with him not caring. i was born to be with you. what a life i might have known.

and i swear i will be true. but he never saw me there. one more day before the storm. do i follow where she goes? at the barricades of freedom. shall i join my brothers there? when our ranks begin to form. do i stay, and do i dare? will you take your place with me?

the time is now! the day is here! one day more... one more day to revolution.we will nip it in the bud. i will join these little schoolboys. they will wet themselves with blood. watch 'em run amok.catch 'em as they fall. never know your luckwhen there's a free-for-all. here a little dip, there a little touch.

most of them are gonersso they won't miss much. one day to a new beginning. raise the flag of freedom high. every man will be a king. every man will be a king! there's a new world for the winning. there's a new world to be won. do you hear the people sing? my place is here. i fight with you!

one day more! i did not live until today. tomorrow we'll be far away.tomorrow is the judgment day. tomorrow we'll discoverwhat our god in heaven has in store. one more dawn... one more day... one day... more! and now i'm all alone again,nowhere to turn, no one to go to.

without a home, without a friend,without a face to say hello to. and now the night is near,now i can make believe he's here. sometimes i walk alone at nightwhen everybody else is sleeping. i think of him and then i'm happywith the company i'm keeping. the city goes to bed and i can live inside my head. on my own... pretending he's beside me. all alone...

i walk with him till morning. without him, i feel his arms around me. and when i lose my wayi close my eyes and he has found me. in the rain,the pavement shines like silver. all the lights are misty in the river. in the darkness,the trees are full of starlight. and all i see is him and mefor ever and for ever. and i know it's only in my mind that i'm talking to myself and not to him.

and although i know that he is blind still i say there's a way for us. i love him, but when the night is over he is gone. the river's just a river. without him,the world around me changes. the trees are bare, and everywherethe streets are full of strangers. i love him, but every day i'm learning. all my life, i've only been pretending.

without me his world will go on turning. a world that's full of happinessthat i have never known. i love him. i love him... but only on my own. now we pledge ourselvesto hold this barricade. let them come in their legionsand they will be met. have faith in yourselvesand don't be afraid. let's give them a screwingthey'll never forget!

this is where it begins. and if i should die in the fight to be free... where the fighting is hardest,there will i be! let them come if they dare! we'll be there! yes! you at the barricades, listen to this! no one is coming to help you to fight! you're on your own!

you have no friends. give up... your guns or die! damn their warnings, damn their lies. they will see the people rise! listen, my friends, i have done as i said. i have been to their lines.i have counted each man. i will tell what i can. better be warned, they have armies to spare,and our danger is real

we will need all our cunningto bring them to heel. have faith. if you know what their movements are,we'll spoil their game. there are ways that a people can fight. we shall overcome their power. i have overheard their plans. there will be no attack tonight. they intend to starve us outbefore they start a proper fight. concentrate their force,hit us from the right.

liar! good evening, dear inspector.lovely evening, my dear. i know this man, my friends,his name's inspector javert. so don't believe a word he sayscos none of it's true. this only goes to showwhat little people can do. and little people know,when little people fight... we may look easy pickingsbut we've got some bite. so never kick a dogbecause he's just a pup. we'll fight like twenty armiesand we won't give up.

so you'd better run for coverwhen the pup grows up. bravo, little gavroche,you're the top of the class! so what are we gonna dowith this snake in the grass? tie this man and take himto the tavern in there. the people will decide your fate,inspector javert. take the bastard now and shoot him! let us watch this devil dance! you'd have done the same, inspector,if we'd let you have your chance. take this man, bring him through.there is work we have to do.

don't you fret, monsieur marius... i don't feel any pain. a little fall of rain... can hardly hurt me now. you're here. that's all i need to know. and you will keep me safe and you will keep me close and rain will make the flowers grow.

but you will live, 'ponine. dear god above! if i could heal your woundswith words of love. just hold me now and let it be. shelter me. comfort me. you would live a hundred years if i could show you how.

i won't desert you now. the rain can't hurt me now. this rain will wash away what's past. and you will keep me safe. and you will keep me close. i'll sleep in your embrace at last. the rain that brings you hereis heaven blessed. the skies begin to clear and i'm at rest. a breath away from where you are...

i've come home from so far. - so don't you fret, monsieur marius.- hushabye, dear eponine. - i don't feel any pain.- you don't feel any pain. - a little fall of rain...- a little fall of rain... - can hardly hurt me now.- can hardly hurt you now. i'm here. - and you will keep me safe.- i will stay with you... - and you will keep me close.- “till you are sleeping. - and rain...- and rain...

- will make the flowers...- will make the flowers... grow she is the first to fall, the first of us to fail upon this barricade. her name was eponine. her life was cold and dark yet she was unafraid. we fight here in her name. she will not die in vain.

she will not be betrayed. here comes a man in uniform. what brings you to this place? i come here as a volunteer. let's look upon your face. you wear an army uniform. that's why they let me through. you've got some years behind you, sir. there's much that i can do.

you see that prisoner over there? a volunteer like you. a spy who calls himself javert! he's gonna get it, too. they're getting ready to attack! take this and use it well. but if you shoot us in the backyou'll never live to tell. platoon of sappers advancingtowards the barricades! troops behind them, 50 men or more!

fire! - see how they run away!- by god, we've won the day! they will be back again,make an attack again. for your presence of mind,for the deed you have done. i will thank you, monsieur,when our battle is won. give me no thanks, monsieur.there's something you can do. if it is in my power. give me the spy javert.let me take care of him. the law is inside out,the world is upside down.

do what you have to do.this man belongs to you. the enemy may be regrouping.hold yourselves in readiness. come on, my friends,back to your positions. the night is falling fast. we meet again. you've hungered for this all your life. take your revenge. how right you should kill with a knife. you talk too much.your life is safe in my hands.

don't understand. get out of here. valjean, take care. i'm warning you. clear out of here. once a thief, forever a thief. what you want you always steal. you would trade your life for mine? yes, valjean, you want a deal shoot me now for all i care.

if you let me go, beware. you'll still answer to javert. you are wrong,and always have been wrong. i'm a man, no worse than any man. you are free and there are no conditions... no bargains or petitions. there's nothing that i blame you for. you've done your duty...

nothing more. if i come out of this alive you will find me at number 55 rue plumet. no doubt our paths will cross again. go! drink with me to days gone by. sing with me the songs we knew. here's to pretty gutwho went to our heads. here's to witty girlswho went to our beds.

here's to them and here's to you. can it be you fear to die? will the world remember youwhen you fall? could it be your deathmeans nothing at all? is your life just one more lie? to the life that used to be. at the shrine of friendshipnever say die. let the wine of friendship never run dry. here's to you...

and here's to me. do i care if i should die,now she goes across the sea? life without cosettemeans nothing at all. would you weep, cosette,should marius fall? will you weep, cosette, for me? god on high... hear my prayer" in my needyou have always been there. he is young...

he's afraid. let him rest... heaven blessed. bring him home. he's like the son i might have known if god had granted me a son. the summers die one by one. how soon they fly on and on. and i am old and will be gone.

bring him peace... bring him joy'!- he is only a boy. you can take... you can give. let him be... let him live. if i die... let me die...

you at the barricades, listen to this. the people of paris sleep in their beds. you have no chance... no chance at all. why throw your lives away? let us die facing our foe. make them bleed while we can! make them pay through the nose! make them pay for every man!

let others rise to take our place... until the earth is free! here's a hint of gold, stuck into a tooth. pardon me, monsieur,you won't be needing it no more. shouldn't be too hard to sell. add it to the pile. add it to the stock. here among the sewer rats,a breath away from hell you get accustomed to the smell.

well, someone's gotto clean them up, my friends. bodies on the highway,law and order upside down. someone's got to collecttheir odds and ends... as a service to the town. here's a tasty ring. pretty little thing. wouldn't wanna waste it. that would really be a crime. thank you, sir, i'm in your debt.

here's a little toy. take it off the boy. his heart's no longer going... and he's lived his little time. but his watch is ticking yet. well, someone's got toclean them up, my friends... before the little harvestdisappears into the mud. when the gutters run with blood. it's a world where the dogs eat the dogs.

where they kill for the bones in the street. and god in his heaven,he don't interfere... cos he's as dead as the stiffs at me feet. i raise my eyes to see the heavens... and only the moon looks down. the harvest moon shines down. it's you, javert,i knew you wouldn't wait too long. the faithful servant at his post once more. this man's done no wrongand he needs a doctor's care.

i warned you i would not give in.i won't be swayed. another hour yet. and then i'm yoursand all our debts are paid. the man of mercy comes again,and talks of justice! come, time is running short. look down, javert,he's standing in his grave. - give way, javert...- take him, valjean... - ..there is a life to save.- “before i change my mind. i will be waiting, 24601.

who is this man?what sort of devil is he? to have me caught in a trapand choose to let me go free? it was his hour at lastto put a seal on my fate. wipe out the pastand wash me clean off the slate. all it would takewas a flick of his knife. vengeance was hisand he gave me back my life. damned if i'll live in the debt of a thief. damned if i'll yieldat the end of the chase. i am the law and the law is not mocked.

i'll spit his pity right back in his face. there is nothing on earth that we share. it is either valjean or javert! how can i now allow this man... to hold dominion over me? this desperate manwhom i have hunted... he gave me my life. he gave me freedom. i should have perished by his hand.

it was his right. it was my right to die as well. instead i live, but live in hell. and my thoughts fly apart. can this man be believed? shall his sins be forgiven? shall his crimes be reprieved? and must i now begin to doubt... who never doubted all these years.

my heart is stone and still it trembles. the world i have known is lost in shadow. is he from heaven or from hell? and does he know... that granting me my life today... this man has killed me... even so. i am reaching but i fall. and the stars are black and cold.

as i stare into the voidof a world that cannot hold. i'll escape now from that world... from the world of jean valjean. there is nowhere i can turn... there is no way to go on! did you see them going off to fight? children of the barricadeswho didn't last the night. nothing changes. nothing ever will.

every year another brat,another mouth to fill. same old story.what's the use of tears? what's the use of prayingif there's nobody who hears? turning, turning... turning, turning,turning through the years. turning, turning,turning through the years. minutes into hoursand the hours into years. hours into years. nothing changes. nothing ever can.

round and round the roundabout... round and roundand back where you began. there's a grief that can't be spoken. there's a pain goes on and on. empty chairs at empty tables. now my friends are dead and gone. here they talked of revolution. here it was they [it the flame. here they sang about tomorrow.

and tomorrow never came. from the table in the corner... they could see a world reborn. and they rose with voices ringing. and i can hear them now. the very words that they had sung... became their last communion... on the lonely barricades... at dawn.

oh, my friends, my friends, forgive me... that i live and you are gone. phantom faces at the window, phantom shadows on the floor, empty chairs at empty tables. now my friends will meet no more. oh, my friends, my friends don't ask me... what your sacrifice was for.

now my friends will sing... no more. every day you walk with stronger step. you walk with longer step. the worst is over. every day, i wonder every day... who was it brought me herefrom the barricade. don't think about it, marius, with all the years ahead of us

i will never go away and we will be together every day. every day we'll remember that night and the vow that we made. a night full of you. the words are old but always true. oh, god, for shame,you did not even know my name. dear mademoiselle... i was lost...

in your spell. she was never mine to keep. - my name is marius pontmercy.- she is youthful, she is free. - i saw you waiting and i knew.- love is the garden of the young. waiting for you... let it be. ...at your feet. - at your call.- let it be. - and it wasn't a dream.- a heart full of love.

- not a dream after all.- this i give you this day. ring out the bells upon this day of days. may all the angels of the lord above in jubilation sing their songs of praise. and crown this blessed timewith peace and love. ain't it a laugh, ain't it a treat... hobnobbing here among the elite? there goes a prince. here comes a jew.

this one's a queer, but what can you do? paris at me feet... paris in the dust... and here's me breaking breadwith the upper crust. beggar at the feast, master of the dance... life is easy pickingsif you grab your chance. everywhere you go, law-abiding folk... doing what is decentbut they're mostly broke. singing to the lord on sundays...

praying for the gifts he'll send. but we're the ones who take it,we're the ones who make it in the end. watch the buggers dance,watch 'em till they drop. keep your wits about youand you stand on top. masters of the land,always get our share. clear away the barricadesand we're still there. we know where the wind is blowing. money is the stuff we smell. and when we're rich as croesus,jesus, won't we see you all in hell!

alone i wait in the shadows. i count the hours till i can sleep. i dreamed a dream cosette stood by. it made her weep to know i die. alone at the end of the day... upon this wedding night i pray... take these children, my lord,to thy embrace... and show them grace. god on high

take me now... to thy ca re. where you are let me be. take me there. bring me home. monsieur, i bless your name. i am ready, fantine. monsieur, lay down your burden.

at the end of my days. you raised my child with love. she's the best of my life. and you will be with god. papa, papa, i do not understand. are you all right?they said you'd gone away. cosette, my child, am i forgiven now? thank god, thank god,i've lived to see this day. it's you who must forgivea thoughtless fool

it's you who must forgivea thankless man. it's thanks to you that i am living. and again i lay down my life at your feet. cosette, your father is a saint. when they wounded me,he took me from the barricade. carried like a babe,and brought me home... to you. now you are here... again beside me.

now i can die in peace... for now my life is blessed. you will live, papa, you're going to live. it's too soon... too soon to say goodbye. yes, cosette, forbid me now to die. i'll obey. i will try on this page...

i write my last confession. read it well when i at last am sleeping. it's a story of those who always loved you. your mother gave her life for you,then gave you to my keeping. come with me where chainswill never bind you. all your grief at last... at last behind you. lord in heaven,look down on him in mercy. forgive me all my trespassesand take me to your glory.

and lead me to salvation. take my love for love is everlasting. and remember the truththat once was spoken... to love another personis to see the face of god. lost in the valley of the night. it is the music of a peoplewho are climbing to the light. for the wretched of the earththere is a flame that never dies. even the darkest night will endand the sun will rise.

they will live again in freedomin the garden of the lord. they will walk behind the ploughshare, they will put away the sword. the chain will be brokenand all men will have their reward! will you join in our crusade? who will be strong and stand with me? somewhere beyond the barricade,is there a world you long to see? say, do you hear the distant drums? it is the future that they bringwhen tomorrow comes.

tomorrow! tomorrow comes! singing the song of angry men?

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