Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

biblical dreams of teeth falling out

is there a supernaturaldimension, a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain message... thumbnail 1 summary
biblical dreams of teeth falling out

is there a supernaturaldimension, a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.

join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural! sid: hello. welcome to my world where it'snaturally supernatural. just breathe in the rarified airof heaven. i prophesy to you, you will, youwill hear god's voice. you will! you will hear god's voice. you will be normal, normal asdefined by the bible. because my guest has been calledby god to mentor you in hearing

god's voice. you know, as my guest travelsaround the country and he asks people to raise their hands, howmany people hear god's voice on a regular basis? what percentage would you say donot? richard: over 90 percent. it doesn't matter whatdenomination where i'm speaking over 90 percent cannot say thatthey hear god on a regular basis.

sid: so you're in a baptistbible college. you go to schools of theologysome seven years. how many classes did you have onhearing god's voice? richard: never had one class onhearing god's voice. there was one teacher that spokeon how there are only four passages in the bible that talkabout god speaking, and how they're all misunderstood andmisinterpreted, that anybody who says that god spoke to themneeds professional help. he happened to be a psychologyprofessor.

sid: did you know the number oneprofession for suicides? i'll leave that alone. but let me ask you this. you read a book on why speakingin tongues is not for today and what did you do about it? richard: well i wanted atheology about what was wrong with tongues. and so that's why i asked forthe book. went to my baptist pastor and hegave me a book, and i devoured

it over a weekend. but the problem was i looked upthe passages, and i looked at what they really said, and i sawthe weakness of this, you know, author's arguments, becamethoroughly convinced that tongues was for real against mydesire, just trying to be honest with what i read. and i said, lord, if this is forreal, would you give me the gift of tongues, and he did rightthere in my baptist college dorm room.

sid: okay. now, in a baptist seminary noless. okay. 1996, two wonderful ministryopportunities, you're pastoring, they cross your path. but you don't know which is god. what do you do? richard: well my pastor and dearfriends of ours, they told me god had spoken to them, that iwas supposed to stay.

and i thought, well they gotskin in the game. how do i know that they've heardgod? i didn't know how to hear god'svoice at that point in my life. and so i prayed a crazy prayerfor a baptist pastor. i said, god, either drop agranite stone out of the sky with message in it that i'msupposed stay here, no joke. that's what i prayed. sid: and hope it doesn't hit youin the head. richard: i'm glad that's not howhe answered.

but the second option, and youknow, the crazy things we do sometimes. but i said, lord, send someoneto walk about the street that doesn't know me from adam totell me god told him i'm supposed to stay. i said, if one of those twothings happen i will know that it's you, i'll never look backand i will stay. and sure enough, after afour-day fast, i told our church leadership that i was resigningeffective one year from now,

that i was going to use thatyear to run the ministry, but raise support. and i got a call from thereceptionist. that was on thursday. my fast ended. on monday morning, i get a callfrom the receptionist. she said, "there's a guy outhere wants to speak to a pastor." so i came out into the lobby andthere was a guy with a long

beard, long hair, dirty hands,missing half his teeth, old beat up pickup truck outside, and heintroduced himself, told me just a little bit about his ministry,and said god had told him to come in here and speak to apastor. i said, "okay, how can i helpyou?" i figure he's going to ask formoney for his ministry or something. and he said, "the one thing iknow i'm supposed to say is this, sometimes i feel like godwants us to go far away like

another country if that's wherehe can us, where in reality, god wants us to stay right where weare, and that's where he's going to use us to make an impact." he started crying. said, "i don't know why i'msaying this, but god told me to come in here and tell this to apastor." brought him back to my office. and there were two other thingsi had been praying about that week i had never prayed aboutbefore, and he gave me specific

answers to both of prayers. he sang a little song, walkedaround, kissed me on my cheek and walked out the door. i was like, okay, this is themost unusual day of my life so far. but now it gets better. eight months later, this guy,this prophet, his name is cecil, calls you. what does he say?

richard: he said, "god has givenme a word for you." well the first time he had givenme a business card and i call him a week later, and the phonewas dead. and i thought, what a strangething. i thought maybe it was angel. why would he give me a card anddisappear? i didn't hear from him for eightmonths. and then he said, "i've got aword for you." he came to my office.

before he made it back to myoffice, there were two of our staff members laying prostratein their office and he had spoken specific words to them. i knew it was the last day onthe job because our church didn't have stuff like that. so i invited him, you know, backinto my office. and he said, "before i tell youwhat god has given me to give to you, we need to go your houseand pray for your wife. she's having severe back pain."

i was like, how does he knowthat? sid: how did he know that? richard: there was no way. i hadn't told anyone. i woke up, about two o'clockthat morning, my wife wincing in pain because she was pregnantand the baby was pressing on her sciatica. and so i said, "let's go." we got in the car, drove to myhouse and he prayed for wife,

turned and began to speak a wordover me, and the next thing i know i was laying on the carpetin my living room. sid: he was overcome by thespirit. what did god do when you wereovercome by the spirit? richard: began to see a visionright away. one short side note is exactly aweek before i had a teenager in my youth group, wanted to sharea vision that he had when he was slaying in the spirit, and iasked him, i said, "can you show me slaying in the spirit in thebible."

he didn't come forth with anypassages. and i was thinking, okay if godwas going to speak through a vision to someone, i wouldn'tput that pass god. but wouldn't he give it to me,the leader of the ministry, not one of my teenagers. he's just a drummer in my band. forgive me lord for myarrogance. but here i am exactly one weeklater, laying on the floor having a vision.

the first thing i saw was anangel at my feet. and this angel is laying a sheetover on top of me. and as the angel was laying thesheet over me, cecil said, "there is an angel and he'sputting a mantle on me." how does he see what i'm seeingin this vision? and then i saw a sword fallingfrom the sky, end over end, and as it fell, all of a sudden ithit something that i couldn't see before. but it hit a veil and began tosplit the veil, and tore the

veil as it came all the way tothe ground. and then this little, what iwould now call a cherub, i didn't know what it was at thetime, it was a small angelic being, poked his head throughand said, "come." and i went through the veil. and next, it's interestingbecause it was a lot like this was a round platform in themiddle, and there was a roman soldier's helmet spinning overthe platform. and i'm just watching it all.

it was three-dimensional. it was as real as this set. and then i saw a star begin todescend from above. and the closer it got to me, themore i felt this energy like pulsing through my being to thepoint when it got fairly close to me, i said, that's enough. i felt like i was going toexplode. my wife had bent down to seethat i was still breathing as i laid there.

and i sat up, and i thought,okay, my theological god box has just been exploded. sid: and wait until you findout. he received a mantle and we'regoing to have him demonstrate that in a few minutes. we'll be right back. we'll be right back to it's supernatural! we now return to it's supernatural! sid: not man, but god taughtrichard mull step by step how to

hear god's voice, how to operatein the supernatural. for instance, you're teaching abaptist college retreat and all of a sudden what happened? richard: well i had beenspeaking about from the book of acts normal christianity. the problem is i had neverexperienced any of it. i was calling it extremechristianity, but that was my spin, this is what i believe thenormal christian life was to be. and i asked, how many of youwant this?

i stood up and i decided tosomething again normal for a baptist speaker, and then beganto lay hands on everybody as i went around the room. and one of the girls sat downand she began to pull her hair and she began to lift her shirtto the point where i thought she was going to tear her shirt. she was rocking back and forthand making a hissing sound. and my first thought was,where's the door, i'm out of here.

and but i was like brand new athearing god's voice. and i said, "god, would you showme what to do." i was still in that phaselearning to hear god, is this god, is this me, is this god? but i didn't have the luxury oftime to figure out what is god. so i'm going to do whatever isense the holy spirit leads me to do. and i knew at the time to praysomething about the name of jesus.

and i'm going, is this comingfrom my head, my theological background or by the holyspirit? i'm not going to argue. i'm just going to pray somethingabout the name of jesus, because i know there's power in thename. and prayed something about theauthority and the blood of i felt impressed to pray intongues, which is something i had never done publically. sid: at a baptist college.

richard: yeah. and so i began to under mybreath, kind of my hand over the front of my face, pray intongues. and then i felt impressed toshout, "freedom in jesus' name." at that point, i was pretty surei had picked something up watching televangelists orsomething. but i was not going to stop. and so i shouted, "freedom injesus' name." and the girl all of a suddenlooked at me, very embarrassed,

put her head down, covered herface, and all the torment stopped. i turned around and i began toexplain to this college group what had just happened. i knew that what was saying wasnot coming from myself. and i was thinking, i hopesomebody takes really good notes because this is pretty amazingstuff. i really have no idea what i'mtalking about. and it was the beginning of thenext six months, everywhere i

spoke or worshiped, someonewould manifest demons. there are life-threateningsituations by being human. and it seems as though thecloser we get to the return of jesus, the more this late greatplanet earth is being shaken. what happened in alife-threatening situation when your baby son died? richard: nathaniel was almosttwo years old. we had been strongly urged bydoctors to put him on steroids and antibiotics.

we tried to resist but felt thatit was a pretty severe encouragement by them that theywould write us up for non-compliance if we didn't. so we allowed them to put him onsteroids and antibiotics. thirty-six hours later, i washeaded back the hospital. i pulled him off my chest andthe words that came out of my mouth were, "he's gone." you can't prepare for a momentlike that, but i had been preparing for a year believing iwould see the dead raised.

i had seen most of the miraclesof the bible. but i sit him on that table andi began to pray. and i said, "god, i don't knowwhat to do to his body, but i know what to do spiritually." i continued to pray and iwatched the minutes inch away, eight minutes, 10 minute, 15minutes, 20 minutes. and during that time, i wasanswering their questions, but i was commanding nathaniel to comeback because i knew his spirit was gone.

i said, "nathaniel, you listento your daddy. right now, i want you to comeback here." i was rebuking spirits of deathfrom the room. i was repenting of every sin ihad ever thought of doing, every sin my family had ever donegenerationally. i was taking away every rightthat the enemy had to attack my family and my son. and in about 22 minutes i had avision. in the middle of that hospitalroom, the doctors were still

working on him. you could see them looking ateach other. but i saw in the middle of thatroom a boat being tossed by the waves and i could see jesus onthe boat, and i knew that was my promise, that the lord was goingto raise my son back up. i knew we had passed thebarriers where brain damage begins and all those things. sid: how long had he been dead? richard: at that point it wasabout 22 minutes.

sid: wow. richard: it ended up 40 minutesbefore they found a heartbeat and blood pressure. and they told us that hewouldn't have the strength to make it through an operation,that he needed an operation. he had an ulcer related to themedicine, we found out later. and the ulcer had ruptured. and so he had been pouringtoxins throughout his system into his bloodstream.

they said he would be too weakto make it through an operation, that he was gone too long, thathe would be brain damaged. and for people that were herethis evening, they got see him first hand, running around, fullof life, no brain damage, and raised, and, oh god. sid: that's how i want you tohear god. i want you to hear god. and richard has been raised up,and he's going to supernaturally teach you when we come back whatgod has taught him as to how you

can hear god's voice. it is normal. jesus said, "my sheep hear myvoice." richard: amen. we'll be right back toit's supernatural! sid: so richard, you'recounseling a pastor. he's been married 18 years. he wants out. he wants divorce.

if you could not hear god'svoice, he would have gotten a divorce. do you agree? richard: very likely, yeah. sid: what happened? richard: it was about 11:00 atnight, which is not my time of day. so i wanted the lord to give theinsight quickly. and was driving there and justasked the lord to reveal what

the route where she was rightoff the bat. we kind of said our introductoryhellos. and as i was sitting down, isaid, "who's karen?" he looked at me and said, "idon't know." i said, "anybody in your churchnamed karen?" he said, "no." "somebody from your past namedkaren?" he said, "there was a girl idated when i was 15." and then the holy spirit showedme and i said, "her picture is

in your wallet." and he was like, "yeah." "and her phone number is on theback of the picture." and he said, "yeah." and i said, "you had sexualrelations with her when you were 15." he said, "yeah." i said, "you still fantasizeabout having a relationship with her if something happens to hermarriage and you're out of

marriage." i said, "you've had ungodly soultime for 36 years and you need to break or you're going to bemiserable out of your marriage and out of your ministry." i said, "are you ready to breakthat?" and it took him 15 minutes to bewilling to do that. and i almost told him, "i'mdone. there's nothing i can do for youif you're going to hold on that," when he said, "no, i knowi need to do this."

and he repented to that ungodlysoul time, renounced it, and god saved his marriage, saved hisministry, and a denominational pastor has healing anddeliverance in his church now. sid: you see what happens whenyou can hear a voice, the voice of god? he knows everything. what are some of the hindrancesyou found to hearing the voice richard: one of the hindrancesis often all the other voices in our head.

we've got what our families aregoing to think, what our friends are going to think. we've got the enemy. for a long time, i wasn't even,i dealt with the demonic. but i didn't realize how muchthe enemy spoke to me. one day, i had even had sometempting thoughts. and i began immediately torenounce those. and the holy spirit spoke to me. he goes, "those weren't yourthoughts."

and i thought, how could theynot be my thoughts? they were in my head. and the holy spirit revealed tome that the enemy implanted those thoughts. he had spoken back to me. and often when i teach andhearing god's voice, i'll say, you can't resist. if someone gives you an idea,you'll get a picture of it. so i want you to prepareyourself.

be an audience. i don't want you to get apicture in your mind of what i say. is everybody ready? and i'll say something, nomatter what it is, and people instantly get an image in theirmind. so the enemy is willing to givefalse visions, false dreams. we can hear his voice, and ourown self will can stand in the way of us hearing god.

sometimes just distractions, weget up every day and we put music on, we put the televisionon and we don't take time to listen. my wife can be three feet fromme, talking to me and my ears function completely well, but idon't hear a word she's saying, because i'm paying attention tothe sport center or i think she's talking to someone else,and i'm not listening. the same with the holy spirit. he could be there speaking tous, but our attention is focused

somewhere else, and becausewe're not listening, we don't hear what he's saying. sid: do you think that'sprobably one of the biggest hindrance, we just flat don'tlisten or we don't even know how he speaks to us? richard: we don't even know. i used to ask god to speak to meand it would really frustrate me, because i had all theseimages in my head. and i was pretty sure, and it'sinteresting because this is

another survey that i do that'sfairly universal. i was pretty sure when i didhear god, it would be perfectly silent in my mind and all of asudden, a booming james earl jones or morgan freeman-stylevoice would come rumbling with the clouds and the thunder, andthen i would hear god. i didn't realize, because no onesaid, like said to jeremiah, "jeremiah, what do you see?" no one ever asked me, richard,what do you see? i never paid attention to what isaw.

i was seeing visions as long asi could remember. and i would have thoughts, andit would be god type thoughts. but i was pretty sure they weremy thoughts, because no one ever talked about the spirit. sid: you know, the first time iheard a word of knowledge, i heard the word "hearing". i didn't have a clue what to dowith it. i wasn't even sure it was god. so i had to experiment.

and that's how you grow. as you test those things, aftera while, i know that i hear god. my wife knows that i hear god. my children know that i heargod. people close to me, it's like..sid: give me a couple of tips on how to hear god. richard: i think early on it'simportant for you to get quiet, because you want to focus yourattention. i used to think god could onlyspeak in the silence because

that's what i got used to. and i've been in places wherethe music was so loud you can't hear yourself, and the spirit ofgod in the still small whisper was so clear. i was like, okay god, you brokethat paradigm down. so it doesn't have to be quiet. but it helps when you're quietand you're able to focus your attention. it's also, i think, veryimportant to write it down.

sid: yeah, but i'm lazy. i don't want to write it down. richard: you know, i receivethings and it's so normal to debate. is this god? is this me? and i tell people, write downeverything that comes to your mind. ask the holy spirit to speak toyou.

write down everything that comesto your mind, because it's usually very easy afterwards todiscern, this was god, this was own thoughts, this came from theenemy. and i believe when we ask god tospeak to us and we write down what his spirit puts in ourspirit and our mind begins to process what hits our spirit,that we're going to find that what we're writing is the wordsthat god speaks to us. but it is important to testthose things afterwards. i usually teach people to dothis.

and i was teaching two youngrussian girls, totally independent of each other. they were sisters, one away at aboarding school, one living with mom and dad. both of them had the exact sameexperience. the first words that they wrotedown were, "get away from these people. they're going hurt you. they don't know what they'redoing."

i said, "thank you for writingthat down. is that all you wrote down?" they're like, "no." at first i said, "where do youthink that came from?" they said, "that was the demonsthat talk to me." i said, "do you talk aboutdemons?" and they were like, "no." i said, "what makes you saythey're demons?" they were, "i know i've haddemons my whole life."

i was like, okay. sid: we have 15 seconds. i want you to shout into thecamera, "freedom". would you do that. richard: freedom in jesus' name! sid: freedom in jesus' name! sid: next week onit's supernatural! my guest has been shown how tosupernaturally change your dna. he calls it genetic salvation.

break those curses and you'rewalking in new dna.

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