Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

bearded dragon do they have teeth

- [voiceover] what areyou doing right now? - you rolling?- [voiceover] yeah. - i see some snappingturtles out there. so here's what'... thumbnail 1 summary
bearded dragon do they have teeth

- [voiceover] what areyou doing right now? - you rolling?- [voiceover] yeah. - i see some snappingturtles out there. so here's what's gonna happen. i'm gonna get on this kayak,i'm gonna go out there, and i'm gonna catcha monster turtle. soon as i get these gopros sewn. both gopros rolling,and at the far end of the lake here, we've gottwo male snapping turtles

battling for territory andi'm going to go ahead get myself into the mix and seeif i can't catch both of them at the same time and teachthem that fighting isn't nice. all right, here we go. (dramatic music) (growling) yeah, whoo, look atthat, double dragon! holy mackerel! - [voiceover] igot that on camera.

- did you, bruh nothing beats two turtles at thesame time, everybody, holy cow that is ahuge snapping turtle. look at that, here we go. bringing him up, whoo! one big turtle, got a secondone coming here for you. i'll bring this guyup too, holy cow. that is a huge snapping turtle. look at the size of that beast.

oh my goodness,hold on, i'm gonna try something thati've never done before. i'm going to put twosnapping turtles on my lap. at exactly the sametime, you ready for this? okay, one turtlethere, you sit, stay. okay, turtle numbertwo, come around on this side,alright, look at that. that is two monstersnapping turtles. first day here, filmingdragon tails season two.

we have got ourselveswith handfuls of dragons. hi buddy, how areyou, and how are you? you're new to the team. i've never caughtthis big one before. which is great news,ah, oh man, this turtles claws are goingstraight into my wrist. ahhh, that's painful, okay now, these are turtles that i know. this is my home turf righthere, (mumbles) woods.

actually this is a new turtle so i kind of am eatingmy words at this point. but what we're gettingready to do is go out and film dragon tails season two. now, coyote pack, thisis where you come in. we need your help to catcha world record turtle. and to do that, we're gonnaneed you to send us your photos, your videos, and your stories. tell us about thegiant turtles that live

in the pond behnd your house. maybe it's in the swampdown the street or maybe there's a monster lurkingin the lake nearby. go ahead and write to us inthe comment section below. you can direct messageus on facebook, or instagram, and then ofcourse we have an e-mail addresscontact@coyotepeterson.com. send us your photos,videos, and stories. and you never know,the crew and i may

show up to your townto try to land the next world recordsnapping turtle. i'm coyote peterson,be brave, stay wild. we'll see you on thisseason of dragon tails. i don't know how i'mgoing to get myself out of this pickle,oh, more snapping turtles than i knowwhat to do with. dragon tails season twois going to be awesome. oh man, what a day, whoo!

- [voiceover] if youmissed the first season of dragoon tails, makesure to go back and witness some giant turtles. also, make sure tosubscribe so that you can be part of all theaction in season two. - no fightingboys, not fighting. not on my lap, everybody behave. oh man, oh my gosh,this turtle is strong. (nature music)

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