Rabu, 04 Januari 2017

ball python lost teeth

(tension building music) - i'm coyote peterson, you guys asked for it, and today i'm getting chomped by the american alligator.... thumbnail 1 summary
ball python lost teeth

(tension building music) - i'm coyote peterson, you guys asked for it, and today i'm getting chomped by the american alligator. ready? one, two. oh boy. three. (yelling in pain)

(dramatic tribal music) all right, you ready? you know what, guys, i'm crazy, but i'm not that crazy. what you're looking at there is a 200 pound american alligator, with one of the most powerful bite forces on the planet. an animal this size could probably rip off my arm. and just to prove that he's real, watch this.

(breathes out) wow. and getting that close to those teeth really gets your heart racing. now i've gotten up close with a number of different dangerous animals, and gotten into thestrike zone to show you what to do and not do ifyou ever find yourself in that position. now, i'm not willingto be bitten analligator of this size,

but i am willing to holdup my end of the bargain and get chomped by something a little more reasonable. all right guys, let's bring in junior. over the course of my adventures i have had several alligator encounters, all of which ended without me ever being bitten. see you later, buddy. wow! so that'll be the biteperspective right there.

alligator will come from this side and chomp down right onthe meat of my forearm. the measured bite force of a full grown american alligator is around 3,000 pounds per square inch, making it one of the most powerful chomps in the animal kingdom. i am trying to mentally put myself in a place where i'mnot gonna feel the pain. i have a pretty high pain tolerance,

but even still, having all those tiny little teeth pop through my forearm in both sides, this is not gonna feel good. (breathes out) - [voiceover] this is the real deal. - this is the real deal. no matter what, never replicate what you are about to witness in this video. and who you're looking at there,

that is junior. he's about three and a half feet in length. he weighs about 20 pounds. and an alligator of this size is only about two years old, so the purpose of me getting chomped today by junior, other than the fact that you guys wanted to see me getchomped by an alligator, is to prove to you that having an alligator as a pet is just not a good idea.

all right, junior, go easy on me buddy. (sighs) i don't know how i get myself into these things. here we go. all right, this is not gonna be pretty. you guys ready for this? i'm coyote peterson and i'm about to enter the strike zone with the american alligator. you ready? ready, everyone ready?

- [voiceover] rolling. - rolling. gopro, rolling. (screams in pain) oh yeah, he is into my arm, he is holding on. (moaning in pain) yep, all right, that feels like big needles going into my forearm,

and i can see there that those teeth aredeep down into my skin. oh yeah, he's really holding on. man, now an alligator of this size, only about threeand a half feet, capable of giving you one really, really nasty bite. argh! all right, i think to get him to let go

i'm gonna try to just pry his jaw down a little bit. all right, i'm gonna pull my arm out, you ready? ow, no, he's not letting go. he is locked onto my arm, guys. you know what, let's get a bottle of water. argh, there are some teeth underneath that have just popped through the underside of my arm. all right, i'm gonna dump a little bit of water on him.

all right buddy, let go, let go. oh, i don't want him to like slide back. (pants in pains) it's the underside that hurts the worst. he's biting down harder,and harder, and harder. oh man, this was not a good idea, ladies and gentlemen. truly chomped by the american alligator. i can't get him off. he's locked on there.

- [man with beard] want just a suggestion from me? - [coyote] yes, suggestion. - i'd take this stick, put in here so he couldn't bite down any harder. - yeah, that's a good idea. all right, what we're gonna do now is put a stick in his jaws from this side. getting the alligator on is one thing, getting him off is another.

he's got the underside of my wrist locked in his jaws. (yells out in pain) ohhh, yep. wow. thank you, junior. oh man. (laughs) wooo, doggy. look at that.

oh man, he got really close to a vein right there. you can see there's a big hole went into my arm at that spot. that hurts the worst. and i think one of the most uncomfortable feelings is when you can feel a tooth pop through your skin. in total, my arm was locked in the jaws of this alligator for seven minutes.

and i was working with a team of experts. remember, junior is only two years old. now imagine having him as your pet. you go to feed him, you clean his cage, or mishandle this reptile for just a second, and wham (yells in pain), this could be you. (slow motion moaning in pain) well hopefully this proved as an excellent lesson

as to why you never wanna get an alligator as a pet. i'm coyote peterson, be brave, stay wild, we'll see youon the next adventure. thousands of baby alligators find their way into thepet trade every year. they may start off small and adorable, but they won't stay that way for long. accidents happen with captive alligators, and they happen often.

guys, i am seriously chomped here. i was lucky to walk away with just a few puncture wounds, but you, well let's just say, you might not be this lucky. if you thought being chomped by an alligator was crazy, go behind the adventureto have a closer look at the aftermath. and learn how wedressed my bites right there on location.

and don't forget, subscribe to join me and the crew on this season of breaking trail.

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