Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

teeth capping gold coast

hey guy, this is thomas huayra on youtubeand i am on bullroarer right now testing update 19 and this video is going to be a full coverageof ... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping gold coast

hey guy, this is thomas huayra on youtubeand i am on bullroarer right now testing update 19 and this video is going to be a full coverageof this new update, much like i did for update 18 before. right now we're in osgiliath. you see it's been conquered back by the menof the west, so there's gondorians, there's rohirrim all around us and osgiliath is evenmore destroyed than it already was. they're redone osgiliath for this update. i was playing this update and all of a suddena message popped up that i only had 20 more minutes to play until the update would bebrought down.

or that bullroarer would be brought down today. so i quickly had to record everything i neededto make this video, to record my commentary afterwards and i realized that i hadn't turnedon the sound, so i don't know what north ithilien music sounds like. but if it's anything like south ithilien musicthen i'm happy, because that was great. you see gondorians have already started rebuildinga bit. there's a lot of humor in this... or a lot...there's quite a bit of humor in this update. this is the new map: north ithilien. just one map.

but as i said, they also rebuilt osgiliath...kind of, a little bit. i won't be giving you too many spoilers, buti will be showing you this. do you remember update 16 when you went tosouth ithilien and you could already see a bit of minas tirith, that absolutely breathtakingmoment, the first time you got to see minas tirith? well there's a similar moment in this update. if you look to the right, right now, you cansee it: minas morgul. we're right up against mordor here. but you can see minas 'mordor'... err minasmorgul in this update.

you can see the green light emerging. i believe this is the city where the nazgã»llive, anyway, a very evil city in the days of mordor obviously. people have been asking me: is there a wayto sort of climb over this and get closer, like maybe sneak your way to get there? no there isn't. if you get close to this barrier, you'll die. you see? boom, i'm dead.

so now we'll be respawning in north ithilienand you can see: beautiful land with flowers and beautiful trees. i'll leave it up to you to discover. flowers are going to be a theme in this update. they call it the 'garden of gondor', northithilien, even though i thought that's what lossarnach was. but apparently it's north ithilien. i might be getting a little closer to my microphonehere because of the noise of the waterfall. i hope it doesn't sound too distorted.

but this is henneth annun. the cave of faramir and his rangers, the headquarters,a hidden place. in the movie this is where they took frodoand sam. i don't think that was in the books. but the quests in this update are actuallyvery fun. much more fun than in update 18, because thesequests really revolve around this main storyline in the epics of aragorn going towards theblack gate. i won't be telling too many spoilers aboutthat, but it's fun, take it from me. here you see a new reputation barter vendor.

classical things that he gives that we knowfrom other reputation item vendors, but let me show you a little bit more about it. travel skills obviously, we know that. they always have that. here you see housing items. now this guy only gives mainly shields, butthere's quite a lot of new housing items in this new update, also in store there's a fewitems, i don't remember what they are. there's also a pet. anyway, but you can see it online, it's notthat special.

but here you see: herbalist and herb-master. that's what i was talking about when i talkedabout the flowers. you see these extracts? if you go around the map of north ithilien,you see flowers every now and then that you can loot from and they give you barter itemsand that's these barter items that they give you. different extracts, and you can actually barterstuff for those extracts with these guys.i'm very happy with this new mechanic. it's completely different, it's kind of likethe flower picking thing in the spring festival

i think it is? but the difference is: there you only hada 1- hour time frame to do it, here's it's kind of limitless, so it's very grindable. and you can get some interesting stuff forit. well here you see the forager's basket givesyou more extracts. i believe there was a guy who kind of founda way to glitch it and get more stuff out of it, but i don't know if that's true andif it is, it'll be fixed. but this is really cool. you can actually get 4 essence-slot essencegear.

it has no set bonuses, just basic kind oflike the dol amroth gear that you got at level 100. these are really cool housing items actually. mostly for garden, and that's no coincidence. i'll be telling you why that's no coincidence,but i will be taking 2 things with me here: the cypress tree, the belfalas theme. i'll be showing you both and i'll be showingyou some more of these housing items when we'll be talking about housing in this video. here you see a red squirrel and an ithilienfox.

so there's 2 foxes in total you can get anda squirrel. i'll be showing you the squirrel. there's no new instances by the way in thisupdate, there's no changes to legendary items. there's not that much that changes, mainlyclass changes for burglar and hunter, i'll be talking about that as well. here you see the squirrel. you can also see the icon is a kite. that's typical for beta: placeholders. this is the moment when i realized that ihadn't turned on the music.

anyway. here, this is the herb-master. this is the really serious stuff, so the throneof the dread terror will be giving you this gear. the gear that i'm wielding right now. greater helm of blablabla. there's 3 gear sets per class, relevant fora different trait tree usually. here you see for redline: 15% extra heartseekerdamage is the 2-piece set bonus. then you see, the precise bowmaster is redline.

this is sure-footed huntsman, this is blueline. here you see 15% target penetrating shot mitigation:i'll be telling you a little more about that, because there's something up with it. and this is for yellowline, but that's notthat special really. cooldown for bard's arrow, that's interestingfor kiting i think. i'll be telling you a little more about huntersobviously in this video. have i forgotten anything? i don't think so. the housing items in store is only like about5 or 6 different things and one of them was

a pukelman statue or something. you can look it up online. anyway, let's get on to the next part of thevideo. so here i have recorded myself as a hunter,a blueline hunter. i quickly made like a blueline trait treesetup right there on the spot. and i'll be trying to solo take isendeep fromthe creeps, just to see how strong hunters are now, because there have been class changesfor hunters. it basically is purely a dps change. and i'll be telling you what that is.

for hunters there is: focus builder skillsthat have received a moderate damage boost. focus consumers have received a strong damageboost and split shot has received a significant damage boost. but let's... that's just one skill, let'stalk about focus builder and focus consumer skills, because especially focus consumerskills have received a lot of a buff. that's particularly interesting for blueline,that has now come into the picture again. this is a blueline hunter and you can seehe's holding up pretty well and pretty good dps without having legacies that are specializedfor blueline, they're specialized for redline actually.

i'm still doing like 10,500 dps, sustaineddps, on this tyrant. and i wasn't even focusing fire on him allthe time, i was also focusing fire on the other 2 guys. so you can imagine how much damage that is,but you can see on the floating damage how much damage i'm actually doing as a bluelinehunter. i'm just so happy that blueline is gettingreally good now, because i think it's much more fun than redline, because it's mobile,it's faster and you can level and quest while being mobile and that's so much more fun thanredline. but redline is really strong as well, notjust blueline.

i have to say, this little hunter right herehas an all-supreme essence setup, very dps-focused, although you see he also has, he has cappedmitigations, but he also has quite some morale as well, so it's not glass canon, but it'svery dps-focused. we're talking about 71k physical mastery, 24kcritical rating, there's set bonuses especially for heartseeker and 10% ranged dps. but let's talk about these set bonuses, becauseearlier you saw that there was a blueline 2-piece set bonus with the new gear that givesyou 15% penetrating shot target mitigation bypass. that is bugged.

this has been explained to me by a hunterthat it actually gives you a lot more dps than it should. because he said that instead of 15% mitigationbypass, in reality it's actually 45%, making it actually more interesting definitely inblueline than for instance the 10% ranged damage boost that you get on the other 2-pieceset bonus for hunters. so in blueline, you can see i'm very rusty,i don't really know what i'm doing right now with my skills, but there's a way to spampenetrating shots in blueline and precision stance. but if you can spam these penetrating shots,you can so so much damage.

even, as i said, in redline a well-preparedheartseeker shot will do, with the masteries and critical rating that i have, it will do86k damage on unmitigated training dummies and 24k on highly mitigated creeps. so that's everything for hunters. there have also been some increases for burglar. some interesting changes for burglars i mean,especially: antidote no longer has an induction, crit chain skills give better target mitigationbypass and the second attack on coup de grace, double-edged strike and flashing blades shouldhave the same critical chance and critical damage properties as the first swing.

so that's what they did for burglars as well,so that's kind of the big changes that they had. i'm actually out of footage for this, anyway,let's now jump to the next part, which is going to be about housing. but i think i've explained very accuratelyhow strong hunters are now. they're not as strong still as the strongestclasses, but they're very interesting definitely. so this is the last bit. i'm going to be talking about the new premiumhousing area in the belfalas region of gondor. brand new housing area and it surprised usall.

i'm sure you have seen plenty of videos aboutit, i'm going to try to give you some new information mainly. this is, by the way, a new kinhouse on anisland that you can reach by boat, so that's really cool. i think this is going to be like the mainstatus symbol. kinships are going to try to get this house. this is the cypress tree that i showed youbefore that you can barter for those flower extracts. i think it looks really cool.

it looks really beautiful, definitely in thiscoastal region. i think it has some kind of a tropical lookto it. it's really i mean i like it, i like it alot. but you can see that you get so much gardenspace in this new area. there's definitely a size difference overall. the whole region is larger, but also the slots,the houses, the plots, are much larger than the housing areas that we know already. look someone in this kinhouse has alreadyput down the tower of orthanc. that's pretty impressive.

but the main difference in size with the otherhousing areas for all 3 levels of houses is the garden. there's a lot more garden space and that'swhy you get a lot more garden furniture also in this new update. so let's go inside this kinhouse. i've picked this kinhouse, because it's furnishedvery much, so i'll be going all around this house. i'll be showing you every bit of the new kinhouse. see, there's a bit of lag.

a lot of lag, actually when going in likeyou know when you don't have the animation working properly and so on, that's somethingthat we know from other housing areas as well. so here we fixed it. everything has loaded and i still hadn't turnedon the music, i think, or the music didn't start. no wait, the lotro client crashed and thenit sort of reset my settings to 'no music on', which is a bit of a pity. but you see there's so much in this houseand it's nice to see it furnished as well with wallpapers and everything.

you see there's a lot of slots in the roomsand what i like about this kinhouse is that there is not, like, with all the houses bythe way, also the deluxe and the basic houses for just individuals, is that there's notjust one huge room and then a few side rooms. no. it's quite well-balanced. there are a lot of decently sized rooms, butnot one giant room. here you see the workbench that we alreadyknow. it's functional of course, but we knew thatalready. i'll be going all around.

i'm trying to find the way here to, or theplace to put my music in and here i found it. so that's where i'll be putting my new belfalasmusic. i've been trying to go in and outside of thishouse. i couldn't get it to start, but at the endof the video i'll be putting a piece where you'll hear this music that i've recordedalong with a bit of the view in this housing area. anyway, that's the kinship house. i'm going to show you this as well.

this is someone else's house, but this isthe dol amroth gazebo that you can barter as well. i think from the 'flower guy', i'm going tocall him 'flower guy', but with these extracts that you get from the flowers in north ithilienyou can buy this gazebo and put it in your garden. you can also buy this gondorian army tent. so here you see what it looks like. i like it. i think the new items look very good.

elm tree, i think that's from the basic housingvendors. myrtle tree is new, i think. that myrtle tree is also something you canbarter from those flower guys. and this is just a shire oak tree. so at the very southern tip of the peninsulayou can see the basic services. you saw the task bulletin boards. see that's where we are. and the building with all the services init. there's something curious about it.

there are also quests you can do and theywill give you furniture as a reward. brand new furniture i think? wall brazier. the curious thing is this. the housing broker usually is outside thehousing area. there's no broker outside the housing areahere, only inside. so here you can buy the different houses.therecording has ended at this point, but anyway. there's a lot of controversy of course aboutthe fact that you have to pay so many mithril coins to buy it, but this is not an opinionvideo, this is just an explanation video.

i hope i've given you all the informationyou want to hear. as i said: there is not much that changesin this update, just minor changes alongside the ones that i've explained here and thiswas thomas huayra on youtube!

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