Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

pitbull with teeth

you're watching bully badass tv youtube'sbest channel for dog lovers!!! before i get started with this video i'm gonna give you ... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbull with teeth

you're watching bully badass tv youtube'sbest channel for dog lovers!!! before i get started with this video i'm gonna give you guys a warning. this video is an objective look intogame dogs and by proxy dogfighting. since starting this channel seven years ago ihave done an amazing amount of research on dogs none more so than the americanpit bull terrier. because of dog fighting much of the brief history is tucked awayin obscure websites and books that are no longer in print. for years now beenwanting to film an authentic game dog for my channel. but it's been nearly impossible finding agame dog breeder willing to open up his

yard to me and my camera. that was until recently through a friend i managed to find a breeder a few hours outside of la it waswilling to live in a film his dog. to my surprise is also willing to do anythingunder the condition that i'm not show his face. now honestly i was prepared to do thatsenator but i did ask some questions i thought maybe useful for my audience, againi do apologize for the quality of this interview, it is not the best. despitethat i'm sharing it with you guys because in my mind there really is no separationbetween a true american pit bull terrier and game dogs. they are definitely one inthe same. with that being said the

intention of this video is not a topromote or justify the heinous act of dog fighting. the single purpose of thisvideo is a modest attempt to educate inform the many who are misguided, in truly understanding americanpit bull terrier i've been into the dogs were very long timebasically all my life my dad had these dogs since the wrong 1974... with the gamedogs by myself i would have to say maybe about 1980. reina she is a mayday patrickred boi. she's got you know she's got a lot ofchampions in her pedigree yeah you know

back and up front too, lot of game dogsextremely game dogs. we're using her you know as a breeding tool. just forbreeding only. the term bulldog has been used for a very long time. you talk to all the people there breedpit bulls they don't call them pit bulls they call them bulldogs. it's just a termhas been used for a long time. and if you really think about it these dogs pitbullis the straight descendants to the original bulldog. just like the americanbulldog yet another straight descendant of the original bulldog. pit bull is just a name to me. you know when they say pit bullit means the ukc... the adba dogs that are

registered now. show dogs, game dogs it don't matter it's apit bull when you go to the akc it's basically a pit bull would just registerwith another organization. my dogs are registered with the adba. i don't dealwith the ukc. if i have an old family red that is dual registered, ok then i'll register with the adba and the ukc ortriple register with the aadr. a game pit bul was used for... use for the illegal stuff. you know thedog fighting.

what a person does what their stuff isup to them. it's not for the general public to go over there and look over your walland say you're doing something wrong. with the dog they don't think you knowif there's something wrong going on here because i'm fighting another another dog.they're doing with their bred for. just like you know, a confirmation dog they'reshow dogs so let them use them for confirmation. the game dogs were bred for a very verylong time. even before they came to this country, from ireland, england, and some ofthem even came from spain. so they were bred you know for that then leave it be.if you stop breeding the game dogs and

stop using them for the pit,then what are you going to have? a house dog that's worked list yes that's what'sgoing to happen. it's just like if you get yourself a pointer and you know anddon't use the pointer for hunting birds then why have it? what is that pointer are goingto turn into a pointer that's not a working dog? the only way to find out if they're game, you have to prove it. they're just an untested dog but its gamebred that's all it is. people use those dogs you know asbreeding dogs because of their pedigree

but a pretty pedigree doesn't make thedog. you get a dog that just say it's off of champion jeep. because it's off to you know just because its off of champion jeep doesn't make him a champion automatic. the only way you know that youknow that he's a champion is that he makes himself a champion. that's itthree wins at the champion. five that's grand champion . now if you thinkabout 100 percent pure game bred dogs. jeep himself has produced so many champions, grand champions whatever. and he's also produce curs that we're game breddogs. just like frisco himself he produced the same lot of champions grandchampions and curs. cur is a dog that quit.

that's what a curs is a dog that quit. doesn'tmatter who the dog is bred off of. even honeybunch also produce the same and sheis the number one female under register merit list anybody you know has these dogs can do whatever they wantwith these dog you know their own preference what they want to use thesedogs for. if they want to use of dogs you know for dog shows the confirmationweight pull, it's up to them. if they want to use them you know as a pit dog itsup to them. and they wanted for a house dog is up to them it doesn't matter ifit's a game

bread or confirmation or weight pull dog. confirmation is a plus... if you look at you know for a game dogit gets them you know good wrestling ability. you know that's a good thing youknow you gotta do you have to have the teeth too. you got the short dogs like her,that are more square. you got the dogs that are higher you know which are thelankier looking dogs like her daughter. both it don't matter you knoware good wrestlers that makes the for s good wrestling dog. because you don'twant a dog that looks bow legged from the front. they're really hard tocondition. you don't want a dog you know

that has bad hips because how in theheck are you gonna condition that dog. you know if you look at thebully dogs you know they're more that's not a good looking dog, at all. you knowespecially the way that they put you know the bulldog bred into a pit bull orthey put you know the frenchies the french bulldog in there are i've seen andpug. now what do you have, a scattered bred mutt really. a dog that's so low to theground and like this i'm not too sure how they got their legs to do that you knowbut i think it's there bending them. to make them look like that but put him ona mill and see how long they last. take him out for a long walk and see how longthey last.

to me that's awful. the american bully just like what i like i said before, toeach their own.whatever, a person wants let them have it. theamerican bully you know i'm not into those dogs i don't like those dogs. idon't like the looks of them. those hundred and sixty pound dogs they look reallynice, don't get me wrong. man i've seen some of those dogs but tome i think they're too big. i had a colby dog one time but he was 87 pounds and hewas big. i got rid of him because of his size, i like the small dogs. like reinashe's only thirty six pounds her daughter

did you can hear her crying in thebackground she's got 39 40 pounds. my house dog is 54 pounds but well youknow she's a confirmation show dog by lineage i've never done or confirmationher away pulled her but it's in her pedigree. you can use them for weight pull or you can usethem for confirmation for hunting you know the wild pig, wild boar. they arethere are perfect companion for anybody. some dogs don't get me wrong will eat yourfurniture it goes but any dog really. to me they're the all-around dog. they cando anything better than any other breed in the world and at the same time whoop'em.

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