Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

pitbull's teeth

the american pit bull terrier (apbt) is acanine, breed originating from the united states and a descendant of the original english bulldog. ... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbull's teeth

the american pit bull terrier (apbt) is acanine, breed originating from the united states and a descendant of the original english bulldog. the apbt, is an athletic dog, customizableand impatient among the vast canine family. it noted for its resistance to fatigue andpain along with his stubborn perseverance in overcoming any challenge. althoughthe apbt race, was once used as a symbol us national courage and pride,it is currently controversial. the apbt, raised historicallyfighting other dogs. a apbt well educated, has a very strong temperament,contrary to popular belief, it is not intrinsically aggressive towards beingshumans. however, as adults, apbts,

may show aggression toward other dogsand animals. this fact, coupled with the strength of apbts, and determination must be takeninto account when you are thinking about having a apbt. as with any dog, socializationand constant training are elements fundamental to be operated from veryearly age to adulthood, the dog will always behave properlyand controlled. .should not be confused with other breeds wrongly called "pit bull": staffordshire bull terrier,american staffordshire terrier, bull terrier, american bully, american bulldog, and evenbreeds such as the dogo argentino. .the confusion began when, at the beginning

30s, the american kennel club,he decided to separate the race of exposure canine, as american staffordshire terrier,in order to differentiate it from the american pit bull terrier, which was the race that was usedas a fighting dog. the american pit bull terrier has not been recognized by the americankennel club, while american staffordshire terrier, which is slightly larger, yesit has been recognized. .here we present the story race, characteristics, care, andaspects of health, this powerful, reliable, cheerful and enthusiasticdog, very popularly known as; pitbull terrier. history.

the origins of the american pit bull terrier,they are closely linked to the american staffordshire terrier. both breeds come from staffordshirebull terrier, brought from england to the united states in the late nineteenth century. this dogenglish is basically used as a dog fight, and for this reason the prestigious americankennel club (akc) registration rejected. because of this refusal was founded, the unitedkennel club (ukc), in order to register we now know as the american pit bullterrier. moreover, the akc finally he decided to register these dogs homeenglish, under the name american staffordshire terrier, and raised them to participatebeauty exhibitions. .in the late 30s, the dogs registered

in the ukc and the akc, they were exactly thesame race. it was during the 80s, the two races went their separate ways. dogsof different clubs began to develop differences both physically andin temperament, and so each club began to define their own standard. characteristics.the apbt (american pit bull terrier) is a medium sized dog, males usuallydespite 16 to 30 kg and females 13 to 25 kg. they are athletically built andbreeding focuses mainly on the character and functional performance dog. temperament.the ukc, gives this description of the character

the american pit bull terrier:"the essential characteristics of the american pit bull terrier are strength, confidence andhappiness of living. this race overflowing enthusiasm. apbt are excellent family companions.because most apbt, present some level of aggression toward other dogsand his powerful physique, require a the owner socialize and obedience train.natural agility of the race makes it a canine climber very capable, soa good fence is necessary. the apbt, it is not the best choice for a guard dog,since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. aggressive behaviortoward humans it is uncharacteristic race and is highly undesirable. thisrace is handled very well in sports events

performance, due to the good level of intelligenceand willingness to work. " standard official ukc, the american pit bullterrier. general aspect:the american pit bull terrier is a dog medium size, with solid constitution,short and smooth layer, a muscle well defined. this race is just as powerfulthat athletic. the body is slightly longer than tall, females may be somewhatlonger in body than males. the length of the front legs (measurementpoint of the elbow to the ground) is approximately equal to one half the height of the dogthe cross. the head is of medium length, skull with a wide, flat, and a snoutwide and deep. the ears are small

or medium, high placement, and maybe cut or uncut. tail, relatively short, is low placement in the thickbase and tuned at the tip. the american pit bull terrier can be of all colors,except merles (merle). this breed combines strength and athleticism with grace and agility,and it should never appear heavy, or limited muscle, or fine bones (weak), andlong legs. characteristics:the essential features of american pit bull terrier are strength, confidence,and courage in life. this race is impatient please and to fill with enthusiasm.the apbts are excellent family dogs, and they have always been noted for their lovechildren. almost all shown apbts

aggressive with other dogs of the same sex,and because of his powerful physique requires a owner know sociabilizarlo carefully,and train him in obedience. natural agility this breed makes them one of the trepadorescleverest canines, so necessary have a good fence in the backyard.the apbt is not the best choice as a dog guardian, since it is extremely friendly,even with strangers. behavior aggressive toward humans is uncharacteristicrace, and it will be highly undesirable. head:apbt head is unique, and an element key race. it is large and broad, givingthe impression of great power, but provided to body size. front view, thehead has the shape of a wide wedge,

oblate. side view, the skull and muzzlethey are parallel to each other and joined by a stop well defined, moderately deep. thesupraorbital arches over the eyes are well defined but not pronounced. headis chiseling good mixing strength, elegance and character. skull:the skull is large, flat or slightly rounded, deep, and broad between the ears. viewedabove, the skull edges (slightly) towards the stop. there is a medium and deep groovedecreases in depth stop to the occiput. snout:the muzzle is broad and deep, with a taper very slight stop to the nose, and a slight fallunder the eyes. the length of the muzzle

it is shorter than the length of the skull,with a ratio of about 2/3. the muzzle upper line is straight. jawis less well developed, broad, deep. lips are clean and tight. teeth:the american pit bull terrier has teeth spaced and uniform closing ascissor bite. nose:the nose is large with few blowholes wide open. the nose can be of anycolor. eyes:the eyes are medium-sized, rounded, almond shaped and placed in the partlower skull. all colors are,

equally acceptable, except blue. ears:the ears are high set and may be cut or uncut. if you are notcut, shaped rays or pink are preferable. the wide ears, raisedor wholly falls, they are not desirable. neck:the neck is of moderate length and muscular. slightly arched. the neck widens progressivelywhere the neck connects with the skull to where it joins the neck, shoulders.neck skin is tight and without dewlap. forequarter:the shoulder blades are long, wide, muscular, and well laid. the upper arm is approximatelyequal in length to the shoulder blades, and assembles

in an apparent right angle. the forelegs are strong and muscular.elbows close to the body. seen from the front, forelegs are placed withmoderate, and perpendicular separation down. body:the chest is deep, compact, and moderately wide, with ample space for the heartand lungs. the chest should never be more wide than deep. the sill extends nofar beyond the point of the shoulder. the ribs are well developed backand you are well arched spine, then flattening to form a bodywhich extends deep elbows. the back

it is strong and firm. the topline inclinesvery slightly down from the cross, to the wide, muscular and flat top.the loin is short, muscular and slightly arched at the upper end of the croup;but narrower than the rib cage, and moderately rising. croupit is slightly inclined downward. hindquarters:the hindquarters are strong, muscular, and moderately broad. the croup is wellrounded on each side of the tail, and depth from the pelvis to the crotch. bone,angulation and musculature of the rooms rear must be in balance withforequarter. the thighs are well developed with thick muscles,easily they perceived.

feet:the feet are round, proportionate to the size dog, well arched and firm. padsthey must be hard, tough and well cushioned. the spurs can be removed. tail:the tail is positioned as an extension natural line back and thinstowards the tip. when the dog is relaxed, the tail is carried low and extends approximatelyto the hock. when the dog is moving, the tail is carried level with thetopline. when the dog is excited, the tail may be carried in aupright, raised (challenge tail), but it should never be bent over the back(happy tail).

cap:the layer is shiny and smooth, compact, and moderately rough to the touch. color:any solid color, or combination colors are acceptable, except colorblackbird, or merle. height and weight:the american pit bull terrier must be equally agile powerful, so the weight andheight are less important than the proportion proper between these. desirable weight foran adult male is in good condition between 16 and 27 kilograms. the weightdesirable for an adult female in good conditions is between 13 and 23 kilograms.

the american pit bull terrier moves witha lively attitude, confident, giving the impression he expected at any moment to seesomething new and exciting. when jogging, step it is effortless, smooth, powerful, andwell coordinated, showing good reach in the front and drive behind. when moving,the topline remains couple with only a slight bend to indicate flexibility.viewed from any position, legs not bend inward or outward, norfeet cross or interfere with the other. as speed increases, the legs tendto converge towards the center line balance. care.pitbull care to apply, is something special,

as it strengthens the bond between an animalpet and its owner. some areas grooming include bathing, careeye, ear and nail care and teeth. your american pit bull terrier should only bathewhen you need it; the bathroom too often it will dry the skin. use an approved veterinarian shampoo. i bathe himdry is another option. these products are they sold in any store and are appliedrubbing the dog's body; later brush. if you bathe your dog, you mustkeep it inside until the dog is completely dry.

most pitbulls, love to have theircepillados bodies and hairstyles. they are usually easy to handle, if you are carefulnot to pull hair. a good idea is to give hand massage your dog to removeexcess hair; this should be done in a open space. check the eyes and ears of your pitbullduring grooming; eyes should be clear and bright, and ears should beclean. it may be necessary to cut some hair inside the ears if there is a passageair clear. pay close attention to the ears; if you notice any swelling, or hypersensitivity, contact your veterinarian immediately. you should see your puppy's nails toensure proper foot development. allow

your vet show you how to dothis. if you cuts long nails, you you can cut a vein and may cause bleedingthe nail. be sure to have a good nail clippers, keen to make this work. if it doesuncomfortable or your dog does not cooperate, you can pay a professional to cut the nails. the above are some of the careto be given to basic pitbull, also there are other things like denture care,general health and education. health.this is one of the toughest dog breeds disease, but why shouldneglect their health. in addition to having a day vaccines your dog, you have to payattention to possible heart problems,

infectious skin diseases (scabies,eczema, fungal), internal and external parasites, etc.of course, the most important thing to keep the health of your pit bull, is that you doa regular veterinary check and you follow the advice he gives you the vet. pit bull coat does not need carespecial. it will be enough brushing regular and bathroom whenever soiled.however, exercise is very important, so you need to take him out toleast once a day for prolonged periods (at least 1 hour). you have to walk ittake care not fight with other dogs, as this is a common occurrence with this also have to provide training

basic dog to control whenbe necessary. the games are very important and if you can,you should also take the field again time. finally, if you liked this video,please click the down dale manito i like it, share it on your social networks,and leave your comment. .subscribe to our channel to receive the content we publish every week.. join now..

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