Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

natural puppy teething toys

hi! i’m melanie mcleroy with taurus trainingfor expert village and today we’re going to talk about puppies. now it’s time totalk about... thumbnail 1 summary
natural puppy teething toys

hi! i’m melanie mcleroy with taurus trainingfor expert village and today we’re going to talk about puppies. now it’s time totalk about mouthing. puppies explore the worlds with their mouths. it’s completely normalbehavior. it’s important not to completely punish mouthing, because puppies learn biteinhibition through playing with other puppies and from us. bite inhibition will keep yourpuppy from really seriously biting later on if he’s hurt, frightened or startled andit teaches him proper social behavior. now this is barto and he is usually a pretty mouthypuppy when he’s not distracted by the squeaky toys on the desk. when barto starts to mouthme, i am going to simply make a loud noise to startle him that sounds like a yelp ..… and then i’ll distract him and teach him

what he can chew on. good puppy. now see puppieslearn bite inhibition from each other, because when puppies are playing together, your puppya and puppy b that mouthing over each other and biting and if one bits too hard the otheryelps and the game is over. so that’s why that yelping noise is effective. if you findthat it’s not working anymore especially if your puppy gets older the best thing foryou to do is get up immediately walk out of the room, game is over and that’s the consequencefor biting too hard. another thing you can try especially with small children is sprayinga little chewing deterrent on your hands so that you don’t taste good. remember humanflesh is pretty yummy. keep in mind every time you correct you’re trying to interruptbehavior and then you want to teach your puppy

what is appropriate behavior, so be sure togive him something else to chew on and keep the remote controls and eyeglasses off thecoffee table.

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