Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

male bearded dragon teeth

next thing we are going to glance over reallyquickly is behavior in a bearded dragon. now as a baby he should be a little flighty, heshould ... thumbnail 1 summary
male bearded dragon teeth

next thing we are going to glance over reallyquickly is behavior in a bearded dragon. now as a baby he should be a little flighty, heshould be active; he should be more than willing to run around. he should run from you whenyou go to get him out of enclosure. if he is laying around not doing a whole lot andspending a lot of time sitting in his water bowel, these are behaviors that indicate healthproblems that need to be looked at. also bearded dragons often do what is called venting, he'llopen up his mouth, he'll open up his mouth just a little bit and he'll look like he isalmost panting. what that is, is he's actually letting off excess heat, ok. reptiles don'tsweat, so they have to be able to regulate their temperature one way or another. andthat's how they do it lots of the times. they'll

sit out in an open area with his mouth wideand gaping looking kind of up in the air, letting the heat rise out of it. don't beoverly concerned. however, if he is doing that too much or if his mouth is hanging limplyrather than being opened, this can be indications of problems such as: too much heating or possiblyeven mouth rot. so be sure to watch for discoloration. take these behaviors as times to get a closerlook at your reptile's overall health. as your reptile, your bearded dragon gets olderand starts to reach sexual maturity a lot of them will start doing other various behaviorssuch as arm waving, with the females will take their little hands and they will wavethem at you. what that is is a breeding response. she's trying to get an adult male to comeand breed with her. the males will do what's

called head bobbing. he'll bob his head upand down, nod at you a little bit. that's a territorial device. he's telling other beardeddragons this is his territory. stay out of it.

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