Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

kick in the teeth papa roach free mp3 download

- today we brush our teeth... with our feet.- let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - good mythical morning!- hands! they are ama... thumbnail 1 summary
kick in the teeth papa roach free mp3 download

- today we brush our teeth... with our feet.- let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - good mythical morning!- hands! they are amazing. they can open doors, seal business deals,and convey raw emotion! - oh!- but we're not gonna use 'em today! that's right! today is all about the feet.what we're gonna do is pretty simple. we're gonna take a lot of things thatpeople normally do with their hands, and we're gonna see how well we can do them with our feet. it's a game that we like to call...

(rhett) can our leg hands do what our arm hands can do good too? - okay, our feet are exposed.- here they are. now, mine are much hairier than yours, so i get a point right off the bat. okay, this is what's up for grabs, link.grab it with your feet. (chuckles) um. that's my last foot pun. probably not actually. - it was fabulous.- we're playing to win these rainbow toe - socks. they're very grippy.- i want those toe socks! (rhett) if you have the most points after 4 events, you get to be the sultan of soles and you get to wear these rainbow toe socks.

all right, let's go to round 1! ♪ (cheerful music) ♪ as you can see, we have two white boardshere. this is a writing challenge, because hey, there may come a time in the futurewhere one of us is in trouble, can't use our hands, and needs to write something. so what we're gonna write-- - tied up, maybe.- yeah, like tied up. who knows what could happen? anything could happen. or your hands have been chopped off by farm equipment. - yep. right.- (link) who knows?

- a farming accident!- so what we are gonna write is, "please... - (both) send help."- three simple words... - because that would be very convenient.- with your hand, but with our feet, who knows? so we've got the dry-erase markershere. you've got to take the cap off. we are gonna award points based on who writes it the neatest. - the neatest.- the neatest. - and you gotta spell it right, too.- oh, you gotta spell it right? - yes.- all right. three, two, one! (link) oh... let's see. do i wanna writewith my right foot or my left?

oh my gosh, this is gonna be very difficult. - (link) first you gotta get the cap off.- i can't even get the freaking cap off. - (rhett) my left foot is like... broken.- yes! (link) i can't get the cap out of between my toes! - (crew laughs)- i can't get-- there we go. - oh! okay.- you can't even get the cap off? no, my feet are sweaty, man. (groans) this cap-- - (link) need some help, man?- (rhett) this cap-- whoa! - whoa, you're like a monkey!- (crew laughs)

how did you do that?! now i gotta get it back in the other foot. i think i might have to go with the left foot. you're going left-- of course you're going left foot. (rhett) hey! (chuckles) (rhett laughs) what're you laughing at? i look like a psychopath trying to send a murder message! (crew laughs) my leg's tired so now i gotta go with the other one.

if i'm the one writing, i don't think we're gonna get saved. (all laugh) (rhett) oh... i think i spelled that second word correctly. - (exhales) i'm breathing hard now.- i know, i'm breathing hard too. (link) concentrating a lot... (laughs) look at the cross on my h! i put a little w in my h. does that count? do i get points for that? - (link) eh.- (rhett) oh hey! you can't erase! - i have an erase foot and a write foot!- (crew laughs)

i tried cursive. i wouldn't recommend that. i'm getting better as i go. whoops... except for that. (rhett) that's an exclamation point. (exhales) - you outta breath or are you done?- both. (link) okay. (rhett) i think that would qualify us for getting help sent. (link) all right, let's judge up. all right... (laughs) (link) i mean, mine looks like spooky font.yours looks like it melted or something.

- (rhett) your "please" is definitely better.- (link) that "please" is great, man! - um...- the "send" is better. what's your - e in "send?" that's not an e.- (rhett) it's a... it's a chinese e. (link) it's a boat with a raven flying over it. - but you know it's the word "send!"- not really, because look at the d! (rhett) what else could it be? "please what help?" - (link) "please jona help."- yeah, if the guy's named jona he's gonna - come extra fast.- (link) and no one else is. - (rhett) okay, link, you win this round.- and you got two exclamation points?

we don't need to continue-- yeah, do i get an extra point for exclamation points? all right, so i get two points for this one. two points. on to the next event! okay, for our second event, we're gonna brush our teeth with our feet. here's how it's gonna work: you have to unscrew thecap from the toothpaste. you have to get the toothpaste onto the toothbrush. you have to dip the toothbrush in the water. and you have to bring the toothbrush toyour teeth, brush your teeth while humming the abc's, so there's a certain amount of time... that's how long you're supposed to brush your teeth anyway.

right. and then get the toothbrush back into the bowl. and that's how you win! i'm glad we don't have to brush each other's teeth. (stevie) okay, here we go in three, two, one, go! (rhett) what in the... what do you do now? - i don't know how to take the cap off.- what do you do now? - oh, goodness. it kinda hurts!- i don't know if i'm turning it. (rhett) i can't tell. oh, i did it! ohoho! oh! - now i just gotta get... eh, that's good.- (crew laughs) - (link) i can't get the cap off!- (crew laughs)

my foot's cramping! i got a cramp in my arch! i gotta get a little more toothpaste. (link) i got a cramp in my foot, it's crazy! - (crew laughs)- (rhett) now it's backwards! golly, how do i get it... how do i get it turned my way? turn my way! - oh! got it! i got a gusher!- (rhett) there's hair on it. (rhett hums) ahh! on the ground?! gosh! time!

- how did you even get your foot in there?- i'm flexible, man. all right, you win, so you get three points. - yes.- three to two. next event! all right, when we first hired chase and then later mike, they've been asking us, "when are you guys gonna put makeup on us using your bare feet?" - yeah.- again and again, they keep asking and asking, so we finally made it into this event. - it's gonna happen right now, guys.- oh, perfect.

- (rhett) today. right now.- i'm so excited. mike's really good at not looking happy,but he's very also not happy on the inside. - (crew laughs)- or are you? - i feel like i'm bringing shame to my family.- (laughs) - no you're not. all right, so, we have...- (rhett) so we got some eyeshadow and some lipstick. and this is-- again, this is not a time challenge, this is an - artistic challenge.- (link) okay. all right. now, let's not - poke their eyes out, okay?- (rhett) you should keep your eyes closed - most of the time.- uh huh.

- (link) okay?- don't worry. (stevie) all right, here we go in three, two, one, go! - (link) mmhm.- (rhett mutters) (link) gotta grab this little thing here. (rhett) it touched the floor a little bit. don't worry about that. - (crew laughs)- (link) and then... you like purple, chase? - yeah, i like purple.- you like purple? - i don't think i have a choice!- (rhett) because that's what's happening. (link) i'm trying to get agood amount on there.

(rhett) going in for the right eye. (link) woo-oo! look at that! got a little... (rhett) oh, i got a little on the eyebrow. (link) you're pretty good too, rhett.i gotta up my game a little bit. (rhett) i want a smidgeroo... keep it symmetrical. (link) i'm gonna go with my left foot now.left foot with the right eye? - (rhett) my big toe just cramped.- (link) nose towards me? there you go. (rhett) turn a little bit... there you go. perfect. yeah. - (link) woo-ee, look at you!- (crew laughs)

bat those eyelashes! look at that, we got like an egyptian thing going here. - (link) that's nice.- (rhett) you're doing a great job, mike. you're doing a great job. i'm gonna get some green here. you know what? forget this thing. oh no. - no!- (crew laughs) - (mike) better you than me!- (all laugh) - (link) all right, just be still.- (chase) nooo! - be still!- (crew laughs) - (rhett) it's fine over here.- egh!

come on! i'm being gentle! - (mike) can you do me an eyebrow line?- i'm going-- i can't see! - (crew laughs)- (link) i gotta get those cheekbones. - (all laugh)- (link) what? all right, one more. it was all of your toes! (rhett) there wasn't a whole lot to that, no? - you didn't need to use all of your toes!- (laughs) - i'm moving on to the lips.- (crew laughs) is he doing green blush over there with his feet?

(rhett) mike, i'm not gonna disrespect you like that. i think i made the right choice by sitting over here. - we should've rock-paper-scissors. - (all laugh) but my feet smell like toothpaste. just focus on that. it's like your makeup artist just brushed his teeth with his feet. i gotta do some kind of double corkscrewthing. i gotta go like this. pigeon toe! - oh, yeah, oh, it's revealing itself now.- (crew laughs) - (rhett) reminds me of my uncle's dog.- (all laugh) - (link) oh, look at that.- (crew groans and laughs)

sorry, mike. i'm trying to get... i wanna get it down... - (crew laughs)- (chase) i'm happier. - i think i'm happy now.- this is slowly turning the wrong way. - (rhett) and then i use my heel...- (link) so just be real still... - (chase) i'm not moving.- (rhett) how did you do that so fast, link? - (link) now, what i'm gonna do is i'm--- oh! - i'm not gonna poke you in the eye!- i know, it just came fast. - it was very fast.- give me a purse. purse the lips. (rhett) oh, nice. oh! sorry my toe's going into your nose.

- (crew laughs)- (rhett) don't go away from me! don't go away from me! stay close! there you go. kiss it. - that is pretty nice.- (crew laughs) (rhett) that is real nice. hold on, but you got those little spots in your beard. - (rhett) let me refill them.- (crew laughs) i feel like bob ross. and then-- hold on,real quick, just... you got a little spot - right in the middle of the 'stache.- okay. - all right, i'm feeling great. - (crew laughs) - (link) so we've got the joker...- (laughs)

- (link) and we've got a tasteful...- what's tasteful about that? - (crew laughs)- it's like you forgot which way his eyes are supposed to go. i just filled in the white patches with red. and that's where you lost. he looks like a sad vampire. - just kidding, though.- (rhett) no, but his eyes are perfect. - (rhett) his eyes are perfect.- natural. (rhett) they're very natural. i could seesomebody going out on a date looking - like that.- (crew laughs) what you did with the lips is just chaos.that's an accident.

no no, it's custom. it's not chaos, it's custom. look at the man's mouth. (rhett) he's got white spots right here, he's got a white spot there... - it all looked like lip to me. - (all laugh) i mean, so clearly your lips are crazy. my eyes... it's just an artistic expression. (link) like, i gave him some things thatpeople are gonna notice him. so... (stevie) okay, guys, do you need a third party judge for this situation? yeah. stevie, weigh in. (stevie) uh, i'm gonna give this one to link. all right, so that puts me at six. you'restill back at three, but it's anybody's

game going into the final event, and youguys look fabulous, so you're the real - winners in this event.- yeah! okay, for our final event, there are fivepoints at stake, so it's any man's game. (rhett) we have to feed jello to these guys. well, they got all dressed up. we should feed 'em too. here's what you're gonna have to do. we gotta take the top of the tupperware off. and we have to get a spoonful of jello.we have to feed it to them successfully. the first man to feed his partner... (chuckles) two spoonfuls of jello wins. - all right.- (stevie) all right. on your mark, get set, go!

you're like a monkey, man! how do you do that? how do you just make... ohh, daddy. (link) this is the hard part right here. if you ever get to it, rhett. (rhett) i just don't have any... i don'thave any gripping power. oh! i'm getting a cramp in my arch again! - (rhett) yeah!- (crew laughs) - (rhett) okay.- (mike) oh, no. - (all laugh)- (rhett) i'm comin, mikey! - mikey, i'm comin'!- are you hungry, chase?

- no.- (crew laughs) - (rhett) oh!- (link) oh. - mikey, i'm sorry.- fair enough. - yeah! yeah, a little slurpy-slurpy.- (crew laughs) mikey, we started on such a good foot. oh, gosh. - (crew laughs)- mike, i can't do it, man! (rhett) hold on, hold on, hold on! i got it, mike! oh! - mike, get your mouth-- oh, gosh!- (all laugh) - (link) so close.- mike, i need you to get your mouth ready.

- (others laugh)- (rhett) mike-- i thought maybe i could just throw it in there! - (rhett) c'mon, now.- (link) my toes are so tired! - (rhett) hey mike...- (chase) don't hit me with the spoon. (rhett) yeah! yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, mike! we got it, mike! we did it! now we gotta get another one real quick! it's good with the lipstick. - (all laugh)- (link) yeah! one for the road! woo! woo! yeah! we did it! we did it, chase! all right!

okay, link, you win with 11 points. 11 to 3. - gimme the socks, man!- (rhett) if we ever get in trouble... - oooh!- we're gonna trust your feet. - i'm gonna put these on.- and you get these rainbow socks. thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. thanks especially to mike and chase. you guys did an amazing job. and you can put makeup on rhett in good mythical more. share this video. you know what time it is. hi. i'm chris from victoria, australia. it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. pick up a hat at the rhettandlink.com/store.randler on the front, camo on the inside.

click through to good mythical more. we'regonna let these guys settle the score. they are gonna put makeup on both of our faces. with their feet. - i'm so excited about that.- bare feet. - oh! bading-ding-ding-ding!- woo! congratulations to.... (rhett) dimensionalcucumber! you wina personalized good mythical morning! now, i don't normally say this about people's cooking, but-- - (computer voice) dimensionalcucumber- makes some of the best oatmeal cookies - i have ever tasted!- i know what you're talking about, yeah. - (computer voice) dimensionalcucumber- really puts a lot of their heart and

soul into each cookie, and it really shines through. bravo. [captioned by caitrin:gmm captioning team]

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