Jumat, 06 Januari 2017

hypoplasia of teeth causes

lutch green extremely strange medical conditions the vampire syndrome vampires don’t exist, but porphyria does.porphyria is a disease that... thumbnail 1 summary
hypoplasia of teeth causes

lutch green extremely strange medical conditions the vampire syndrome vampires don’t exist, but porphyria does.porphyria is a disease that has often beenassociated with vampirism. oversensitivity to sunlight,painful skin redness and blisters when exposed to sunlight, garliccausing agonizing abdominal pain, receding gums giving the appearance of fangs, their urine is reddishto purplish in color, tend to poop purple – sounds familiar? porphyria victims are extraordinarily sensitive to sunlight. even mildexposure can cause severe disfigurement. facial skin may scar, the nose and

fingers may fall off, and the lips and gums may become so taut that the teethproject like fangs. they can only be treated with injections of blood. this disease would likely cause the victim to only go out at night, inorder to avoid the painful rays of the sun. in addition, while garlic stimulates the production of heme in a healthy person, it would onlycause the symptoms of porphyria to become more painfully severe. porphyria is the umbrella term for a group of rare disorders that involvea particular molecule called ‘heme’. heme contains iron and is used in metabolic processes throughout the body. porphyria occurs when the bodycannot convert naturally occurring compounds (called ‘porphyrins’) into heme. they have sharp fang-like teeth, try to avoidsunlight and are called cullen. but this isn't a twilight film. it is the every day reality forsimon cullen, 13, and his brother george, 11. the boys, from sudbury, suffolk, sufferfrom a rare genetic condition known as hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (hed).another rare 'vampire-like' syndrome.

it means the boys cannot sweat, and must avoidtoo much light to stop them overheating. they will never grow a full set of teeth,and the ones they have are sharp fangs. pupula duplex pupula duplex is a latin term which means double pupil, andis thought to be a condition in which a person develops two irises, corneas and retinas on the same eyeball of each eye.it is often referred as double iris and also as "evil eye." pictures and messages about this pupula duplex came intolimelight after ripley's believe it or not featured such a picture of liu ch'ung, a chinese minister of state in 995a.d., who was supposedly born with double pupils in each eye. an eye condition called pupula duplex doesnot exist in official medical literature. however, a condition known as polycoria couldroughly resemble two irises in certain cases.

polycoria is one of the rarest conditions in the world—there have been only ahandful of cases in recorded history. people with true polycoria have two or more pupils in one eye. the pupils are contained in the same iris, but have their ownsphincter muscles and are capable of operating independently of each other. scrotal lymphedema scrotal elephantiasis, or massive scrotallymphedema, is a disease that is caused by obstruction, aplasia, or hypoplasia of thelymphatic vessels draining the scrotum. the scrotal skin is thickened and may exhibit ulcerations insevere cases. it can be either congenital or acquired in nature, with the most common acquired etiology being infection.scrotal lymphedema is common in the tropics and sub-tropics. in very severe cases of lymphedemaof the scrotum, the foreskin of the penis is inverted and the penis isburied in the tissue of the scrotum.

wesley warren jr. , 49, spent more than fouryears with this extra burden before having surgery to repair the damage from a raremedical condition called scrotal lymphedema. when doctors placed the swollen mass they had cut fromwarren's scrotum on the scale, it weighed 132.5 pounds. that's not counting the fluid or smaller pieces of tissuethe surgeons had also removed from the las vegas man. wesley warren jr. died at the university medical center of southernnevada on march 14, 2014 at the age of 50; he reportedly had two heart attacks after being hospitalized for complications fromdiabetes. his death was not tied to his reconstructive surgeries. alien hand syndrome alien hand syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which one handfunctions involuntarily, with the victim completely unaware of its action. the syndrome typically arises after trauma to the brain,after brain surgery or after a stroke or an infection of the brain.

less horrifying symptoms include involuntary reaching and grasping,touching the face or tearing at clothing. more extreme cases have involved involuntarily stuffing food in the mouth, preventing the normal handfrom completing simple tasks and self inflicted punching or choking. while it's viewed as more of a nuisance than a medicalthreat, its sufferers often experience psychological problems and embarrassment and are occasionally put inharm's way as result of the renegade limb's actions. karen byrne, a 55-year-old from new jersey,has suffered from alien hand syndrome for almost two decades, ever since sheunderwent an operation to cure her epilepsy. the rare condition causes byrne's left hand(and occasionally her left leg) to behave as if under the command of an alien intelligence -flailing about and striking her own face and body. persistent genital arousal disorder

persistent genital arousal disorder (pgad) is anewly recognised condition, where the sufferer complains of long periods of genital arousalthat are not associated with sexual desire. pgad sufferers experience intrusive,unsolicited and spontaneous genital arousal that can be unrelenting. this arousal canpersist for hours, days or even longer. this can be highly distressing for a womanand despite attempts to relieve it with sexual activity or orgasm, this oftendoesn't help or can worsen the symptoms. sarah carmen, 24, is a 200-a-day orgasm girl who gets good, good,good vibrations from almost anything. “sometimes i have so much sex to try to calm myself down i get bored of it. and men i sleep withdon’t seem to make as much effort because i climax so easily.” she believes her condition was brought on by the pills. “within a few weeks ijust began to get more and more aroused more and more of the time and i just

kept having endless orgasms. it started off in bed where sex sessions would lastfor hours and my boyfriend would be stunned at how many times i would orgasm. then it would happen after sex. i’d be thinking about whatwe’d done in bed and i’d start feeling a bit flushed, then i’d become aroused and climax. in six months i washaving 150 orgasms a day—and it has been as many as 200.” lamprey disease was one ofthe most terrifying diseases said to be spreading amongthe human population. however, it was later revealed to be an emailhoax that preyed on those who would be particularly grossed out by the idea of a bodypart being replaced by the mouth of a lamprey. a large number of people are reporting a fearof holes. the reaction is so severe that even seeing photos of holes can set off a panicattack. the condition is called trypophobia.

according to website trypophobia.com, “trypophobia is a weird kind ofphobia and it can generally be considered as the fear of holes or shapes.” it is an intense fear of holes that usually instigates a response ofoverwhelming uneasiness and an all over itchy feeling on the body. do you feel something? does itmakes you feel irritated or anxious. of course, being grossedout is a normal feeling.

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