Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

capping worn teeth

meghe dhaka tara(cloud-capped star) supriya choudhury, anil chatterjee,bijon bhattacharya gita de, gita ghatak dwiju bhawal, niranjan roy, g... thumbnail 1 summary
capping worn teeth

meghe dhaka tara(cloud-capped star) supriya choudhury, anil chatterjee,bijon bhattacharya gita de, gita ghatak dwiju bhawal, niranjan roy, gyaneshmukherjee, ranen roy choudhury story by shaktipada rajguru photographed by dinen gupta film editing by ramesh by jyoiirindra moiira production, scenario and directionby ritwik ghatak tell your father you owe us fortwo months. it's getting difficult.

i will i can't do without a shave,so please shave me do you have any ideaof what you owe? a dark girl a dark complexion get off to school now her tuitions should be over;she'll be hurt if she overhears such a responsible girl studying and giving two tuitions,bringing home forty rupees a month

i heard at the meeting thatthere are more and more evictions they might even stop school grants would you like a mat,to sit and gossip on? your sandal is torn, khuki i'll have it mended teacher, about your tax... what a good thing i bumped into, about your dramatic society... "the bumblebee flew humminginto the room" bathe, you're late for college

a love letter! "l didn't appreciate your worth,i thought you were like the others "but now i see you in the clouds... "...perhaps a cloud-capped star,veiled by circumstances... "...your aura dimmed" sanat. that idiot! i haven'tseen him for ages poking your nose into personal affairs if you're a "person", theni'll be a genius one day you know that's true, hence your pride

if only the barber would understandwhat a genius i am can you spare some money?the beards itching two annas, or maybe four... ...or maybe eight - i'd likesome tobacco or why not a whole rupee. you've gotyour tuition money, haven't you? why not get a job, brother? it's beneath an artist's dignity in a couple of years, cash willrain down on me do you know how much amir khan sahibgets for a concert?

remember what i said about the rupee ma, manashi in our college hasa sari with a beautiful motif... ...a cow-girl ma, don't listen to her it's the college's football finaltomorrow i can't wear these awful sarisany more the "heiress" has spent three yearsin the same class i must have studded boots by tomorrow he can't afford food, but he makesdemands like a prince

half the month we can't afforda second course it's the first of the month -sister will have been paid you didn't buy sandals, did you? i'll buy them later. i boughtmaterial for brothers shirt after all these years... isn't thatfather's pupil sanat? don't you recognize me? it's montu, isn't it? what are you gawping at? you've changed so much. you wereonly a girl, and now...

- who?- neeta you write letters, but you don'tcome to see us i know that handwriting; i givethose letters to neeta she's hardly at home, what withcollege and tuitions let's go home. ma will be cross geeta has grown into quite a beauty a beauty... but she can't afforddecent clothes neeta, i need some cash to havethe diagrams printed it's all gone this month, sanat

i can't even buy my brother andsister what they ask i know, but i still bring my woesto you. one feels powerless it's your struggle. can't we share it? i'll find a way next month please visit us. father oftenspeaks of you yes, but only when i’ve some money your spoilt darling will spend itby the fistful after all, ifs her money the hussy must have spent it all,my entire month's budget

i ought to give, but i don' can i say no? no sympathy in the whole world,and no one who'll understand khuki, won't you eat? i'm not feeling well don't be angry with ma deprivation... ifs destroyed her mind i’m not angry remember that poem by yeats, khuki? a bad headache

here's another precious prodigy a god in a devil's clan.shear it off you've bought nice material going to bed already? won't you eat? mother must have said something ignore what people say. your mottoshould be: do what you think best eyes full of tears? they'll fallat the slightest provocation i'll utter a spell. all right? - i'm not feeling well- so i’m uttering it

"mother, your girl's such a khuki.she wants to catch the moon" "she can't make out anything" "she's such a khuki, mother" - a rupee tomorrow, please- there's nothing left all right, next month, then next month it all goes straight to ma whoever gives up moneyis a full-scale idiot where are you going, all dressed up? i couldn't wait till morningto wear it

slightly bovine there's pleasure in practice new month, very busy right now please send last month's bill you'll settle it? what did you want? just the bill not going to college? flunking exams for novels and films everything's scarce in this house,you don't have anything you need

so create a paradise dress like fairies, all of you i'll rest, wriggling my big toe,in perfumed splendour this year you and shankarjust have to sing for us i've given up singing, and shankar'smaestro won't give him permission but we'll invite lots of guests.we must talk this over all right, i'll call in at thelibrary and see you well, how are the rehearsals? not making much progress

progress indeed! the tuition money all of it? i asked banshi to send his bill.he's so rude every day keep five rupees for pocket-money have you no shame, living offyour old father? the girl works to fool your bills i'll be earning, too since the radio audition i get lotsof calls, my maestro's furious

he won't let me perform untili’ve studied for another two years hasn't your maestro a hennaed beard? why not just grab it and hang onlike a midget? why come here? does any young man sit at home? my bread doesn't come cheap how can i look people in the eye?no food for you, unless you pay up - going off without eating?- you told ma i’m a glutton "he can't make out anything.he's such a khuka, mother" why destroy the future because ofsuch simple bickering?

grit your teeth and hang onfor two years khuki, only you know my worth going off like that... don't you knowwhat's on tomorrow? it's jagatdhatri puja it's your birthday father's taking me out,like he used to where to? anywhere, ifs not decided all right. i'll come, too.don't tell him

brother, you're such a child father would refuse if i told him sunrise didn't keats have a poem? this flourishing field... ii costsnothing to perceive its beauty there is no money, but this is here appreciating life is an art don't overdo it, you'll getindigestion will you always be this greedy?

you shouldn't say such things anything for us? sir, your tax is three months overdue come tomorrow morning,i'll see what i can do aren't you in that group of... i left. i wasn't getting any parts an actor, is it? who are you? i’m sanat, sir

you got a good second in pure physics someone told me... khuki told me yes, we meet sometimes what's happened? you're so paleand drawn what are your plans? i'm looking for a scholarshipto do doctoral research monkey! - for a d.phils are all too common swine!

what's the subject of your thesis? the reynolds number of the supersonicvibration of the lower gangetic plain ape! not you, i mean shankar.i was comparing you two he's done nothing son, have a bite to eat so you're immersed in studies? no other way out in life what a lovely place

i haven't time give sanat some tea ls sanat here? what are you staring at?take this, i’m late how do you manage to sit indoorsall evening? drink the tea. i'll go late fortuition, as you're here let's go for a walk a walk, i said. miles away,weren't you? where is everyone?

what's this? get out at once! dear me, what's going on? come inside you know the guru i told you about when was that? bring home all the vagabonds!can't feed yourself... beginning's a bit troublesome such a lovely'd be spellbound if you bring such a nuisance again...

quick, bring some money don't tell your mother. we're busy.lessons to be taught we're going out. i'll do the tuitionon the way back it won't work. i can't managewithout a job no, you mustn't but i can't get a scholarship after so much work just a few more months and then?

then i'll get a job and with your earnings... it makes no difference you're so gifted - that picture in my room...- the two kids? me and brother once we went up to the hills we got up before dawn to see thesunrise from a peak. how hard it was but when the sun came...i can't explain the thrill

brother used to tease me:"she wants to catch the moon" he still teases me neeta, you're just not cut outto endure all this then keep me in a glass case,like a wax doll i'll be late for tuition that's why i come to you,you make my worries vanish no cause for alarm, just a broken bone neeta, a word with you such an injury in old'll take long to mend

you'll have to run the householdfrom now on i'll give a sedative,it'll last until morning what brings you here? weren't youfinishing your studies this year? i couldn't. i’ve had to take a job you'd better spin a new yarnabout your rent - i said yesterday...-"you'll get it as soon as i do" do you take us for your benefactor,to rest on our shoulder? why not get a job? settle down in life you'll never understand sufferingfor an ideal

i asked your friend sarojwhat could be done about it what did he say? national chemical, joy engineering,jagat hosiery three jobs just waiting for you... ...and you're researching hot airin the atmosphere sir, the lady's here your ideal is here what a time i’ve had.luckily, i got a job the way things are afterfather's accident...

i can't say i like it.why abandon your studies? what can i do? so many at home, all counting on me walk me to the station "praise to the goddess of learning,bestower of perseverance" and four annas for me, for a shave "goddess of learning,mother of the universe" it will be unbearable if i do researchwhile you work i'll work and you study.i can easily get a job

then our wedding... can't happen now how can it? if i leave the household... my father, brothers and sister... shankar's a rascal, why support him? you don't understand him at all one day he will be big,and you will, too i pin my hopes on both of you then my time will come

that means, until then... we must wait why should we wait? don't be silly i'll drop by in a day or two i have a question come along a singer can certainly afford a shave have you shorn off your senseof shame, too?

what shame? the lot of you living off one sister,destroying her future everyone's talking about it.aren't you the elder brother? banshi, just because you give creditit doesn't mean you can criticize i call neeta "sinbad the sailor" they're all on her shoulders,like the old man of the sea that'll be her fate untilshe drops dead "wasting all my days" "i've come to the river at a bad time.i don't know your name, boatman"

"who shall i call out to?" "who will row me across?" "the boat is here, but no boatman" "no! a soul to be seen" sir, i’ve finished the lesson it's late. you'd better go home, son montu has skipped college for a month.i heard today that he's failed he's been struck off the roll becausehe couldn't pay the fees what good would college do him,anyway?

it's just as well that girl has a job father, do you know about montu? no need to tell me. bad newstravels fast everyone knows you're the happiestto see us harmed you and your young man wife! because he's known as a sportsman,montu's been given a factory job he was frightened to tell you.he's brought home his first pay everything's kept secret from me,as if i were an enemy

like father, like children i won't touch this money. you canrun the household and face the music a job in a factory? labour! so what? these jobs have betterprospects nowadays see what the middle classeshave sunk to? help me into the next room you all think i just pick fault time has taken a heavy tollof my mind and spirit somethings come over me

you needn't explain, ma i can't take the burden of thishousehold any more. set me free if shankar had been a man, youwouldn't have to shoulder the burden brother is very nice don't count on your father any more.maybe he will stand and walk again but i think his mind isbecoming confused he won't be able to earn again.i’ve known him since i was seven don't worry, ma... i’m here you, too, have your hopes...lots of things, i expect

anyway, you're all i have yes, but i can't help thinking you're my sole support...that's the truth but even you scare me my own daughter, yet i don't know you what if you go away, too? i still don't know you - oh, it's you- just listening - what is it?- come and eat, it's late

- why haven't you eaten?- because you haven't eaten i bother you all the time, don't i? - how sentimental- not really your whole future... your marriage... people are turning nasty it hurts your manhood? - haven't you an ego?- something much bigger: my music right now i’m exploiting you but deep down it really disturbs me

are you serious? i love you all to distraction we all love each other,but we shy from saying so if anyone else loves me,he'll surely wait for me it doesn't worry me i won't marry right now i'll many when you becomereally famous won't i survive until then? all my suffering will vanish then

don't you vanish, too will you take me to the hills then?"she's such a khuki, mother" i will. you're such a child "banish sadness and poverty,bring happiness to all" "sadarang makes a plea" "o being! i shall worship you,supreme being" what have you done to yourself? don't fall. i spoke like father why haven't you come for so long?

i can't seem to make it - the question you were going to ask?-l don't feel the need i'll be back after tuition he's sitting all alone.should i talk to him? ot perhaps go out? i don't know, whatever you like why are you gawping? shall we go for a stroll?sister won't be coming, you know "firefly, man has no pity for you!"

i’ve kept them waiting. a friendof mine works there if ifs a good job, take it leave the hostel, find a nice flatand many a nice girl let's see the way you are, your life will passin gawping my sandals. take them off mine are unwearable. i went toa concert with my maestro... work, and wear what you like dear montu, give me some money

eight annas, four... how much can youscrounge off neeta? my hair's so long... shouldn't a beggar look like a beggar? brother, go to your room you're upset, aren't you? "i’ve raised you since you were kids" let him talk get some clothes made get a haircut and look a pair of sandals no, you'll suffer. those who sufferfor others, suffer for ever

you're a complete the words of banshi dutt: "sinbad the sailor" - or how coulda fool like me make a fool of you? what sort of boy is sanat? why? that boy has no principles where does all the money go? your salary, the tuition money,montu's salary... it's difficult you'll end up with no home, no money

sister, herds the money - only fifty?-l had to pay a month's hostel fee he's decided to live in the factoryhostel from now on leaving home? yes, ifs hard to get there from here,and a sportsman needs good food we could arrange it here no, i'll come and give youwhatever i can spare young chap, he has his needs and his old folks just sit and eat

go and get the shopping i saw sanat at our head office today he's in the stores department.imagine that, a science student - what salary?- three hundred at least the boss is his pal, you see sanat isn't here, he left last month you'd like to have his address,i suppose i took a job are you leaving?

have you thought of gettinggeeta married? no, neeta first. one shouldthink serially you've educated her, that's whyshe can run the household it's less difficult to find a groomfor a working girl get her married. you'll have timeenough to twiddle your thumbs what will happen here if she leaves? you can't exploit the poor girlall her life so what will you eat? - where have you been?- out for a stroll

- your exams are soon- exams are beyond me - what, then?- marriage - to whom? does ma know?- sanat rushing into the noon sun won't help not everyone has patience;something you ought to know - any news of montu?- he's playing a match in delhi geeta was talking about yourear-rings and bangles - you know her she needs them more than i do listen, i didn't really want itlike this

- how much yoghurt?- whatever you think in the past they married daughters offto the dying. they were barbarians now we are educated, civilized we educate our girl, wring her dryand destroy her future that's the difference it's time for tea. i'll get it for you childhood seems so far away and those hills... they don't seemto be of this earth no one climbs hills any more;they plumb the depths instead

i've got a job in a music school.don't tell ma continue your studies, too.i'll organize the funds will you teach me one oftagore's songs? soft-hearted idiots like youget hurt most! i’m leaving home even though i’m a nobody i can't take it any more i’m leaving in protest you'll go on suffering in silenceand gel smothered

want to learn a song? i'll have to sing at the wedding "the night the storm blew openmy doors" "little did i know that youwould come in" "everything went dark" "the lamp dimmed" "i reached up to the heavens,not knowing why" "little did i know thatyou would come in" "in darkness i lay dreaming"

"could t know that the stormwas the pennant of your triumph?" "in the morning did i see" "you standing there" "standing in what was an empty room" haven't you gone to work? i’m not well. i’m feverish you've stopped going to the library - a letter from montu's factory- what about? last night's shift... he's badly hurt

the machine caught him.this was expected i’m going to the hospital this was else could it end? the surgeon said he'll needa blood transfusion will it cost a lot? yes. the crisis isn't over yet your skin's very warm. you'rerunning about with such a fever? - i'm often like this- every evening? get an x-ray she's terribly withdrawn, doctor

she won't say what's on her mind.i sense trouble she's feverish all because of montu's accident all this running aboutthese last two days if you can spare the time,please take a look at her i’ve come to see geeta i haven't eaten. can i have some water? - where has she gone?- to bed not at the office?

i don't go quite often.i don't like it and your office? montu is in hospital after an accident i’ve been in a terrible state he needs a blood transfusion.i hadn't even time to inform you neeta's here so i see. how long have you been here? it's getting late. i must go - you let her go?- she didn't come to see me

you're jumping to conclusions no need montu's in hospital after an accident neeta came with something on her mind what's your name, dear girl? it would be wise to have an x-ray.i can easily arrange it what if i’m really ill?i’m the family breadwinner anyway, please pay for the transfusion - how's montu?- all right

what about some tea? can you help me to get some moneyfor blood and medicines? i can't raise any. that's whyi came to see geeta - how much?- about 150 rupees i feel dizzy rest a little, for your own sake my own sake... looking like a's hard, earning one's bread i'll give you the money here tomorrow - there were 150 rupees here-l gave them to ma

you mean neeta -i did. it's my money- an old flame getting nasty won't help.i’m warning you "come to me, my daughter uma" "let me garland you with flowers" "you are the soul of my sad self,mother deliverer" "let me bid you farewell, my daughter" "you leave my home can i endure your departure?" heard about shankar? they say he'smade a name for himself in bombay

what's happened? making your bedso late, in the outer room? inner or outer, what does it matterin this forlorn house? you won't tell me anything, will you? time was, mother, but you didn't hear there's such a void between us my life seems unsupportable hence this barrier must you wail now? i must work tomorrow

going to work? something i wanted to say - what can you do about it?-l can't put on an act not an act penance maybe penance? what have you done? i've never protested againstany injustice that's my sin i shouldn't have accepted it, surely

go home have you nothing to say? what can i say? i’m removed from it all there's only work now neeta, you're whole again.i want to be whole, too i'll leave my job... ...go back to a life of struggle i'm not completely lost toa sense of...

i can't bang my head on the wallfor ever give her this medicine in the evening.keep an eye on her she fainted are you feeling ill? i can ask for you to have leave "no, it's useless" "a poor brahman in mathura" "who had never known happiness" "once begged for a whole day"

"and returned without a grain" "he sat beneath a tree, downcast" "he sat beneath a tree and wept" "then the sage satyanarayana" "approached in the guise of a fakir" let's have a look go away god doesn't overwhelm you all at time you learn to bear up the boss himself brought him home

my montu still has a job they'll pay good compensation, too.more than 1,000 rupees, isn't it? "on this auspicious day, you're happywith your friends" it's shankar, isn't it? your picture's in the papers.made it big in bombay, have you? you're the pride of bengal, lad let 'em know that bengalhas tigers, too you get 500 per concert? no, i don't accept less than 1,200

"your perfumed body, your foreheadmarked with sandal-paste" "doe-eyed, with sweeping lashes" "may your wisdom be for your people" "and be happy with your lordand friends" lots of people talk about you you must give me a necklace,if it's a boy will you never live at home? if this house is so bad, change it will we ever lose the fear of eviction?

yet here people strike roots, builda nest, forget their troubles tell him. i’ve always wanteda two-storey house demolish this and build two storeys the clay-walled room can stayand be restored my mind... can you restore that, too? so that i can read wordsworth againand be fulfilled where's khuki? in that room. goes to work, thenstays in there. eats there, too talks to no one. keeps everythinghidden

feverish, ill... she doesn't tell even washes her own dishes hiding love letters even now? i was just thinking... each of you has found a niche now as in childhood... ...l have no responsibilities what's the matter? khuki has t.b. it's serious

my poor sister i accuse! whom? no one i'll arrange treatment for her.i'll stay here tonight i’ve packed your things you go away they dream of two storeys you've been successful

you've put them on their feet, dear what would they be without you? they pity you today you weren't up to carrying the burden,but you had to you're the burden yourself now there's poison in your breath this room is for the newborn go away, dear "let me bid you farewell now,my daughter"

"you leave my home desolate,going to your husband's house" "how can i endure your departure,my daughter?" where are you going? i’ve made the arrangements.a sanatorium in shillong and then... you'll see the hills at last does she like the hills? "cloud-capped star" sanat's letter

i wonder why i kept it so long our house has a second storey now.geeta's son is toddling about ls he naughty? does he jump about a lot? he's made life hell for father he climbs the stairs all by himself the kid's so full of life he loves climbing the stairs i wanted to live!

tell me just once that i'll live i want to go home, brother.i want to live! did you visit your sister?how is she now? why don't you say something? no one remembers her here any more she went by every day,sandals flapping such a quiet girl. why did shesuffer so much?

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