Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

capping teeth without root canal

morning angela. hi gerry we missed you yesterday,are you okay? not really, i spent the day at home with a bad toothache o'dear! haveyou ... thumbnail 1 summary
capping teeth without root canal

morning angela. hi gerry we missed you yesterday,are you okay? not really, i spent the day at home with a bad toothache o'dear! haveyou seen anyone about it? yes, i have. last week i saw my dentist she told me the toothshould be extracted and i should have a tooth implant that sounds drastic. isn't there anotherway? i'm not sure, i'd really like to keep my tooth but my dentist isn't confident itcan be saved. man, so many of my friends are having teeth pulled instead of thinking aboutthe options i get a bit worked up about this. i mean, sure, these days dental implants seemvery high tech and i've heard they have a good success rate, but it's always preferableto keep your own teeth if possible. wouldn't root canal treatment be the way togo? my dentist isn't in favor of a root canal

treatment because she says the tooth's alreadybeen root filled before. well, are you going to get a second opinion? perhaps i should.recently i had a bad abscess and i had it treated by what's known as an endodontist.o. sounds scary, i know, but it's not. endodontist's are root canal specialist, mine explains thatthey can do straightforward root treatments or they can recreate root canal therapy that'sfailed. he said they can also seal up internal cracks or repair perforations in roots, removeold posts infected files and a minor root surgery. wow, that's impressive. so they aretrue experts? indeed, it's what they do all day, every workingday and sometimes they can even save a tooth that you'd think would be beyond saving. myendodontist saved my teeth even though it

was badly broken down. since then i've hada new crown fitted and it feels like a new tooth again. well maybe i should see if it'sworth trying to save my tooth. will i need a referral to see your endodontist? no, youwon't, it's not like seeing the medical specialists. i'll give you his number just call him andexplain your situation and wait till you see his giant microscope, it's as big as a fridge,and it lets him see clearly inside the minute canals of your dental roots. cool, thanksangela i'm almost looking forward to it. i might even ask my dentist to send my x-raysover to your root canal specialist. by the way do you know if it will cost a lot to havea root canal treatment? i believe in most cases it costs less than an implant. the endodontistwill give you a cost estimate when he talks

with you about your prospects for saving thetooth and how successful it should be then you will be able to weigh up all your optionsbefore you decide. excellent, i suppose it can't hurt to get a second opinion and befully informed. i'm really glad i bump into you today angela. thanks so much for youradvice. my pleasure.

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