Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

capping teeth procedure

after the crown is made, you know there'stwo ways of planning the crown, attaching it to the implant, abutment or post. one isthey screw... thumbnail 1 summary
capping teeth procedure

after the crown is made, you know there'stwo ways of planning the crown, attaching it to the implant, abutment or post. one isthey screw it down or the other way is to cement it on. the recommended way is to cementit on so once the crown is cemented over the post, it stays nice and strong. we don't wantthe crown to be one piece with the implant and the post. and the main thing is if thebite is not correct, and you're hitting it very hard, a lot of times because of thatif it's glued on or cemented on, the crown will pop off. but if it's screwed in, it can'tcome off, so that pressure continues and some patients will get used to it. and if theydo what happens is over time, it will damage the support of the implant. and the bone willdisengage and then you're going to have the

whole thing in your hand. and this is somethingthat's been proven over and over again. so now with all the crowns that we do recommendit's cemented down instead of screwed in. once it's cemented down, then you recheckthe occlusion, the bite. make sure it's in the passive bite, and then once we're ableto get a passive bite, then it should be very safe and very simple. for single crown thatfits well, the cementing itself is within minutes. it's very, very fast. and this typeof cement we use is called improv, it's a glass anomer cement. it has a rubbery baseso the excess can peel off very cleanly. we don't have to go in there and scrape it off.so it maintains the high shine of the surface.

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