Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

capping teeth pictures

so are you curious to know what a dental bridgeis? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i'm going ... thumbnail 1 summary
capping teeth pictures

so are you curious to know what a dental bridgeis? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i'm going toexplain to you and how you what a dental bridge is. pretty much a bridge is basically a typeof crown, it's a one unit crown that is used to sand an empty space between two teeth soif you can kind of think that when you have a bridge over a large span of water that isvery similar to a dental bridge. it's either you have the empty space or you have had thetooth extracted or the tooth is just missing and then the two teeth on either adjacentside of it is reduced in size and shaven down in size and in thickness and then an impressionis taken of that area and then that impression is sent off to the dental lab and then theyactually make your bridge which then in return

will look like this on the other side. itwill actually look like your natural teeth and then what the function of a dental bridgeis basically it provides chewable function for you so therefore you don't have any missingareas and then also too it is for aesthetic purposes and so therefore you don't have justa gap in the middle of your mouth and if you get a bridge it will be much more aestheticallyappeasing. so a dental bridge is a great treatment option to have done especially if you havean empty space in that area. so once again my name is michelle. i'm a dental assistantwith solutionz and i just explained to you what a dental bridge is.

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