Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

capping teeth meaning

have you ever wondered what veneers are? wellmy name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i'm here to explain t... thumbnail 1 summary
capping teeth meaning

have you ever wondered what veneers are? wellmy name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i'm here to explain toyou the true meaning of veneers. basically veneers is another form of a crown, but it'sslightly different, because a crown covers the full body of the tooth. and with veneersit only covers the facial surface of your tooth. so what i mean by facial surface ijust mean the front part of your tooth. and basically it's an easy procedure to have done.you would need to see your general dentist to determine if you would be a good candidatefor a veneers, not everybody or not every tooth is a candidate for veneers. so basicallywhat they do is they go in with the drill, they kind of just shave down the front partof your tooth. a little bit on the back part

of your tooth also and between your teeth.they take an impression after the preparation is done. they send that off to a dental labtechnician and then they come back with basically a veneer. it looks - it's a porcelain basedmaterial. it's all porcelain. and they just cement it on the front part of your tooth.veneers are a great treatment option for if you want that instant braces, instant whitening,because you can actually pick the shade of the teeth. the shape of them also. so youcan kind of pick the color and the shape. if you want them long, if you want them short,or boxy. whatever basically aesthetically looks pleasing to you. so, once again, myname is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz, and i just explained to youthe definition of veneers.

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