Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

best toys for teething puppies

narrator: therapydog trainer patricia is watching danielle interactwith spaniel mix phoebe. ok, so just a little bitof what's going on r... thumbnail 1 summary
best toys for teething puppies

narrator: therapydog trainer patricia is watching danielle interactwith spaniel mix phoebe. ok, so just a little bitof what's going on right here though is phoebe'swanting to climb on danny. phoebe wanted to play withdanny like she was a littermate. and so she was jumping onher and climbing on her head and biting at her hair. i'm so glad yousaid that because this happens so frequently.

and then she gets very growly. so danny, whatyou need to do, when you start gettingthat growling, is to make yourself look bigger. so you can sit up andhave more [inaudible]. yeah, especially if you wanther to be a therapy dog. right, we want to train her. i don't want herto be a therapy dog! well, maybe one day you will.

if you could see whatshe could do for you, i think you wouldmaybe change your mind. right, for all of us. that's true. so now what i'm goingto do, we're going to give phoebe a little bitty break. and i will bringout another dog. all right, this is katie. look how she stays.

this is my dog. what's so wonderful abouthaving a therapy dog is, hey! what are you doing? katie can get excitedand you can play. and yay, good girl, very nice! and then as soon asi start acting calm, can find her to calmdown and match my mood. i was amazed athow katie could just be playful andrambunctious one second

and literally calmdown another second. all right, andthen you want to try just sitting down, andseeing if she'll come over and lay down with you. so say katie, down. katie, down. oh my god. aw. oh, gosh.

she was just so sweet andlaying in danielle's lap, and i can see how it justeven calmed danielle so much. so if you pet herreally calmly and slowly and rub her tummy, then she'sgoing to just match your mood. oh my gosh. that dog is so good. how much for your dog? [laughs] narrator: but whenphoebe's back in the room,

danielle's tauntingstarts again. yeah, dan, dan? danielle, are you listening? yes. so what we probablyshould do is get up and not do thatbecause she's looking at you like another dog. like a littermate. but phoebe is tired.

so it's likemoments like this, if can encourage bothof them to do this for as long as they will. narrator: and the family geta glimpse of what could happen with targeted therapy training. anytime we find phoebein the mood to do this, we need to go with it andwe need to encourage it. and we need to stopwhat we're doing and have them havethese moments.

that does wonders. danielle: it wouldbe really nice when i was angry if phoebe wouldcome over and i could pet her. it made me calmwhen she was calm. jeff: so i think thefuture is bright as far as the training with phoebe. and i think that wecan get to that place where phoebe can belike katie because i'd go buy katie right now andjust get that dog to our house.

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